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I passed by for about a little more than an hour or so of Johnny's set and I wasnt impressed at all, but then again, I really dont like his sound anyways. He played an Everything but the Girl "Missing" remix among many other popular remixes and got progressivly harder as his set followed through. You guys didnt miss awhole lot. What people in NY see in this guy? I dont know? like Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert once said "two thumbs down" .....

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I warned you guys i warned you guys i warned you guys!!!!!!

Say I didint ?!?!?!

But noooooo "beyondo is a jerk" ...."he is too Harsh"

well i tried to help out my fellow clubbing communtiy but some didnt listen. For those 27 or do of you that were at liquid for the cheese my heart goes out to you.

I will try to Join the red Cross and form a new relief fund......

the "i Heard Johnny Viscious set @ Liquid and now im suffering from severe ear bleeding Fund".

We must donate to these poor souls ......We have to Embrace them as the clubbing communtiy mourns thier souls.

I will try to get "A" list celebrities such as:

Gary Coleman

Mr T

The original cast of the Facts of Life


Vanilla Ice

and Host Arsenio Hall

for this Telethon........this Masscre is the worst this counrty has seen snice 9-11-01

:eek: :eek:

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Originally posted by beyondo

I warned you guys i warned you guys i warned you guys!!!!!!

Say I didint ?!?!?!

But noooooo "beyondo is a jerk" ...."he is too Harsh"

well i tried to help out my fellow clubbing communtiy but some didnt listen. For those 27 or do of you that were at liquid for the cheese my heart goes out to you.

thanks for the heads up Beyondo, but I knew what I was heading into way before you decided to post your usually slander on the board. It dosent take a genius really but thanks for trying to help out anyways. The reason I went to Liquid despite Johnny Vicious playing was to show support for the club, something very few people in Miami know how to do, this includes you Beyondo. I never said you were a jerk, I just dont like your "personality" on the board, I think any pussy could hide behind a computer and slander other people, but it takes a real man to show face.

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At last someone remembers what a dick this guy is.By the way,Johnny delivered the goods if you like that type of music.Being the shallow music critic that you are leaves you closed minded to what others may wan't to hear.Applaud liquid for atleast trying to deliver good talent for a change.By the way,you looked good dancing on that pedestal in your pink dress last night at the white party at crobar,I understand they extended you an invitation to come back and work sunday nights,Good luck

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Id have to agree with beyondo especially if he said it before Vicious showed up in MIA. Im from NYC and I dont see much of anything in this guy, and everyone goes crazy for him. Dont Understand it. Its your classic, play songs the crowd knows and your a hit but i do agree with the statemeet about supporting the club also. Thats a biggy in my eye. Jus wanted to throw my 2 cents in and I will be present in MIA in 1 week, Can't wait to get a place, hopefully a job (unemployment will do for a bit) , and then PVD @ Space (BDay). Glad to get out of the hell hole that revolves around Exit, Peters, and Crack.................

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Originally posted by djdekan

Glad to get out of the hell hole that revolves around Exit, Peters, and Crack.................

I been out for a while, although I have been to exit alot in last 6 months, but ur true, everyone there has there head so far up JP's ass its ridicolous, they say how there at SF just for music, although 50% of the crowd is in K-holes all night long...:rolleyes:

Where in NY you from, when ya moving down?? :D

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Originally posted by djdekan

Id have to agree with beyondo especially if he said it before Vicious showed up in MIA. Im from NYC and I dont see much of anything in this guy, and everyone goes crazy for him. Dont Understand it. Its your classic, play songs the crowd knows and your a hit but i do agree with the statemeet about supporting the club also. Thats a biggy in my eye. Jus wanted to throw my 2 cents in and I will be present in MIA in 1 week, Can't wait to get a place, hopefully a job (unemployment will do for a bit) , and then PVD @ Space (BDay). Glad to get out of the hell hole that revolves around Exit, Peters, and Crack.................

you better believed i said it......just like everything else i say ....im always right ....im beyondo :D

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Im from about an hr outside of the city, ill be in FLA (Naples) on the 3rd of december. Im staying there till i can get a place. And I agree with you beyondo on alot of things especially djs/music but you get to critical of certain things, When have you picked up a pair of headphones and got behind two turntables?

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Originally posted by soundgasm

By the way,Johnny delivered the goods if you like that type of music.

Soundgasm....???? Hmmmm... sounds like Eargasm...???? Sounds like an alias for someone else on this board?! Hmmmmm... Maybe someone that works at Liquid.... Am I getting warm??? Just curious... not trying to start trouble; I am Mr. Nice Guy!

Hey Beyondo.. Can you get me Alf's manager's digits.. He'd be one sexy host for the next Lust party!!! :laugh:

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