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I think I have Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

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Most good doctors should be able to diagnose CTS. If not, get a referral to see a neurologist. They maybe more capable of giving you a better assessment of how severe it is and whether you might need surgery. If you never get it checked out, you could suffer nerve damage. In the meantime you should reorganize your computer space to alleviate the pain. Believe it or not bad posture, i.e., sitting in a bad chair, can affect CTS. You can also get an ergonomic keyboard, which isn't that expensive as well as wrist supports for your keyboard and mousepad. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, check out the sites below. It's not a cure, but helps me with some of the pain:



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I get the same thing also

I went to the doctor because it got really really bad after a while

They told me it wasnt CTS, it was just my bones locking from holding them there so long from useing the mouse. So now when it starts to hurt a little bit put on a tight ace bandage around it and that pretty much stops it from hurting. Go get it checked out or try the ace bandage...feel better:)

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