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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

How many syllables are your farts / Quiffs?

this board has gone completly to shit.

nice post jackass. i bet when u woke up this morning you were pumped and couldn't wait to post this garbage. and now it's up here and failing miserably. was this suppose to be funny? u know what would be funny? if u were to fall down a flight of metal stairs while letting out a 37 syllable fart. i would laugh very very hard if i saw that.


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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth


Take some of that negative energy and put it towards your writing; perhaps you won't seem like a little fucking child when you post a reply next time. You'll seem like an adult, which is what you're "Suppose" to be, you fucking idiot.

Get some rest, you need it.

You think i seem like a little fucking child? Ummmmm, do u remember what you posted? Negitive energy? Yeah, posting a fart thread is real positive and "adult-like" It's very mature to ask a question like u did. I bet you have a stick to beat the ladies away....

Here's one.... How many syllables does "rudeboyyouth is a fucking jerkoff" have?:laugh:

Now me being the "adult" here, i'm punishing you. Go sit in the corner and DO NOT move until I give you permission to do so.

Punk ass.

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Sumguy, here is some advice for you:

Rather than cry about insignificant shit in a very poor attempt to seem like an adult, stick to what you know, which is absolutely nothing.

With every reply you post you sound more and more like a crying little child who is trying to be heard. Sadly enough, the only one attacking such insignificant shit (such as a messageboard post) with such animosity, is yourself. This doesn't prove that you are a smart, insightful, rational, or mature person. It merely proves that you can elaborate very extensively about nothing; you are a child. Even more interesting, you write like a child while making a childish point. Sad.

As I've stated before, take some of that negative (and also very limited) energy of yours, and direct it toward your writing (as well as your thinking). Your point would be somewhat credible if you didn't seem like a dumb ass while trying to make it. My post is not mature, I never claimed that it was. The difference is, I will never make the mistake of looking like a little child while making whatever point it is that I am making, mature or not.

As for beating the ladies away:

Rest assure, nothing can beat the ladies away more viciously than half assed, bullshit commentary such as yours.

Good luck.

And get some rest, you need it. Count the syllables in your first name, that should get you tired enough.

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

Sumguy, here is some advice for you:

Rather than cry about insignificant shit in a very poor attempt to seem like an adult, stick to what you know, which is absolutely nothing.

With every reply you post you sound more and more like a crying little child who is trying to be heard. Sadly enough, the only one attacking such insignificant shit (such as a messageboard post) with such animosity, is yourself. This doesn't prove that you are a smart, insightful, rational, or mature person. It merely proves that you can elaborate very extensively about nothing; you are a child. Even more interesting, you write like a child while making a childish point. Sad.

As I've stated before, take some of that negative (and also very limited) energy of yours, and direct it toward your writing (as well as your thinking). Your point would be somewhat credible if you didn't seem like a dumb ass while trying to make it. My post is not mature, I never claimed that it was. The difference is, I will never make the mistake of looking like a little child while making whatever point it is that I am making, mature or not.

As for beating the ladies away:

Rest assure, nothing can beat the ladies away more viciously than half assed, bullshit commentary such as yours.

Good luck.

And get some rest, you need it. Count the syllables in your first name, that should get you tired enough.

Whaaaa Whaaa. I'm a child then. u win. and i'm so very insulted by that.... good one.

And arguing online is like being in the special olympics. No matter who wins, you're still retarted.

So i'm done with you. You win. Give yourself a hearty pat on the back for a job well done. And hey, keep up the intelligent posts. Posts such as yours make me feel smart, mature, insightful, and rational.

Lastly, "I will never make the mistake of looking like a little child while making whatever point it is that I am making, mature or not" is what u said. Let me remind you of something...... "Hey everyone, how many syllable do your farts have???" Do you remember that? or have all those dicks you put in your ass finaly poped your brain? In that question alone, you sound like a little child who has no point. What was the point of your post then, rudeboy? Inform me please. Are you doing a report on fart syllables? I want you to back your statement with a real answer. What was the point? Do you think that you look like a jackass now? I need to know so i may increase my negative and limited energy (?????) whatever that means....

If anyone needs me, i'll be counting the syllables in my first name.

