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Oil Negotiations with Taliban before WTC


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Well, if you look into history, that's how the United States Governement is. They will try to bully their way into people's countries, forcing them to make treaties or accepting to unfavorable terms. The government thinks they're all high and mighty, and you wonder why so many people dislike our government. :(

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Originally posted by raver_mania

I think the problem is that igloo is so lost in his blind, close-minded right wing ideologies, that he can't find his way back from that thick fog (covering his mind) to give us specific examples.

Thus, he resorts to name-calling, which does nothing but undermine any valid points he might have made!

I don't even think he read the article posted!

spare me your bullshit....

BTW ...it is not right wing- it is simply an intolerance for bullshit and those who support the like.......

You and Sassa enjoy passing judgements without any thought process, yet call others closed minded when you are faced with a alternative view...most on the left are buried in hypocrisy

And back to my original statement..I simply said if Sassa, or you, wish to post articles like the one on this thread, counter it with an opposing view, and then you may have some credibility...

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Originally posted by igloo

spare me your bullshit....

BTW ...it is not right wing- it is simply an intolerance for bullshit and those who support the like.......

You and Sassa enjoy passing judgements without any thought process, yet call others closed minded when you are faced with a alternative view...most on the left are buried in hypocrisy

And back to my original statement..I simply said if Sassa, or you, wish to post articles like the one on this thread, counter it with an opposing view, and then you may have some credibility...

You started with the name calling...hmmm...I posted an article that had something to do with Sassa's post(someone asked for a link).

I am open-minded and look at all points...but from your previous posts (and I've read many) you are close-minded, far-right wing. I don't see you posting any links that show opposing views? Follow what you preach.

If you are so sure this whole thing is bullshit, then show me some concrete evidence to that effect! Articles, treaties, bans, etc, etc!

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Originally posted by raver_mania

You started with the name calling...hmmm...I posted an article that had something to do with Sassa's post(someone asked for a link).

I am open-minded and look at all points...but from your previous posts (and I've read many) you are close-minded, far-right wing. I don't see you posting any links that show opposing views? Follow what you preach.

If you are so sure this whole thing is bullshit, then show me some concrete evidence to that effect! Articles, treaties, bans, etc, etc!

Ok you win.....I can not compete with your intellect, nor do I have any examples to show that in Clinton's 8 years he was tireless in his pursuit to prevent/combat terrorism and it root cause (for you wonderful leftists).....

I mean, I have never heard anyone in his own administration say anything on the contrary, like his political analyst (Clark I believe was the last name), who stated that Clinton would not tackle terrorism because of the political downside, or former CIA director Woosley who indicated that Clinton would not even meet with him or the NSA director for the last two years of his presidency, or how Clinton and Christopher pressured Israel to release Mohammed Atta under the Oslo Accords, even though he was already a suspected terrorist, or the brilliant handling of the Somalia debacle, ....

It this true, perhaps...it is false, perhaps....the point is you need to counter all wide, and far -reaching theories in order to get some semblance of reality....

You want to educate yourself a little more, as opposed to jumping on sensationalistic theories and basic bullshit, as Sassa likes to pass off...Read two books on Bin Laden.....one by Yossef Bodansky, and another one by Peter Bergen...very objective research without left vs. right theories....

Start with those two books to build a foundation of reality, and then I will move you to other works.....Try it you may learn something

I need to go now, I have a meeting with Pat Buchanan and Rush Limbaugh and the CEO of Exxon-Mobil

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Originally posted by raver_mania

They do say ignorance is bliss...BUT I'd prefer to have my bubble shattered rather than live in total ignorance!

exactly bro....

once again its the people who know nothing about what is going on who make fun of and tell people to shut up when they have not one educated statement to make....please speak with facts and not just for the sake of arguing

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Originally posted by igloo

Ok you win.....I can not compete with your intellect, nor do I have any examples to show that in Clinton's 8 years he was tireless in his pursuit to prevent/combat terrorism and it root cause (for you wonderful leftists).....

I mean, I have never heard anyone in his own administration say anything on the contrary, like his political analyst (Clark I believe was the last name), who stated that Clinton would not tackle terrorism because of the political downside, or former CIA director Woosley who indicated that Clinton would not even meet with him or the NSA director for the last two years of his presidency, or how Clinton and Christopher pressured Israel to release Mohammed Atta under the Oslo Accords, even though he was already a suspected terrorist, or the brilliant handling of the Somalia debacle, ....

It this true, perhaps...it is false, perhaps....the point is you need to counter all wide, and far -reaching theories in order to get some semblance of reality....

You want to educate yourself a little more, as opposed to jumping on sensationalistic theories and basic bullshit, as Sassa likes to pass off...Read two books on Bin Laden.....one by Yossef Bodansky, and another one by Peter Bergen...very objective research without left vs. right theories....

Start with those two books to build a foundation of reality, and then I will move you to other works.....Try it you may learn something

I need to go now, I have a meeting with Pat Buchanan and Rush Limbaugh and the CEO of Exxon-Mobil

Ah, man, you can't keel over and let me win so easily! :cool:

Well, let me ask you to give me a quick summary of what those two books say, since I might not have time to read both of them in my quest to get my "foundation of reality" set straight!

