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i hate college


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I've been asking myself that same question since I was old enough to know that one day I would have to get a job. However I've been working on a solution. Marry rich. Then it doesn't matter what job I'm working because I will have so much money it won't be important. Now all I need to do is find a rich beautiful woman with long blonde or maybe brown hair that can cook, clean, put up w/video games, talk about cars, watch football, and love me forever. :D lol

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School sucks but work also sucks.

At school you work on shit and your always broke, but you lots of people which is the up side. Same goes for post-grad.

Work, you at least make $, but some of the people you have to work with are just goddam awful. If you know how to BS effectively you can pretty much do anything. :mad:

Well I shouldnt complain that much, I like my WORK, but I just hate the place I'm doing it at.

Other than that...hmmm..HAPPY, HAPPY MONDAY!!!!!:D :D :D

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Originally posted by vicman

If you know how to BS effectively you can pretty much do anything. :mad:

BS'ing is the single most important skill. I BS so much at work that a truthful word has never escaped my mouth in or around my office. :D

Fuck! I've got a ton of stuff to do today before I leave. What the hell am I still doing on CP???

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Fuck! I've got a ton of stuff to do today before I leave. What the hell am I still doing on CP???

dont forget to pack your underware, i hear that that shit is expensive down there.

and while your down there check if the toilet REALLY does flush the opposite way as it does here. :D

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Originally posted by vicman

dont forget to pack your underware, i hear that that shit is expensive down there.

and while your down there check if the toilet REALLY does flush the opposite way as it does here. :D

I was definitely planning on checking the toilet flushing thing. Which way does it flush here? I've got the super duper high pressure jet toilets at my office, which don't create a nice swirl on the way down. Just kinda wooshes it all away. So someone check their toilet for me before the day's out! :D

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It's definitely all about how much/well you can BS. The best bs'r win's. Damn I wish I was still in school, ahh I love sleeping late, no traffic to deal with, none of that everday crap. Shady, I believe it flushes clockwise. Ever see the Simpsons episode?

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Yup I second that, the toilet flushes clockwise...definitely been some time since I had to hurl in the toilet after a good night out, I used to know the direction the toilet flushed by heart by the shear frequency of hurling in it. Something is not right here, I need to hurl more:D :D :D

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Smuggle a little kangaroo back for me, I want one for my house. Just need to think a name for it. He's gonna be out with me, I'll bring him for walks, jump rope with him and everything. I could find many uses for that little pouch of his too....

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Originally posted by pgiddy

Smuggle a little kangaroo back for me, I want one for my house. Just need to think a name for it. He's gonna be out with me, I'll bring him for walks, jump rope with him and everything. I could find many uses for that little pouch of his too....

yeah that is true..i think baby kangaroos are fairly tiny when they are born, hence the pouch that serves as protection in their early month after emerging from the womb...such device enables the recent born to be protected against the inclemencies of the weather, harsh in the Australian savanah, to say the least.

Ok my point here, you can smuggle a few dozen baby 'roos in your back pack or somethin' and pass 'em along.:D

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Originally posted by vicman

yeah that is true..i think baby kangaroos are fairly tiny when they are born, hence the pouch that serves as protection in their early month after emerging from the womb...such device enables the recent born to be protected against the inclemencies of the weather, harsh in the Australian savanah, to say the least.

Who are you? Cliff Claven? :laugh:

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I'm pretty sure that it flushes clockwise. I have those super powered power washing toilets here to and they have more of an explosion than a swirl. I mind as well be in prison because this school (VMI) is definately not fun.:( It will all be worth it though when I get some great job I can bs all day and have a fat little ring on my finger. Too bad there isn't a sanatation degree here.:laugh:

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i wonder if we are noticing a trend in toilet manufacturing? Im all for traditional old skool toilet bowls that swirled...all of this toilet explosion s*it is something that does not strike my fancy!

Yup, its all BS and "yes, sir" "yes, ma'am" and eventually youll get to upper management when you will have the delight of receiving BS from everyone and have everyone tell you "yes sir" or "yes ma'am"

How sweet life is!:D

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Originally posted by vicman

i wonder if we are noticing a trend in toilet manufacturing? Im all for traditional old skool toilet bowls that swirled...all of this toilet explosion s*it is something that does not strike my fancy!

The explosive toilets definitely suck ass. Especially when you have to do a pre-flush before your turn. Some of those explosive toilets aren't designed right, and any pre-flush will end up mangling the toilet seat with whatever goodies may have been in the bowl when you got there. A little too much power, if you ask me. I hate having to run out of the stall to avoid the sewage geyser that almost always erupts out of the supercharged toilets they put in office buildings these days. :rolleyes:

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My high school had those, but they were the automatic flush kind, which didn't phase the guys much but every time a girl tried to use one of these things, it was a fiasco. The stupid sensors just get motion so it went something like this:

sit down, toilet flushes, jump off the toilet to avoid the geyser, sit down again before the sensor reloads (repeat part 1 until you actually get there in time that the sensor doesn't go off again), be scared out of your wits when it flushes again as you reach for the toilet paper, then, when you get off the toilet the sensor hasnt' reloaded yet and you have to flush the stupid thing yourself anyway. Ahh, irony...

Then someone figured out that we could put band-aids over the sensors and that solved the problems permanently. Was this thread about college?

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You people can complain about anything. I would much rather have it stronger then weak, because I don't want to see a bunch of crap(literally) in the toliet when I go there. I go to get rid of it not to see it. Ahhh vixen those were the days, in my high school you could always tell what females were throwing up, their face was always wet from getting soaked by the geyser......

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