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Your posts are childish, yes, but not because of what you say, but how you say it. You write like a little kid, which makes you look like the retard you are. It just so happens that in this case, what you are actually saying happens to be weak as well. It doesn't matter if you what you're writing is "mature" or not, little kid. What matters is that you don't tap the keys like a 4 year old child while saying it (is that clear enough for you, little guy?).

I wish you the best of luck while looking for a "point" to my original post. Disect it carefully this time, you might find it; only someone as obtuse as yourself would look for meaning in my original post. It is a rather long post though, so you might want to split it up into sections and read a little at a time. You'll get through it eventually. It is apparent that your analytical skills are very strong, little guy; but when I look at what you're spending your time analyzing:

"How many syllables are in your farts/quiffs?"

Good luck with your dissertation on the above topic, little guy.

And as for you "needing to know to increase your limited/negative energy" or whatever it is that you referred to in your half assed reply, you might want to read my reply a bit more comprehensively. I never suggested that you needed to know anything. Even if you received a message from God, your energy (psychologically as well as physically speaking) would still be limited. If you're going to attempt to reply to something, I AGAIN encourage you not to look like a little child while doing it. As for dicks "POPing" in my brain, and my "RETARTedness,"....................I rest my case.

Good luck in the special olympics, little kid; or as you would refer to them: Da Speshul Alympix.

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Originally posted by sumguy

this board has gone completly to shit.

nice post jackass. i bet when u woke up this morning you were pumped and couldn't wait to post this garbage. and now it's up here and failing miserably. was this suppose to be funny? u know what would be funny? if u were to fall down a flight of metal stairs while letting out a 37 syllable fart. i would laugh very very hard if i saw that.


LMAO!!! that is a post and half... lmao...

:laugh::D:laugh::D LMAO...

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

Your posts are childish, yes, but not because of what you say, but how you say it. You write like a little kid, which makes you look like the retard you are. It just so happens that in this case, what you are actually saying happens to be weak as well. It doesn't matter if you what you're writing is "mature" or not, little kid. What matters is that you don't tap the keys like a 4 year old child while saying it (is that clear enough for you, little guy?).

I wish you the best of luck while looking for a "point" to my original post. Disect it carefully this time, you might find it; only someone as obtuse as yourself would look for meaning in my original post. It is a rather long post though, so you might want to split it up into sections and read a little at a time. You'll get through it eventually. It is apparent that your analytical skills are very strong, little guy; but when I look at what you're spending your time analyzing:

"How many syllables are in your farts/quiffs?"

Good luck with your dissertation on the above topic, little guy.

And as for you "needing to know to increase your limited/negative energy" or whatever it is that you referred to in your half assed reply, you might want to read my reply a bit more comprehensively. I never suggested that you needed to know anything. Even if you received a message from God, your energy (psychologically as well as physically speaking) would still be limited. If you're going to attempt to reply to something, I AGAIN encourage you not to look like a little child while doing it. As for dicks "POPing" in my brain, and my "RETARTedness,"....................I rest my case.

Good luck in the special olympics, little kid; or as you would refer to them: Da Speshul Alympix.

Message from God?:confused: my energy levels?:confused: :confused: :confused:

I'm still counting the syllables in my name. I'll get back to you.....

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

Good Job, Sumguy.

You're finally learning.

Take a bow, you are slowly becoming an adult.

one thing at a time. My young and uneducated mind cannot handle two things at once. Count or bow? Make up your mind. Oh wait...... hey rudeboy, i just let out a 73 syllable fart. it was amazing. Can i bow now? oh shit! not yet. i'm still counting the syllables in my first name.

(*~*~trying not to be a little boy*~*~) oh fuck it!! I have to be me and only me!!! I'm a little fellow with no intelligence and i'm stupid. gaagaa googoo!! baabaa? rudeboy kaakaa?? Aboo bee baa baa!! googoo gaagaa!! rudeboy can suckaa my cockaa!!!


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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

"I have to be me and only me!!!"

I am glad that you've finally realized this, although it is rather sad that it has taken you so long.

I have to commend you: although you're still a little bitch, you're beginning to act as if you've grown some hair on your pussy.

boys have penises and girls have vaginas.

goo goo gaa gaa

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