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If you could come back to Earth as a world famous DJ, who would you be and why?


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Originally posted by vicman

I think shady would come back as Oakie, to spread all the love sunshine, and happiness to all.....

Oakie! Oakie! Oakie! I think it would be great to come back as Oakie, and spread the joy and be so happy as I put smiles across people's faces throughout the world.

:puke: :puke: :puke:

Fuckit! I'd come back as Oakie just to have his phatty ass bank account. No wonder he doesn't give a shit about the party scene. The man's got so much loot he's got his own zipcode!

You hear that Kenny! Your poor! Your poor, Kenny!

Whoa. Too many pain killers this morning. :goofy:

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Tony DeVit or Larry Levan. maybe even Frankie Knuckles. just tosee how all this got started. . .oh wait that's not the question, but i always wondered what it would've been like, to be there, you know, in the beginning, during the birth of house (in chicago:D ) back in the late 70s/early 80's. . . .disco to a drum machine. . .somefink like that

oh and Jr. Vasquez too, he been arooouuund

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I'd either be...

Tenaglia - so I could listed to myself spin and have multiple orgasms every time I hear myself because I'd be so incredible


Mistress Barbara - so I could spread the influence of female DJ's with that energy-loaded shit she spins :D But since that's not possible you'll all just have to wait till I get decks and then I'll become... DJ VixenTrotsky, leading the revolution for the oppressed masses of female DJ's the world over. CHICKS OF THE WORLD, UNITE! Oh wait a sec... ;)

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

But since that's not possible you'll all just have to wait till I get decks and then I'll become... DJ VixenTrotsky, leading the revolution for the oppressed masses of female DJ's the world over. CHICKS OF THE WORLD, UNITE! Oh wait a sec... ;)

You can come over and play with my decks anytime. :D

Whoa! I said the loud part quiet and the quiet part loud again, didn't I?

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

I'd either be...

Tenaglia - so I could listed to myself spin and have multiple orgasms every time I hear myself because I'd be so incredible

WOW so if you die and come back before my last day on earth, that means I get to see you spin while having orgasms!!! :eek:

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

I'd either be...

DJ VixenTrotsky, leading the revolution for the oppressed masses of female DJ's the world over. CHICKS OF THE WORLD, UNITE! Oh wait a sec... ;)

Thats a good name...hmm...I wonder if this would happen to all of us, what DJ name would we want to adopt. Would we go by our onw names such as Vic...or Vicman...or DJ Vic...or Victor..or somethin' more catchy? :confused:

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Originally posted by vicman

Thats a good name...hmm...I wonder if this would happen to all of us, what DJ name would we want to adopt. Would we go by our onw names such as Vic...or Vicman...or DJ Vic...or Victor..or somethin' more catchy? :confused:

You know, it's kinda weird. But it seems like there's a definite divide in electronic music about DJ names. For the most part, you see broken beat DJ's (breaks, D&B) using aliases no matter where they're from. And usually, it's some sort of space aged alias, or something that just sounds badass. In the 4 on the floor world in Europe, most (not all, but I would say most), use their real names. But then, there are definitely a lot of American 4 on the floor DJ's that use aliases.

But in the end, I say just use your real name. Most of the good names are already taken. And something that may sound good to you now in your crackhead mental state may not sound good to you later in life.

And using the DJ in front of the name seems to be an American thing. I personally think it's overkill. If you have 'DJ Vic' on the flyer. It's like, no shit? Vic's a DJ, huh? Oh, no wonder his name's on the flyer.

You can tell I've put a LOT of thought into DJ names... :D

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Then again, I could do that if I was mistress barbara too. Hell, why don't I just become as good as Tenaglia, then I can do that as myself, whatever my DJ name may be..... (I'm pretty sure I was just kidding about the VixenTrotsky thing, excuse my stupid Georgetown diplomacy school humor *takes it back to the nerd herd*)

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy


(....VixenTrotsky thing, excuse my stupid Georgetown diplomacy school humor *takes it back to the nerd herd*)

I'd be Vicman "Guevara" and like D:Fuse always spins with a cowboy hat, I would always spin with a mock beard and thoese little hats that he always wore

:D :D :D

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Originally posted by vicman

I'd be Vicman "Guevara" and like D:Fuse always spins with a cowboy hat, I would always spin with a mock beard and thoese little hats that he always wore

:D :D :D

Fuck that, dude. I've got your perfect marketing pitch. You should be Vicman 'Hamburguesa'. And you should spin with a sombrero. :D

And then you could do the whole Bono/Fly alter ego thing (you know, when Bono wears the big sunglasses, he's his alter ego, the 'Fly'). You could show up for gigs every once in a while with a Luchador mask. And then you could be the 'Flying Hamburguesa'.

-Sigh-. I'm destined to be the Chief Marketing Officer of some Fortune 500 company some day. There's just way too much wacky shit going on in my head for it to go untapped my whole life... :D

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Fuck that, dude. I've got your perfect marketing pitch. You should be Vicman 'Hamburguesa'. And you should spin with a sombrero. :D

And then you could do the whole Bono/Fly alter ego thing (you know, when Bono wears the big sunglasses, he's his alter ego, the 'Fly'). You could show up for gigs every once in a while with a Luchador mask. And then you could be the 'Flying Hamburguesa'.

-Sigh-. I'm destined to be the Chief Marketing Officer of some Fortune 500 company some day. There's just way too much wacky shit going on in my head for it to go untapped my whole life... :D

and you can wear a poncho too and one of those long curly mustaches too..ha HA

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Oakie! Oakie! Oakie! I think it would be great to come back as Oakie, and spread the joy and be so happy as I put smiles across people's faces throughout the world.

:puke: :puke: :puke:

Fuckit! I'd come back as Oakie just to have his phatty ass bank account. No wonder he doesn't give a shit about the party scene. The man's got so much loot he's got his own zipcode!

You hear that Kenny! Your poor! Your poor, Kenny!

Whoa. Too many pain killers this morning. :goofy:


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