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Seating Chart for Tiesto@Exit

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Aight....I was really excited to see Tiesto this Friday at Exit2.....I write and say Exit2 because it is not the original Exit and it never will be. I would go anywhere to see Tiesto. But, I am extremely disturbed by what I found when I bought my tickets online. I went to ticketmaster.com to get the tickets and found that there is a seating chart for Friday:mad3: I hope this is a joke.....How can you have a seating chart for Tiesto? Who sits when the best DJ on the planet spins? Who sits for any good DJ? I mean isn't a fucking Frank Sinatra concert...in fact, I bet people don't even sit a Frank Sinatra concert....well maybe they do but that is not the point....

Here is the link that has the seating chart if you want to check out how lame Exit2 is...


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LOL I have no clue what seating charts are about.. LOL.. I do know however that on pre-paid tickets there are always seats listed but usually it's GA (general admission) then a number.. LOL there will be no seats in Exit, that's a fucking joke. I know a lot of you hate Exit, but even Exit's not stupid enough to have seats like a concert type thing for Tiesto, or for any night for that matter :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by slimshadey522

Aight....I was really excited to see Tiesto this Friday at Exit2.....I write and say Exit2 because it is not the original Exit and it never will be. I would go anywhere to see Tiesto. But, I am extremely disturbed by what I found when I bought my tickets online. I went to ticketmaster.com to get the tickets and found that there is a seating chart for Friday:mad3: I hope this is a joke.....How can you have a seating chart for Tiesto? Who sits when the best DJ on the planet spins? Who sits for any good DJ? I mean isn't a fucking Frank Sinatra concert...in fact, I bet people don't even sit a Frank Sinatra concert....well maybe they do but that is not the point....

Here is the link that has the seating chart if you want to check out how lame Exit2 is...


I thought that Fank Sinatra was Dead?

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I don't know if it is the chip'dales seating chart or not....thats not really my thing....but as for Exit being dumb enough to make a seating chart, everyone says they aren't that stupid.....

well hmmm, look at the changes they made to exit.....I think they are capable of being dumb enough to make a seating chart...if there is no seating chart, then why have a link to a seating chart when you are selling tickets online? Either way, we'll see friday

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