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no one frequently goes to the Substance forum:: if anyone can help? I need info fast.

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I'm about to take a drug test and I need to know how long Qualudes, zanax, vicodine, percasete and cocaine will last in my system.

last Wensday I went to take it, Drank GHF from GNC to clear my system for the next 5 hours; but to my surprise the clinic was closed. I was quite upset b/c I spent 50 ballons on the drink.

I would like to know if i can pass this test without dishing out money and drinking this herendous drink again.

Thank You


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to my knowledge ludes are a perscription also, their given to people with really bad sleeping disorder

This drug screening is for A Union in the merchant marines

It is also for govt security clearence b/c I am going to be sailing govt ships

I'm not taking any chances I'm gonna hit up GNC now then go for the test...

wish me luck

thanks man

I just wanna know where you found ludes.Didn't they stop making those things in the 70's

I thought so too till about last year;

really good to take the edge off of a cocaine crash

::plus you get to sleep after a long bender:::

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Originally posted by bionic

Seriously, I was thinking the same thing.

Better take it easy, or you're gonna have to change your name from gonzojournilist to Pookie - LOL - JK ; )


this is within the last month

my pill pusher doesn't know how to run his shit and has diffrent items every week, so that could explain the variety. As for the coc... no comment (I haven't done it in weeks though)

gotta take this screening

thanks everyone



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i hope you read this in time......

i live in Staten Island and I am leaving today for a month so i won't be around...

i don't know what time i'm leaving but if you are interested

i bought a bottle of that crap from GNC for $50 and i'm not gonna need it so if u r interested in it page me asap

at 917 982 3564 i'll call right back

i'll sell it for 1/2 price

- jeff

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Rumor has it that most corporations/govt agencies test for illiegal "controlled" substances AND items that typically mask the presence of said "Controlled" substances. One of my buddies got nailed with Goldenseal in his piss (he was trying to cover up massive amounts of pot smoking). Well they asked him an awful lot of questions about Goldenseal, why he's taking it etc etc and since he had no idea what it's good for aside from hiding traces of thc he was refused employment.

Make sure you have a good story as to why this GHF crap is in your piss.

If they use a hair sample your effed!

Good luck!!!!

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dude, from my personal expierience...YOU CAN NOT GO QRONG WITH Q-CARBO. Its a ready made drink that doesnt cleanse the system but flushes it out. I smoked mad amounts of weed before my current job, but guess ill never know if the stuff worked or there just wasnt enough weed in my system...anyhow, whatever the case may be..i got the job and still have it..though i dont drugd no more cause we get random tests every 2 months. But Q-Carbo is like 40 beans and definitely in my opinon out weighs GHF anyyyyyyyyyy day. peace. -Quoth

p.s. im sure im writing this post wayyyyyyyyyyyy too fuckin late

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I took the ghf shit diffrent flavor same shitty taste

I just got back from drinking and I'm about to watch the game, then I thought; ohh lemme check up on this thread. Now on second thought it was a bad move, you people are scaring the shit out of me.

I'm all wound up I need a ripper to calm me down, then some ludes to calm the rippers down ;)



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Friend of mine is in the NAVY. when he's back for breaks, hes always puffing blunts, popping pills, goes skiing

he said "READY CLEAN" works like a charm. $40 , can be obtained from hightimes. they are in pill format (a whole bunch of them) but you have to take it for a week.

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Originally posted by realz

he said "READY CLEAN" works like a charm. $40 , can be obtained from hightimes.

yea, nuttin like ordering from HIGH TIMES Magazine...the government undercovers SURE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when people order from that magazine. :rolleyes:


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We have a hell of a time in the substance forum. There is a shitload of info there. If it's not too late here's what you need to know. Pretty much blood or urine you have 72 hours minimum 96 hours to be extra safe to pass (with the exception of habitual mj smoking):

The NIDA 5

Federal government guidelines (by NIDA-The National Institute on Drug Abuse and SAMHSA-The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) require that companies must have a testing system in place. Among other things, this required testing program must test for 5 specific categories of drugs (sometimes referred to as the "NIDA 5"). Because of this federal requirement, most drug testing companies offer a basic drug test which checks for drugs in these 5 common categories.

Cannabinoids (marijuana, hash)

Cocaine (cocaine, crack, benzoylecognine)

Amphetamines (amphetamines, methamphetamines, speed)

Opiates (heroin, opium, codeine, morphine)

Phencyclidine (PCP)

Expanded Tests

Most drug testing companies also offer an expanded test which includes a few additional drugs in the testing process. Most do not add all of these in their expanded test, but choose a different combination of 3 or 4 to add :

Barbituates (Phenobarbital, Secobarbitol, Butabital)

Methaqualone (Qualuudes)

Benzodiazepines (Valium, Librium, Serax, Rohypnol)


Propoxyphene (Darvon compounds)


DETECTION PERIODS (96 hours for an occasional user will most likely keep you out of trouble)


Alcohol* 6-12 hrs ^ n/a

Amphetamines* 4-5 days ^ up to 90 days

Barbiturates* 2-12 days ^ n/a

Benzodiazepines* 1-42 days ^ n/a

Cannabis (single use)* 24-72 hrs ^ up to 90 days

Cannabis (habitual use)* up to 12 wks

Cocaine* 4-5 days ^ up to 90 days

Codeine/Morphine* 2-4 days ^ up to 90 days

Heroin* 8 hrs ^ up to 90 days

PCP* 2-10 days ^ up to 90 days

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