I never said Clinton didn't do a good job in office...I never brought him up, so why is it you assume I have attacked all US policies every made??

And to help you with your "foundation of reality", why don't you read "Bin Laden: the Forbidden Truth".

I just find it funny that in the time the two Bush's were in office there have been two "wars" in the ME. Nah...just my leftist conspricay theories taking over again!


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ah yes, the oil conspiracy theory. sassa still has not posted a link or a reference to make her post valid. her biased and inaccurate observation makes me seriously question her statement. if the statement has a grain of truth to it, if there were secret negotiations between the energy commission and the taliban, i want to see it in a reputable source, not out of a leftist 'activist's mouth. also, saying that the french would not be biased against americans is a bizarre statement. in france, there is a tremendous dislike for americans and american culture because the french see their culture and historical identity threatened by US commercialism. they fear the American golden arches more than American smart bombs. if any one is interested in learning about this, Thomas Friedman wrote a great book THe Lexus and the Olive Tree, very interesting. and sassa, verify your claim please, because it seems you are trying to capitalize on 9/11 tragedy to progress your own agenda.

ps - igloo, shut the fuck up already.

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Originally posted by tribal

ah yes, the oil conspiracy theory. sassa still has not posted a link or a reference to make her post valid. her biased and inaccurate observation makes me seriously question her statement. if the statement has a grain of truth to it, if there were secret negotiations between the energy commission and the taliban, i want to see it in a reputable source, not out of a leftist 'activist's mouth. also, saying that the french would not be biased against americans is a bizarre statement. in france, there is a tremendous dislike for americans and american culture because the french see their culture and historical identity threatened by US commercialism. they fear the American golden arches more than American smart bombs. if any one is interested in learning about this, Thomas Friedman wrote a great book THe Lexus and the Olive Tree, very interesting. and sassa, verify your claim please, because it seems you are trying to capitalize on 9/11 tragedy to progress your own agenda.

ps - igloo, shut the fuck up already.

yo raver mania posted the link....its the 3rd article down.....
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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sassa

Oil Negotiations with Taliban Before WTC

New Book Details Bush/Big Oil Negotiations With Taliban BEFORE WTC

Fact: The WTC was bombed right AFTER Bush-Taliban oil pipeline talks soured.

The talks soured right AFTER Bush/Big Oil threatened Taliban to take their offer or receive a "carpet of bombs."


Bush-Cheney/Big Oil and Afghanistan's Taliban negotiated for MONTHS over running a Caspian Sea oil pipeline through Afghanistan. Talks began in February and continued right on until only one MONTH before New York City's World Trade Center towers were demolished.

DURING the course of these negotiations, the two parties were unable to agree upon a deal, MAINLY because Bush/Big Oil agents constantly upped the ante on the rather naive Taliban representatives: playing intimidation, bait & switch, and "shell" games relentlessly. The Taliban negotiators, understandably, became distrustful of the entire process, and less and less confident they were being dealt with in good faith.

In the beginning of August, the Bush administration and its Big Oil cohorts delivered what amounted to an ultimatum to the Taliban.

The Taliban representatives were reportedly told by Bush/Big Oil: Accept our offer of "a carpet of gold or you'll get a carpet of bombs."

That's a DIRECT quote, according to French authors Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie, who've just written a thoroughly-researched and heavily-documented book about the entire extraordinary business titled "Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth"

ALSO revealed in the book is the fact that BUSH HIMSELF directly ordered the FBI and other U.S. law enforcement groups to BACK OFF on TERRORIST-RELATED INVESTIGATIONS while the oil pipeline negotiations were underway!

In FACT, the FBI's Deputy Director John O'Neill resigned in July in protest over this outrageous and intolerable obstruction.

And by the way: the whereabouts of one OSAMA BIN LADEN, then already firmly entrenched at the very top of the US's "most-wanted terrorist" list during the entire course of these pipeline negotiations, was NEVER an issue with the Bush cartel. Never ONCE were the Taliban urged to hand bin Laden over for all those OTHER horrendous crimes Feds maintain bin Laden has been charged with committing over the years.

And SO: barely a MONTH after the Bush administration sabotaged the negotiations with the Taliban regarding running the Caspian Sea oil pipeline through Afghanistan, the World Trade Center towers are bombed into oblivion, bringing about the currently ongoing UNDECLARED (and therefore illegal) "war on terrorism"...that just HAPPENS to be directed at the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The WTC was bombed -- according to Feds -- by the VERY SAME Osama bin Laden whom the very same Bush administration was so UNCONCERNED ABOUT during those JUST-WRECKED talks with the Taliban.

NO ONE but the bush administration and their Big Oil allies/accomplices -- not the Taliban, not the Palestinians, not ANY other nation whether Islamic or otherwise -- not any other group, agency, force or faction on Earth stood to "GAIN" from the destruction of the World Trade Center which occurred only ONE MONTH after talks between the Bush administration and the Taliban fell apart due to outrageous threats and intimidation by Bush/Big Oil "negotiators."

