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groping in clubs

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If the dude starts gettin parasite on me usually they leave w/ a broken finger or two and a fat lip. What I can't stand is the fuckin girls and there crew and ur trying to get through or gettin a drink and they dont move then they start looking at u like i'm in there way FUCK YOU ya in my way bitch.

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damn I'm the worst...feel bad now...:(



um yeah dude this is an idea i've been thinking of for a while and I finally found the place to print them up....

it's def. "vinyl gear" LOL that's all I can say!

but you can trust me -- you know I"m not a cheesyhead or just a dumbass.....it's good!

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Originally posted by deanna11

i always hear about girls getting groped and felt up in clubs. it doesn't happen to me (i'm diesel and ugly :D ); one of few times it did, i pushed the guy down. just curious, what do most girls do when it happens?

i think a lot of women are worse than men. if i ever get roughly shoved, it's always a girl. most guys i see are usually pretty polite to women, relative to the crowded club situation

i get that shit all the time, unfortunatley its hardly ever a lady...


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you ladies talk about men being rude, grabbing you and so on...I totally understand that and think that is low and pathetic. Never done that and never wanted to.

However, do you think its simply because these men are such dogs or may be there is a reason for that? What would you call it when I try to talk to a girl or dance with her (and my friends, male or female, do consider me better than average looking) and she looks at me as if I disgust her and walks away? I would call that anything but friendly, outgoing or even feminine...

I came from Russia 8 years ago, and can site not only that country, but most European countries, and even most US cities other than NYC, where girls come to have fun, not show their attitude. That is what most NYC girls are about: ATTITUDE.

That is why, in my opinion, you have ass-grabing dogs, and 35-year old women who are still single and desperate to get married. Give MEN a chance...

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Originally posted by CTACbKA

What would you call it when I try to talk to a girl or dance with her...[what you look like is irrelevant]...and she looks at me as if I disgust her and walks away?

i'm no girl (last i checked), but if i were a girl, i'd call that the "i-don't-give-a-fuck-how-hot-or-genuine-you-think-you-are-and-i'm-sure-you're-a-nice-guy-and-all-but-i'm-here-to-dance-and-have-a-good-time-with-my-friends-so-fuck-off" look.

[other countries/cities]...where girls come to have fun, not show their attitude.

exactly. they came to have fun and that's exactly what they're doing; NOT get picked up, and ignoring you.

That is why, in my opinion, you have ass-grabing dogs...

well, *i'm* an ass-grabbing dog, but not for the reasons you cited. SK13 commands so. have you met her? no is not an option.

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