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That double standard in full fuc*ing effect again


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What is it with fine lines and limits.....are we still in the 1800's???

So this convo I had with a very close friend yesterday arose....

I dont know if you guys have seen that car commercial where one guy asks the other if he wants to switch ::he meant cars but the guy thought he meant partners:: :laugh: The commercial was classic but the topic was just totally screwey once put to conversation.

So I ask this guy....Lets say you were in a relationship....would you switch. He said Hell yes if the girl is all down for it.....

Basically, trying to make a long story short and its not happening, he would take sex from another woman if his wife/girlfriend allowed it ::how sweet hes open minded:: BUT, if a man were ever to do the same for his woman, he would never share.....

Anyway I called him a "Half Closet Swinger" haha, he got all pissed and walked out because he couldnt understand y I didnt understand y he wouldnt share his girl but would share himself.


So answer me this: Y do men take way more offense if a women were to sleep with someone else? Does it make them feel like "less of a man" or what! :mad:

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Look at the movie "Indecent Proposal." Granted it was for a million dollars, but even so their relationship got ruined. I think it all comes down to the guy thinking whether or not the other guy was better. Sort of like Clubkat said, that maybe he feels like less of a man.

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Of course it's all about Ego....what else????

I came across this issue with an X of mine. When we first met and had sex he said he was all for a 3some. Of course, his foolish imcompetent self never followed through. So one day I said something about it....whether it was another male or female, I said I wanted to have one. He kind of flipped, and went on this thing how he didn't think he was satisfying me., which by the way, he wasn't.

It's pretty sad when a guy could care less about sharing the women he cares about. All he's really worried about is who is going to out perform who.

...OK...now I'm disgusted with men!!!!


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It's all about men's fixation on the size of their penis.... a men doesn't like to share is wife/girlfriend or whatever because the always lurking question would be inevitable be in his mind:


Oh well, what can we say??? Other than "get a grip" and if you want to "swing"....please "swing" all the way baby....otherwise it's just sleeping around while asking your partner to be 'ok' with it....I mean, honestly, if you swing but she isn't allowed....that's not what I call 'swinging' in the first place, that's pure and simple "cheating" or "having an open relationship"


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i think it's the way society has raised us.. it's the testorone also.. but we all get raised a certain way..

me personally i think in terms of math rules

what you do to one said.. you do to the other..

both sides have to do the same thing (well.. they don't have to but they should be allowed to do so.. with no jealousy)

now the thing about society is that we all have to allow the change within .. if not.. we keep this facade(think that's how it's spelled).. of the way things work

jealousy comes into play here.. also.. but that's kinda different..

switching should work bothways for both partners..

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Originally posted by flying_high

Oh well, what can we say??? Other than "get a grip" and if you want to "swing"....please "swing" all the way baby....

haha thats y i called him a "half" hehe.....you should have seen the way he stomped out the room....

::such a beautiful thing:: :laugh:;)

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