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the average clubber is worthless trash

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Big Booo to the original poster putting down club-goers.

Negativity is not good. It sounds like someone needs to buy some techs and express themselves through the music they go to clubs to hear. It's an excellent stress reliever, and makes you REALLY appreciate the DJ gods and what they can do on a nightly basis. Its what I did when I got fustrated with the meatheads in my local clubs. I bought some decks, spent half my day at work wax hunting, and spun by night. The next time I went to the same club, the meatheads were still there, being drunk and stupid, but I didn't care. I was appreciating the DJ displaying his years of hard work doing a job he loves.

I'm not preaching, just expressing my views.

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Originally posted by deanna11

you go out to flaunt your sexuality and money. you pay exorbitant amounts of money to be treated like shit by the staff, and then even more to intoxicate yourself into confidence to dance and socialize

and years later, how is it different? have you found peace with the ugliness that is you? has hiding yourself behind tight clothes, muscles, and makeup made you feel beautiful to the other equally hidden clubbers?

have you found the partner of your dreams, the cracked out whore who finds greater joy in his pills and bumps than you? are your dear club friends going to be there if you stop clubbing?

have you done anything to better yourself, in intellect, in health, in mentality or any definition of progress?

Someones been looking in the mirror I see

Maybe people go to clubs :: dare I say it :: FOR THE MUSIC

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You say that it is also ignorant to not read past the written word... Perhaps this is true, however in such a trivial message board posting, you may be going just a bit far. But that is all a matter of opinion, now isn't it. Like you said, the writer was attempting to open the floor for discussion and debate, and that is exactly what I'm doing, and exactly what you're doing by responding to my initial objection to that post. Despite his intentions, the word was said, so I responded, and there is nothing ignorant in that, my dear. I certainly hope that the way in which I responded was of no offense to anyone because, indeed, I was simple responding for the same reason he wrote the post. For that reason, and a bit of boredom... Nothing in any way to worry about or get excited over.


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Originally posted by deanna11

you go out to flaunt your sexuality and money. you pay exorbitant amounts of money to be treated like shit by the staff, and then even more to intoxicate yourself into confidence to dance and socialize

and years later, how is it different? have you found peace with the ugliness that is you? has hiding yourself behind tight clothes, muscles, and makeup made you feel beautiful to the other equally hidden clubbers?

have you found the partner of your dreams, the cracked out whore who finds greater joy in his pills and bumps than you? are your dear club friends going to be there if you stop clubbing?

have you done anything to better yourself, in intellect, in health, in mentality or any definition of progress?

Umm...okay glad you let us know that :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

One question who made you the god of the club scene??? I agree some of it is fake, but not everyone is in that "group". And as far as intellect goes, check yours at the door, because what I see is ignorance. Like my quote once said "Ignorance is bold, and knowledge reserved". Well you know what part of the quote you fit into.....

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Originally posted by katie5481

and there is nothing ignorant in that, my dear.

there's just something about that 'my dear' at the end that i find simultaneously condescending, as well as endearing.

and i, my dear, was only making a generalization when i say 'ignorance' also comes in the form of not reading beyond the obvious (and from some of the unintelligible responses, it is obvious that the entire discussion was not read, and a 'take offense' rant was quickly snapped up in a dronelike manner after the poster read only the subject line), and the failure to understand the underlying message.

there is a difference to expressing an opinion (i.e. i disagree/you're wrong because such and such) vs. expressing an idiotic 'i take offense to your comment' rant (i.e. you must be a loser to post that). to form an opinion, you must first understand what it is you just read. otherwise, it's garbage in, garbage out.

to those: i know reading can be a chore, but once you're done with your picture book, it's okay to move on to the pop-up books. if you need any help, i'll be more than glad to demonstrate for you.


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