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OMG!!! i have such a big fuckin dillema that i dont know what the hell im gonna do


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ughhhhhhhhhh :( :( :( ok quoth is stressing like a motherfuck that he seriously just wants to cry like a lil bitch. Ok here is the situation....im fucked...royally. My neighbor is gettin married in New Jersey this saturday and invitations were sent out like a month or so ago and my invitation had the option of bringing a guest as well. Ok so, i slack cause i work nights and im madddddddddddddddd busy with work and sleep thats all i do sometimes cause i do hard physical work and the body needs rest. So ok, i sent back the reply with YES checked off that i would bring a guest. The wedding is this saturday, and i have no guest, nothing, and like yea yea i cant just ask someone but like fuckin i want it to be the right person...like someone fun. trust me people, this is not gonna be an all that wedding cause i have been to some..and my sister and i both fuckin dread going and shit...but we joke and say...hey...only good thing is...free food and free open bar...all im lookin to do is get drunk cause though im 20, when the fuck is the last time u saw them card at a wedding reception? :laugh: ughhhhhhhhhh what do i do people???? opinons?? cause friggin..i can not just show up with no gues u know...people frggin lay money out for this shit and id have to at least pay equal to what my guest plate would cost. ughhhhhhhh i thought this would be easy, but i been slackin and shit cause of work and sleep...just no time....but now its coming closer and the people i been askin either have plans or work. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god quoth is fucked hehe. what to do people??? i mean my neighbor he is like a brother that i never had to me, and i known him for 15 years..cant just dog him like that?

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Originally posted by dgmodel

take kim... or that girl that wants to meet you...

hehe oh man i fuckin wish dude..thatd be like a dream come true.

but i have yet to meet synderealla 420 or clubkat....and i dont think itd be cool meetin them in gay suit and tie hehe.

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Originally posted by barvybe

Get me a dress, and i'm there.

heheh see? its that easy.

btw joeg.....im lookin to bring hotties..this like a fuckin low class wedding..i been to weddings on yachts before..and this is just way low class..so ... a hottie not need be brung. its gonna be like a borderline hick-ish wedding.

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Originally posted by joeg

sounds like pete in a dress fits the bill then.....


i see my rep proceeds me.

i do know how to bail hay, fly fish, heel a mutt, and pad the bed of the pick up for a little hey-hey-now!!!

(btw - i found the skirt and sweater i wore for a Thelma - scooby doo fame - costume, so u just reduced u'r cost ;))


seriously, there isn't a single female u know that would like to get drunk at no charge?

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Originally posted by atomicapples

you dont have a bestfriend???

my best friend is guido and my best chic friend is in college out in california.

:( :(

man, im fucked, i can't even ask any of my sisters friends cause she fuckin throws cockblocks all the time cause some of her friends like me and shit.

man, im goin out on a limb, i have nothing to loose...anyone wants to go fuckin lets go....(but u must be female and none of this drag queen bullshit ok barvybe?)

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Originally posted by atomicapples

walmart be selling some nice shit these days... fucking D&P, GUP, Anthony Exchange, P Crew, Dieselized, double R G.... all the hot shit...


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Originally posted by wannabeclubchk

and you didn't ask me? Quoth, I am so very sad!:cry:

And I just brought in my Levi's denim skirt from the line! Really, if that isn't good, I could go to Walmart for a new outfit.

aw im sorry...figured the whole wedding deal would freak u out :tongue:

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