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Why we have fun with geob69 (Rene read this!)


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Rene brought up a good point in the other Space post, about us ragging on geob69. So for Rene's benefit, I'll rehash a little history.

BTW I don't think anyone has any bad feelings for geo, its just that what he lacks in size he makes up for in ego.

Now for my case..

#1) he calls himself geob69

#2) his email is geostud69@aol.com..... yes thats stud69

#3) lets take a look at some of the pics he likes to post






and to prove that he does own a shirt


Now lets look at some of his words of wisdom...

Originally posted by geob69

just curious if there are like any fine ladies in cp here from miami? well heres a pic off me and my girlies<<

Originally posted by geob69

bam bam bam bam here u go

--shirtless pic--


Attachment: fuck.jpg

why to bad and no not fl<< fl is wack << miami<< la la land why to bad?? have somthing in mind? ouch im bad really bad spank me << heres another pic

Attachment: pimps2.jpg

well keep in touch for sure and will party ill show u a very good time "miami" and may i ask were u are from ?? oh about showing u a good time u take it how u want it?? lol im bad

So Geo obviously considers himself quite a pimping ladies man, and I see these pics on the board and figure well, maybe he is, and likes to toot his own horn.

Then.... I run into him at the club, actually trip over him was more like it. He's like 5' tall. and notice the pic with all his friends, hes like the tallest one there. WTF?? all these pics make him look like this huge stud, when he really looks more like a WWF action figure. OK maybe a couple of inches bigger.

Now being short is no big deal, just like being bald is no big deal (but Im glad I am tall w/ hair :) ) but when you post all this egotisticall crap, you are fair game.

If I jump up and say Im the biggest ladies man in the world (which I am not!!!) and start posting pics of myself with my shorts undone and no shirt. I am obviously looking for a little attention.

Well Stacey and I were just giving him the attention he so obviously wanted.

but I will say it again. I have nothing against geo, he is a very entertaining guy, and I am sure we would have a ball out drinking and raising hell. But you better be able to take a few good natured shots! There are personal attacks, and there is good natured joking.

we were joking, why? because he jumped up and down with a bullseye on his back going "shoot me shoot me!"

so Rene...... hope you realize what was going on :)

and geo... its all in fun, really.

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shroomy shroomy shroomy ....youve outdone yourself once more......

of course who you to take personal at someone .....makes you fell better huh shroomy

by the way what are you doing with so many pictures of this guy and you have like all his posts up on ur wall......weirdo.

leave him alone hes partying having a good time unlike you hating on everyone.:jawdrop::knife:

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hmmm i see i got fans lmao dont worry guys and gals i dont take anything personal here its all just fun and games im sure we have better things to worry about than to actually get mad at post from people .... i have opinions and so does every1 so hey like i said all in fun and games !!!

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Beyondo acts like an act of simple information retreival is somehow strange. Are you *that* slow? Christ, it's the 21st century, if it takes you more than a few minutes to find out something, it's quite pathetic. Sure I'm so hyperconnected it hurts, but consider me a prototype for a future citizen. Get used to it.

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Originally posted by geob69

hmmm i see i got fans lmao dont worry guys and gals i dont take anything personal here its all just fun and games im sure we have better things to worry about than to actually get mad at post from people .... i have opinions and so does every1 so hey like i said all in fun and games !!!

Your okay in my book partner....I can see that your really trying and not starting trouble and even if you did there's no problem with that either. Good attitude about the board, you can't take this place or the people to serious.

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