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Can guys and girls just be friends???

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Originally posted by gwyllion

This has always been a subject of controversy... just wanted to know your thoughts.

Damn right they can!

About 80% of my friends are girls...

Cute girls at that...

now if I can just do something about that date...

it's been that kinda trend. And unless you're REALLY horny, the sexual innuendoes aren't generally much of a problem....:laugh:

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I have a guy friend who constantly tells me that it is impossible for guys and girls to just be friends.

I used to argue with him about it, but now more and more I find that if I try to be ONLY FRIENDS with a guy, they try to turn it into something more when it obviously isn't!

I still think it is possible though, as along as 2 people are clear about things!

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I think its defintely possible, but initially might be a bit awkard. I think most guys become friends with girls b/c they are interested in them in some way.

Two of my closest friends are female who I've never had any sort of physical relationship with or have been interested in them that way

However, most of my other female friends I've either hooked up with or dated, but b/c it was mainly physical we're able to be friends now after the fact.

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Originally posted by clubangel

I have a guy friend who constantly tells me that it is impossible for guys and girls to just be friends.

I used to argue with him about it, but now more and more I find that if I try to be ONLY FRIENDS with a guy, they try to turn it into something more when it obviously isn't!

I still think it is possible though, as along as 2 people are clear about things!

another way of looking at that:

Just get it out of the way first. Once that curiosity is gone, your all clear, and no miscommunication. :)

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i think it's definitely possible for guys and gals to be friends and no more...but that depends on the situation:

-Simply don't bring it in that direction, which means avoid flirting, touching (a lil is iight), calling on the phone too much

-Groups are always a good way to hang as friends

- or just establish it from the start--we've got voices, USE THEM!

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my opinion is, and its only from the male side: they can be friends(and I mean good friends - those who can hang out together and ask each other for advice) if they are not attracted to each other. That means that the only female friend a guy can have is either busted in the face or someone they've already had their share of. But look at it this way, if they are busted, why would you wanna hang out with them, even in a group of people? Am I wrong here?

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Originally posted by CTACbKA

my opinion is, and its only from the male side: they can be friends(and I mean good friends - those who can hang out together and ask each other for advice) if they are not attracted to each other. That means that the only female friend a guy can have is either busted in the face or someone they've already had their share of. But look at it this way, if they are busted, why would you wanna hang out with them, even in a group of people? Am I wrong here?

I don't totally agree with you. Two people who are attracted to each other can be friends, but it can definitely be more of a difficult or sticky situation.

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LOL well being that I'm a girl, and just about 99% of my friends are guys (no lie) then I suppose it's possible. There's that small problem though.. I'm sure half wouldn't mind bangin' the shit outta me (some of them I wouldn't mind hittin' either), but as long as it's just kinda out in the open and able to be joked about but never a BIG thing then yeah, it's all good. :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

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I thought of a situation: I was totally crazy about a girl some time ago, we were seeing each other. At the same time there was a lot of girls I met who I thought were hot, but I didnt care, because I only wanted her. I guess they could be just my friends...

Unfortunately feelings like that dont last, so as soon as I broke up with her, all those girl came out of "friends" category... It kind of does not make sense and sounds pathetic, but if you think about it its true.

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Originally posted by apotheosis

"Men don't have plutonic friends. we just have women we havent had sex with yet"

now Women LOVE plutonic friends, you know why?

it's like having a dick in a jar, break glass in case of emergency!"

-Chris Rock

So cute, and so true!!! :laugh:

I guess girls are just as guilty as guys, we just have it easier b/c we hold the key to the goods. We can almost always get a piece of ass pretty much anytime we want it - just ask away.

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The bottom line is this...Girls and Guys can't and I repeat can't be friends for an extended period of time without developing emotions. If you talk to the girl/guy every once in a while ,Then yeah they can be friends...But if you hang out all the time emotions get caught up..

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this question come up here all the time.

the answer is: it depends on the people involved.

some guys i know can't have female friends

some girls i know can't have male friends

some girls i know can't have female friends

personally, more than half my best friends are girls. and no, they aren't busted in the grill or anything.

sure, initially i was attracted to some of these girls, but once u build a friendship its not that they become unattractive, but i just don't think of them that way.

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One of my best friends here at school is a guy. I suspect sometimes things would have been different between us,if I had not been on shrooms with him one night and said I would never hook up with him....bad mistake? Maybe.But then again,he's not really what I'd want in a guy,he's way too much of a player and irresponsible.Still,I love him to death and we are usually attached to the hip. Problem with this is that he has a "girl" (someone he fucks but doesn't give two shits about),who is jealous and annoyed we spend time together.Way too paranoid,because nothing like that will ever happen (under sober conditions,that is).But because we're really affectionate with one another (we're always kissing and hugging and playing around),people think we're a couple.

It really depends....because men and women are naturally different...and I honestly cannot believe sometimes that either at the beginning or some point in the relationship one or both sides develop feelings of warmth,comfort,or even an early love for the other friend. It's only natural. But I guess if both sides were really controlled, it could happen. :)

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Originally posted by gwyllion

I guess girls [...] just have it easier b/c we hold the key to the goods.

::snatches gwyllion's key and runs to the locksmith to make a duplicate:: ::puts the original back; duplicate safely in pocket::

::whistles:: <<dum dee dum>> ;):tongue:

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I know that it is possible..for guys and girls to be friends...I have a few male friends that are just that.. "friends"...we go out to clubs, have fun..

There are also catagories of friends...friends that your friends with out to a club and out of your other four friends you prefer to be with them and maybe you kiss occasionaly..

But there are always a few friends that are in it because they eventually want a relationship..like my best friend..we were best friends for two years..we hung out every day, talked on the phone..but he never made it a secret that he wanted to be more...

Ι liked him too but i was not ready for the comitment, I also did not want to ruin the friendship that i cherished...He has been the bestest friend i have ever had...

Then one day he got into this terrible car accident and I realized that me thinking i could go out with him later...there is not always a later...I realzied that I wanted to be with him..because i always knew i loved him.

Well two years later we eventually did go out and now we are getting married..

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