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how appropriate is email...


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in this age of technology, how appropriate do you think email/IM are for discussing your relationship with your bf/gf, or someone you are dating? Do you consider it the same as the phone or in person or is there a big difference? why is or why is this not a good way to talk? Guys, is it better than your girl coming out with the ever-dreaded "We need to talk"?

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Well for one E-Mail and im conversations can be saved more easily, unless you work for the FBI or the CIA and you can get your hands on one of those Telephone recorder shitz. But since the advent of email and instant messaging the world has pretty much gotten smaller. I was thinking like back in the days and shit, I dont know like...way back when a guy would go to the army and would want to send a letter back home to his women or his wife it would take weeks upon months for the letter to get there, and even then It would be all cruddy and shit, but with email the simple soldier can walk up to a computer terminal or hook a cell phone up to a palm and can send and recieve email in a metter of seconds, people get closer and thus the world shrinks. Just look at the cell phone and beeper, pretty much nowadays you can find anyone anytime anywhere, there are just so many ways to communicate, can't wait for all the new shit to come out.

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I think email and IM are great for discussing most things. U know, things get more personal in this order:




in person

so, depending on what it is, go up the line.

i'd never break up with someone by IM or email.

maybe on the phone if it was only after a couple dates.

and IM is really fun for flirting with u'r honey - gives u that extra second to come up with u'r reply....

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ive met the majority of my gf's over the net..starting with the old 300 baud modem on a bbs! (gasp!) and onto aol and irc and whatnot...it lets u get into someones head and know them for who they are then if\when you meet u know them for what they are...as for relationships over email and the net its like a digital dear john letter to get an email that ends a relationship..i would personally consider it cowardley and immature to say something like that via email or message board...just means (to me) that you dont have enuf guts or balls to say\do it in person u have to rely on words and not face the consequences personally...

of course thats my opinion and i could be wrong :tongue:

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phone, e-mail, i/m are great for flirting, keeping in touch and so forth. But it cannot be the sole communication between a couple, i.e., long distance relationships. If there is a major issue to be discussed, then it is best to be saved for a face-to-face conversation. Just my thoughts...phones, computers are great for keeping tabs on each other, but they can be so impersonable (sp?) at times.

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Originally posted by wannabeclubchk

does on the phone count as "in person" or is that only face to face? if the phone is ok, why are other forms not? and what about when distance is a factor?

if distance is the factor, then go with the more personal of all the choices, the phone... if this if this has only beena couple of dates then any other means is fine... however im speaking about relationships are you speaking about that as well??? or just some fling or something? cause that makes all the diff...

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I wasn't thinking about any specific "classification" of a relationship, but I am guessing that in an ongoing, good relationship where both are comfortable, this would already be established between the two. But what about to open things up with a new or early stages relationship? On another thread, a girl asked about emailing a guy with whom she didn't have a relationship, but would want one.

Personally, I think that email has good and bad aspects. I hate ambushing a guy with the old "We need to talk", and especially to do that in the early stages to resolve something that needs attention, but is rather minor. Email kind of lets one digest what was written, and provide a well-thought-out answer on the recipient's own time. For me, it is more of a courtesy thing, I need you to know/respond to this, but I don't need to interrupt your (watching the game with the guys, dinner, fun night out, whatever) just to *talk*.

Also, you can get a feel for how the other person is by their answer; without hearing how one says something, what they read into it kind of gives away where they are within themselves. I do see the point about the possibilities of it being impersonal for a breakup, and without hearing how someone says something, it could be easy to misinterpret intentions if the author isn't clear

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Originally posted by wannabeclubchk

in this age of technology, how appropriate do you think email/IM are for discussing your relationship with your bf/gf, or someone you are dating? Do you consider it the same as the phone or in person or is there a big difference? why is or why is this not a good way to talk? Guys, is it better than your girl coming out with the ever-dreaded "We need to talk"?

sometimes I find it easier to to express myself over e-mail because I can think of what I want to say better. And Im not very emotional person, so it works better for me sometimes. But if I have some real personal shit to say, then you better believe my ass is calling you on the phone, or asking you to meet me. Most realtionships i have don't ever get to that level, because anything i have to say, is said clearly, so Im not in that communication purgatory so to speak!!! Other times I think things through before I even start saying anything over e-mail because I think about how someone can read it over and over, and then Im like "shit" why did I say that?????? And sometimes I want to take it back DAMNIT!

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