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First Impressions


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Ok, you know what they say, that a first impression is everything. Does everyone believe that? I dont think that is always true. I think people sometimes try really hard when they are meeting someone and they may come off all wrong. But as you get to know them, you will like them more. I also think it can go the opposite way too, that you first like someone when you meet them but totally dont like them after really getting to know them. That is what always happens when I meet a guy. I'll think they're so great and always find some fault in them. Which is one of the reasons I think I'm still single. Go figure!!!

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I agree. I've met people that I wasn't that impressed with at first that have grown on me...and met people that I've really liked at first, but then for whatever reason that's changed.

I guess it depends on the situation as to whether or not someone can get past making a bad 1st impression. Like if it's someone I see again for whatever reason, and they turn out to be cool, then the bad 1st impression probably wouldn't matter. But if it's a really, REALLY bad one, then I'm probably not gonna want to see them again.

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i definitely think first impressions are important but not everything. A lot of times from a first impression you can see whether you are sexually attracted to a person which is important in determining which way your relationship will go. Its weird though because a lot of my best friends are people I initially hated.

Usually from one encounter I can tell if i want to see a person again. :o

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I do believe that first impressions are important, but i agree with ya that many men put up that front and then when you get to know em they're not all they are cracked up to be. This one guy I have bene dating for some time he seemed so intelligent, and seemed to have a pretty eloquent vocabulary. But now, I hear some ghetto traits and 'You know what I'm sayin" after every freakin sentence. WTF? Anyhow, back to my pt, I guess first impressions are important, but they may not always be truthful

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Originally posted by fierydesire

I do believe that first impressions are important, but i agree with ya that many men put up that front and then when you get to know em they're not all they are cracked up to be. This one guy I have bene dating for some time he seemed so intelligent, and seemed to have a pretty eloquent vocabulary. But now, I hear some ghetto traits and 'You know what I'm sayin" after every freakin sentence. WTF? Anyhow, back to my pt, I guess first impressions are important, but they may not always be truthful

lol :laugh:

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Another question I have would be did you ever lie or get lied to when you first met someone? And later on the truth was told? Well, when I first met one of my ex's I was just graduating from college. Well, he told me he graduated from Seton Hall the year before. So, we were dating for about 6 weeks and at this point, I really liked him, when he confessed to me that he lied about going to Seton Hall. At first I was a little annoyed that he lied to me and I eventually got over it. Do you think lying is forgivable??

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it truly depends on the person and situation, and its some what impossible for me to give a generalized answer for this... however i can say from life experiences, 2 of my best friends used to hate me, they were like im there enemy and shit. They couldnt stand me, or anything. now theyre my best friends... weird huh? and i can say that i ve been wrong on occasion with first impressions... i think the second impression is the one that really counts becuase the first meeting everyones a lil nervous and blah blah, the second ppl are a lil more comfortable and their true colors come out...

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Yeah I have been lied to by someone who I loved alot. Well we were bestfriends for 2 yrs before..and he had told me that he was a year older...so we were 13 and he sad he was 14. After 2 yrs we started to dat, me still thinking he was 15. I found out on his actually 16th b-day that he was only turning 16. I called his mom to ask where he was and tell him I said happy 17th b-day..She then siad " My baby is only 16", I was so fucken pissed. Mind you we were bestfriends for 2yrs, he was my first, my first love and etc. The reason he said that he lied to me was b/c I said I don't like dating younger guys. I used to be strict on this rule, but I have noticed that it doenst matter that much anymore After that, I broke up with him and things were never the same. Like a girl I started quetsioning his love for me etc,. Currently we are still friends for 7 yrs and fuck buddies, so I guess it wasn't a total loss;)

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When I met the girl I dated this past summer, she was struggling to keep her head up from the bar. I came up to her and offered her some water. She was totally wasted. I later asked her if she would like a ride home. On the way to my car she said, "I have a confession, I'm not really 21, I'm 19." So my first impression was that she was a lying alcoholic, but extremely hot.

Long story short...she gave me a call a couple of days later and asked me out. I wondered why she chose me and not one of the dozen of guys that gave her their # that night. She said that I was a sweet guy and that I didn't try any funny business (take advantage of her) while she was drunk. Just gave her a ride home without "putting the moves on her" as she said. See ladies, chivalry is not dead.

On our second date, she was much more coherent and we had a great time. We dated the whole summer and into the fall...until she moved back to south africa.

So, as far as first impressions...don't judge a book by it's cover.

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