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An old friend dropped by just moments ago with QUITE the surprise in his magic bag... those good old cow-patty-grown, blue-bruisin fungi. Yum, yum yum! Haven't had these in ages and now debating what debauched use to put them to.

Suggestions, anyone? Also, people's ways to deal with the taste?

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Get a good friend.

Dry them out a bit (without heat) toss em in a blender with a bit of OJ, blend and immediately slam it before the psylocin oxidizes.

Then hit the clubs!!! Pick one in a decent area where you can leave and walk around if you like.

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Originally posted by shroomy

If you make hot tea, you are wasting half of the active compounds in the shrooms. If you have lots, its not a big deal, but worth mentioning.

hmmm i thought it was the opposite... Oh well you seem to be the expert so i trust

Its just we made tea once and split 2 1/8's 5 ways, because we were under the impression that if you make tea with them it stretches it a little, we all tripped our fuckin balls off. guess they were just good shrooms

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The active ingrediant in shrooms are psilocybin and psilocin. Psilocybin breaks down into psilocin in the body so they are both equally as potent. The problem is that psilocin breaks down from both heat and oxygen.

btw it turns blue when it oxidizes, so the blue you see is the inactive psilocin, so dont bruse your shrooms, you are being wastefull, or bruse a small portion to see how blue it turns for a rough estimatin of its strength.

they are found in roughly equal amounts in most psycoactive mushrooms, so if you cook or heat them too high, you are decreasing their potency by half. Same thing if you blend them and leave them exposed to air, wich is why I said to drink them imediately after you blend them.

-Shroomy :)

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