As a former energy trader, dealing with oil, lite crude, brent and sweet crude and natrual gas, I would have to say your a fucking idiot....Supply and demand is all you need to know. We don't need more supplies that is a misconception of the public, the problem WAS with the refineries...They couldn't keep up because of maintence and the fact that plant mangers switched over to producing Heating Oil too early in the season therefore we could not catch up with producing gas, that is why HO goes up the winter and Oil and gas go up in the summer....Ask any trader! Your in cali, I can put you in touch with tons of energy brokers out there that will tell you the exact same thing...We didn't need any pipe line or any thing else. We need refineries...Not a fucking piple line...Get a fucking clue............. Shut up with your rehtoric...Seriously, Bush bought the Rangers with oil money, but houston went BOOM in the 80's, Bush made a fortune, he knows oil and knows that it is NOT A SUPPLY OR PIPE LINE PROBLEM....Still don't belive me, I will give you the links and the codes to view the oil reports that comes out every tues at 7PM..but facts are hard for you too belive...

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yo msoprano, sorry bro thats not a reputable source. an ultra lefty site is does not have the significant credentials. im talking about a major correspondent and news agency like bbc, cnn, sky, something that has weight behind it.

oh and by the way.. i never heard of oil being afghanistan's export product. i did however hear of opium and terrorism being a very lucrative export product.

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i noticed one thing.... sassa always fins some far-fetched conspiracy theory in her attempts to deny the usually pretty simple truth.

Bush cartel???? carpet bombs?? c'mon people. get over it. its pathetic when these damn left-wingers start coming up with their ridiculous theories and accusations. this has no real facts, just a lot of loaded language and quotes provided by islamic radicals and left-wing extremists

it never seems to amaze me how some people who live here jsut seem to HAVE TO go against anything this country does or says. well, um, its pretty much for our own good, so why dont you stick a damn sock in it.


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Originally posted by tribal

yo msoprano, sorry bro thats not a reputable source. an ultra lefty site is does not have the significant credentials. im talking about a major correspondent and news agency like bbc, cnn, sky, something that has weight behind it.

oh and by the way.. i never heard of oil being afghanistan's export product. i did however hear of opium and terrorism being a very lucrative export product.

yo i hear what youre saying....ill see if i can come up with something.....try this site out that i found a while back....it has a lot of stuff on it including tape phone conversations of presidents if you search hard enough....


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Originally posted by msoprano13

yo i hear what youre saying....ill see if i can come up with something.....try this site out that i found a while back....it has a lot of stuff on it including tape phone conversations of presidents if you search hard enough....



I was looking for this site...found it a while back but lost the address...

GOOD call bro....

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Originally posted by tribal

ah yes, the oil conspiracy theory. sassa still has not posted a link or a reference to make her post valid. her biased and inaccurate observation makes me seriously question her statement. if the statement has a grain of truth to it, if there were secret negotiations between the energy commission and the taliban, i want to see it in a reputable source, not out of a leftist 'activist's mouth. also, saying that the french would not be biased against americans is a bizarre statement. in france, there is a tremendous dislike for americans and american culture because the french see their culture and historical identity threatened by US commercialism. they fear the American golden arches more than American smart bombs. if any one is interested in learning about this, Thomas Friedman wrote a great book THe Lexus and the Olive Tree, very interesting. and sassa, verify your claim please, because it seems you are trying to capitalize on 9/11 tragedy to progress your own agenda.

ps - igloo, shut the fuck up already.

Why?- since you have basically taken my same exact position....

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Originally posted by sassa

Oil Negotiations with Taliban Before WTC

New Book Details Bush/Big Oil Negotiations With Taliban BEFORE WTC

ALSO revealed in the book is the fact that BUSH HIMSELF directly ordered the FBI and other U.S. law enforcement groups to BACK OFF on TERRORIST-RELATED INVESTIGATIONS while the oil pipeline negotiations were underway!

In FACT, the FBI's Deputy Director John O'Neill resigned in July in protest over this outrageous and intolerable obstruction.

i'm sure i'm not as well read about this as sassa is but i do like to read between the lines and to question allot of things myself just like sassa and many of you do

BUT IT THOUGHT/REMEMBER THAT THE LEAD FBI GUY QUIT BECAUSE THEY CONTINUOUSLY FUCKED UP ALL THE TIME..i think it startd with 100 computers missing..withholding/misplacing evidence that could convict or set someone free was another reason..botched investigations..there was allot of heat on the fbi for these reasons

almost all books are made to fill someone's pockets with $$$..sometimes books are written fir the love of writing..sure some of the stuff may be true but again, i read between the lines

so why wasn't this warning 'carpet of gold or carpet of bombs' posted on every fucking website/newspaper...you mean to tell me every single person in these negotiations kept their mouthes shut???you mean to tell me that they wouldn't tell their wives/freinds/children that the USA was just threatened...bullshit

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I was wondering why in the Bin Laden released tape, there was no mention of striking at the heart of America in the name of a pipeline deal gone bad?

Perhaps another US conspiracy on deleting all footage in the video that relates to the deal?


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