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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Limelite lastnite reveiw

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wassup cats, did u feel the energy lastnite. jus wanna thank everyone for comin out lastnite. the word is im resident there so Here We Go. i met most of the clubplanet heads u cats r the ish. now its time to rebuild a beautiful club , cause this place was once nycs favorite niteclub. lets do it again

a nero

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first of all....nero i would like to say congrats on your new residency. limelight is very lucky to have a dj like you spinnin on friday nights.

aight... nero was definatly off the fuckin hook. mixed it up real nice and it looked like everyone had a great time.. the meetup was kinda weak , i thought but i still ended up meetin some new people which was cool...romy20, joeg, tunnelbandit, and some others that i knew beforehand so i didnt mention you guys but u know who u are :) ...yea, limelight is definatly gonna be bumpin friday nights from now on..

nero is was nice talkin to you before and after. I had an awesome time. and dont worry, we had your back with that asshole outside the club.

peace out


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Yeah bro had a great time last night. Music was bumpin and the crowd was definately feelin it. Meet up was a little weak but whatever i met some good people. Romy goo to et yu girl i will see you again i am sure. Trancend always a pleasure i'll talk to you about that dc shit. Hacker good to meet you bro. and I know i met others just don't remember names sorry. but it was good to eet everyone. It was also good to see mad cuties in there.

As for the drama outside... that shit was pretty whack. Peple always got to run their mouth. Oh well we woulda beat their ass haha. Nero it was good to meet you bro and now that you arethe resident i am sure we will be back soon.

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