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Smoking e?


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this is the best high ever! somking e with cheeba is amazing. first of all, you don't need that much to get fuuucckkeedd up, secondly, it hits you instantly and third, it lasts about 6-8 hours. my man and i smoked a bowl with 1/4 of a pill crushed in it this past weekend and we were done for at least 6 hours (we each got about 4 good hits). we both experienced mild visual and auditory hallucinations and i got some tactile hallucinations as well. no matter what you do on this combination, it's great. the only bad thing about it is that you will feel like a peice of shit the entire next day. have a nice trip, but don't make any plans.

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seriously...i don't know if you need to use both of those pills to roll one L. if you wanna get absolutly sideways...use 1 pill. trust me, the synergy of these 2 substances together is powerful. if you use both of those pills, it might be a waste. shit...i don't even know if you're gonna get to finish that L with one pill crushed up. my guess is that you won't need/want anymore after 6 (maximum). either way...have a phat time.

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Well, smoking that pill did wonders. It shocked the hell outta me actually. I was already on 3 pills, but, I crushed up a 1/2 igloo and threw it on some nugs. I think 5 of us smoked it, I was already rolling face, but as soon as I took that first hit, I was rolling so hard I could barely see. I think it fucked one of my friends up way to much though, he got all delerious and had no idea what he was doing. He would point at random objects and go "The combination is 3, 4, 7, 1..." and no one had any idea what he was talking about. Was kind of odd.

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i told you that you wouldn't need more than 1/2 pill to get fucking anihilated. even though this combo is fun, be careful not to do it too much, as the after effects can put you out of commision for the day after. this is also probably not the best combo to do in public, as it can make you into a fucking retard. it's best to do in private, with friends who are all doing it too. holla back

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Yah, I don't think I'd smoke a pill in public. I was havin a house party so it was the perfect place to do it. After seeing my friend get delerious and not even know who his fiancee was, I'm kind of rethinking taking a lot of pills at clubs or parties. I wouldn't want to be like that where any sort of authoritative figure would see me..I.E. Cops and bouncers.

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