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Psycho ex's


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Alright I'll tell the story.

This girl that I was gettin with briefly last year decided to call me up out of the blue last night and kept asking why I don't call her anymore.

Ummm....maybe I don't give a shit about you anymore.

Anyway this girl tells me that she is pregnant and that I am there hasn't been anyone else since me.......Now this caught my attention because fake prenancies are definately the best way to get me upset. However I HAVE NOT FUCKED THIS GIRL SINCE THE WEEK AFTER MY BIRTHDAY WHICH IS FEBUARY 2. Good thing the bitch did her math right.

Fuckin psycho.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

I'm sure everyone has them, but there is nothing more annoying than an ex that continually calls you and keeps doing weird shit.

story of my life... till i ended it finally by telling her off in person, then send a her a letter and mass mailed it all her friends and so forth... so they all know that shes a freak...

_________________________________This is the letter...

I think its time for you to leave me alone already... i think youre pathetic and worthless... youre dead to me... dont bother writing back to me i wont read it i will only delete it. dont bother calling me ill only hang up on you. dont stop and say hi on the street to me, cause i will spit on you... and more importantly if you stop by or call or even think about me again for even a second i will get a restraining order against you, and sue you for agrevated harassment... this is not an empty threat, nor some childish game i am being genuine and sincere... thanks for nothing... thank you for wasting 4yrs of my life and more importantly I TRULY THANK YOU FOR SHOWING ME WHO YOU REALLY ARE AND I THANK GOD EVERYDAY WE DIDNT GET MARRIED NOR STAY TOGETHER ONE MINUTE LONGER... KNOWING NOW WHAT KIND OF PERSON YOU TRULY ARE...

Good Riddance...

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damn lol that shit is mean. theres gotta be a nicer way to tell someone to fuck off. i dont understand why people have to leave things off so badly.. cant people make a mature decision that things arent working out and split without any of the drama or attachment? i guess its just hard to accept the fact that someone you spent a lot of time with is no longer a part of your life. :horns:

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Originally posted by somebitch

damn lol that shit is mean. theres gotta be a nicer way to tell someone to fuck off. i dont understand why people have to leave things off so badly.. cant people make a mature decision that things arent working out and split without any of the drama or attachment? i guess its just hard to accept the fact that someone you spent a lot of time with is no longer a part of your life. :horns:

this happend two years after the break up, and only because i found out that she was bad mouthing me to my friends and trying to get with them... (yep... even my brother... bitch! none of them got with her they just told me...) then 2yrs worth of phone calls at 3am 2 am so forth of lets get back together blah blah blah i got probs in my life thats why ive been like this, then two days later there would another call saying i hate you, you ruined my life blah blah blah, then some of the best were " my family is praying that you die" and the usual vandalism of the car threats,(which we all know and love right?) then she would tell all her friends that i was obsessed with her and that she could do anything she wanted with me blah blah... so i finally said you know what this bitch is a fuckin wacko and the only way to set her straight is to do it like that... flat out black and white... thats why it had to be done like that... and i wish it didnt have to come to that, because to be honest with you from time to time i still miss her, (the side that was good) not even in a girlfriend capacity just convo's and hanging out... too bad... her loss i guess... shes the one who ended it...

now all this man hunk is all yours ladies of Cp... grrr... wink...

(rubbing my nipples, and shaking my hips... )


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