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Convince Me To Move To Miami????


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I just broke up with my girlfriend of 5 years...I need to get out of C.T. My friend lives in Miami and tells me to move in with him. Should I?? How is the job Market? I also bartend for extra $$$ will it be easy to jump into the whole club scene? How expensive is it to live close to South Beach like walking distance to the beach? What is the weather like today? Girls? Are they stuck up or cool I like a little of both I guess? What's it like living there? HELP Me PLEASE!

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Originally posted by freshl7freshl7

I just broke up with my girlfriend of 5 years...I need to get out of C.T. My friend lives in Miami and tells me to move in with him. Should I?? How is the job Market? I also bartend for extra $$$ will it be easy to jump into the whole club scene? How expensive is it to live close to South Beach like walking distance to the beach? What is the weather like today? Girls? Are they stuck up or cool I like a little of both I guess? What's it like living there? HELP Me PLEASE!

The job market right now SUX..... But maybe you being a bartender will help. SoBe is'nt that expensive. As for the girls, we have a lil of everything here in Miami. And last but not least, living here is the best..... I Love it, would'nt change it for the world. :D You should try something new, if you don't like it, you can always go back home......

BTW, sorry to hear about your break up with your girlfriend of 5 years... :(

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Well Im from NYC, and have been going to SUNY Albany for 3yrs and now this DEcember Im moving to MIA. Im moving for the Music basically, Im trying to get a 1bedroom for around 600 to 700 bucks, I bartend/waiter. It shouldn't be that hard to get a job, but a bit scared cause of the recession BS. I will probably go back to school next year but HOPE to find a DJ job somewhere (My one true Love). I Say do it, I love the people down in MIA always makes friends when I visit, The weathers beautiful and Its really the only place where I get MY MUSIC, Can't wait for WMC (popping my cherry) haha. Also always have grandma an hour and a half away to run back to.

Maybe we should become roomates :}

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That would be cool, but the one thing I am worried about is paying out of state for school. I sort of want to finish school here first then go down. But who knows I will keep u posted if I go. Sometimes u just have to say FUCK IT and do it. I will no when the time is right. I wish I knew how to speak spanish too because 80% of Miami knows how.

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really don't worry about the spanish thing.....i was a lil' paranoid too when I moved down from the midwest about a year ago, but it ended up being nothing to stress over. Everyone is super chill down here.....easy to kill a few years in the sun!

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Originally posted by joeygk

really don't worry about the spanish thing.....i was a lil' paranoid too when I moved down from the midwest about a year ago, but it ended up being nothing to stress over. Everyone is super chill down here.....easy to kill a few years in the sun!

Yea, listen to Joe.... He knows what he's saying... :cool: Keep us posted freshl7.

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Originally posted by freshl7freshl7

O.K how about this: I will come down for the WMC and see how I like it for a long weekend and then I will stay. What is ther best time to come down. What weekend is that Music festival. In April or March? How hard is it to stay at a hotel and where is the best place to stay?

WMC is in MARCH dates havent been officially announced yet, I was told this monday though. As far as hotels and stuff, someone else can probably help you out with that info....:D

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Comming down for WMC isn't really fair. We will be the center of the universe, noone in their right mind wouldnt want to stay.

As for Miami, I live north of there, but would love to live right in south beach. The only problem would be having the discipline to keep your parting in check. It is so easy to come down here and go crazy with all the models, clubs and drugs. (Yes this is a real problem)

There are plenty of reasonable places to stay close to the beach. I would move there in a second if I was single and just out of school.

As for the job market, I am sure it will get much better after it gets cold up north. We will still get all the tourists despite everything going on.

as for Spanish, it really isn't an issue. Yes you will hear it spoken all over, but, you will never run into a situation where you need anything and no one speaks english. At least 80% of the folks who speak spanish speak english also, and you really don't run into the other 20% too often due to different circles.

Let us know when you are comming down, well give you the local only tour :)

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Originally posted by agbomb

My boyfriend and I are also thinking about moving to Miami in February. We are coming from CT. I am real worried about finding a job, due to all the recession chat, how bad is the job situation right now in South Florida?

the job market is not fairing very well down here hun ... Miami is generally known as a tourist city and in wake of the whole Sept. 11th fiasco, it's really put a stain on the job market and economy of the city and the country. I've been unemployed for alittle over three weeks and I haven't gotten a single call. now, I don't want to scare you, but atleast for the time being, it's not good ....

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hi there just saw your posting asking whether u should move to miami...well i dont live in miami right now but have done on and off for the past 4 years...and i can simply say that i personally think its heaven on earth...i too split up with someone before i moved there and it was the best decision i ever made the place is clean...not to dangerous the clubs and resturants are the best..and the people (depending on where you go ) are amazing if even sometimes to laugh at!!

I f you have bar experience and are relitivley good looking u will have no problem getting a job...just cruise down washington/5th on a friday daytime and go into, living room, bed, nikkis(up on 1st), 369..and u will get a job...if u have any catering experience i think le sandwicherie on meridian might be looking for staff (it helps if you speak french) i rented an apartment on 14/meridien for $500 a month and it was a lovely place with a pool..so i think u should go for...


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I say you're better off in the northeast. the job market here kinda lagged in comparison to other places even when the economy was good. as for girls, there already aren't enough down here to go around. I've been to the NE, and the girl situation up there is quite a bit better......you all might not have as many truly "knockout" women up there, but you really don't stand any chance with these girls here anyway unless you can bring some sort of status to the table. Usually meaning $$$, but it can mean power in other aspects, too. Also keep in mind that rich playboys continually descend on Miami year-round for this very purpose. The NE is better! Women aren't as *hot*, but there are far more of them and they are down to earth, something you can't say about Miami girls with the probable exception of Loraine from this board! I'd move to the Northeast myself if it wasn't so damned cold.

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Guest saleen351

I am trying to move to lauderdale,,,,I think you ppl have a much better quality of life, Yea in the NYC, Nj , CT area we got jobs, but we are not as well off as you would think. We work hard up here but taxes and cost of living it outrageous. Our commutes are horrible, mine was 4.5 hours a day, round trip from Nj to the Port authoriy then a short walk to times square, WASN"T FUN!!!!! The bus sucked. I love the atmosphere down there.....Everyone is smileing all the time... I am flying down for a week next week to try and find a job, I got a BS in econ and I hope I can make 30 K , thats all I need, then a part timer on the side...

And the girls in Staten Island are the best in America..More hot ass per capita then any where I've every been. Then sobe then Nj then Nyc....

Give me 30k, a apt in lauderdale near the beach and a decent job I like , and I'll be the happiest person in the world.

Nj has worn me out...Too much BS up here, no time to relax...

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Originally posted by saleen351

I love the atmosphere down there.....Everyone is smileing all the time...

We are?? Geez I've lived here my whole life and I've yet to see that consistently. Ft. Lauderdale *is* probably a better move than Miami, though. I still think the Northeast women outclass Miami women in every department. Plus there are more of them. It seems like every place I go here is a damned sausage factory. There's only one place I know of where the hot girls outnumber guys - a particular Starbucks location that I'm not going to disclose publicly. lol

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by patrickl

We are?? Geez I've lived here my whole life and I've yet to see that consistently. Ft. Lauderdale *is* probably a better move than Miami, though. I still think the Northeast women outclass Miami women in every department. Plus there are more of them. It seems like every place I go here is a damned sausage factory. There's only one place I know of where the hot girls outnumber guys - a particular Starbucks location that I'm not going to disclose publicly. lol

Pm me with the address of the starbucks,,,I'll buy first round..LOL

Yes Nj and nyc broads are top notch with style, fashion, and that good nj guidette shit, but there is sooooooooooooooooo many ppl from nj and nyc in lauderdale, I know this week when I'm there I will get at least 20-"ny or nj, where you from?" Such an easy way to meet broads...but meeting women in nyc or nj is impossible, you gota have a top game. These bitches are ruthless up here, glad I'm leaving for some laid back girls down there......

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Everyone who grew up in SFL really has no idea how good they have it.

I have lived in at least 20 different states and can say that SFL is in the top 3 places to live in the US. You can make an argument for S Cal or for the Mountains in CO etc. But for overal quality of life, cost of living and shit to do, I will take good old SFL anytime. Other places could be better if you didn't have to work or had a ton of $$$ but I have to work and am still working on the $$$ thing, so I am here for a while (sorry guys your stuck with me)

As for the women, yeah some of them can be bitches in sobe, but you cant walk the street in Ft. Lauderdale w/o being hit on. People go to Miami in groups and not for the pickup scene. In Lauderdale, it is nothing but groups of girls and groups of guys, all trying to hook up.

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