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jv in some heat...

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the new york post is reporting today that dj junior vasquez and his VIP friends are sneaking drugs into earth through a "secret" back entrance where they are not searched. you can read it on page 10 of todays new york post. im trying to find the article on nypost.com but have been unsuccessful thus far. if i can find my damn usb cable ill scan the article.

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Here it is from the NY Post:




December 16, 2001 -- Door-dodging at dance club

CELEBRITY DJ Junior Vasquez could be spinning his way into trouble by presiding over a drug-fueled danceathon at Exit II.

Friends of the turntablist famed for remixing Madonna, Cher and Mariah Carey have been sneaking into a back entrance to avoid drug searches, says our source.

Revelers who come to Vasquez's "Earth" party - a dance marathon that begins Saturday night and runs into Sunday afternoon - are subjected to rigorous strip searches at the massive club's West 56th Street entrance.

"The security guards wear rubber gloves and they check under your testicles and your [buttocks]," says one regular. "They ram their fingers right up there. They make you take your shoes off, and they have a female guard who checks between women's breasts. They're very strict."

But for the past two weeks, in-the-know clubgoers have used a secret entrance where they are whisked inside unmolested.

As with all-night parties at Twilo and Tunnel, Vasquez's former perches, many clubgoers are hopped up on "ecstasy" or GHB while writhing on Exit II's dance floor, say sources.

Jessica Geula, director of Exit II, insists: "Exit II has a zero-tolerance drug policy. There is absolutely no separate, private entrance for Junior Vasquez, his friends or any VIP for that matter."

Vasquez - a nightlife legend who can command $90,000 a night for spinning records - was wooed to Exit II after owner David Marvesi promised to build him a $4 million DJ booth that allows Vasquez to survey the crowd on a hydraulic lift.

Twilo was shuttered by the city in May after a rash of drug-related incidents, including the death of a clubgoer who overdosed on ecstasy. Tunnel suffered a similar fate.

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Originally posted by scoob-e

the new york post is reporting today that dj junior vasquez and his VIP friends are sneaking drugs into earth through a "secret" back entrance where they are not searched. you can read it on page 10 of todays new york post. im trying to find the article on nypost.com but have been unsuccessful thus far. if i can find my damn usb cable ill scan the article.

that's the difference between JOHNATHAN PETERS and the rest of the boys out there spinnin......JP is the most natural music dj out there!! it's all and only about the music for him.....JP FOREVA!!!!:cool:

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Originally posted by pkern

Good for Junior.

The New York Post should not be allowed to call itself a newspaper, btw.

Whether the facts of the article are suspect, or whether the paper merits its standing as a "news"paper -- leaving those arguments aside -- how is this "good for Junior"? Sarcasm? I fail to see how any of this benefits, or is of any glory, to anyone.

It seems to me that all of you are either (1) jumping on the bandwagon, (2) feel incensed that they made inflammatory remarks about a well-known/liked DJ, (3) upset that this was exposed, or (4) have a general dislike for the NYPost altogether, and are only responding as a consequence of harboring any one of these feelings; you're not addressing the issue at hand.

Personally, and not knowing any better, I think there is at least SOME truth to the article. That said, I have no gripes. What's yours? The fact that it was written by someone from the Post? Or that they uncovered the drug smuggling of the VIP's? Hey, if you're caught, you're caught. Don't hate them because they caught you.

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Originally posted by djvectrex

that's the difference between JOHNATHAN PETERS and the rest of the boys out there spinnin......JP is the most natural music dj out there!! it's all and only about the music for him.....JP FOREVA!!!!:cool:

please tell me you are kidding....
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The post story is false!

Earth changed the entrance from the 56th entrance to the back




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OH god the MAN is FIFTY YEARS OLD !!!!!!!! IT'S BACK MEDICINE DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Yeah the Post is basically a step above (small step mind you) the National Equirer. Take this "article" ahhhhhhhem gossip section, with a grain of salt. Man things must be getting back to normal. People are bitching about club life again. :confused:

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Originally posted by loch

Whether the facts of the article are suspect, or whether the paper merits its standing as a "news"paper -- leaving those arguments aside -- how is this "good for Junior"? Sarcasm? I fail to see how any of this benefits, or is of any glory, to anyone.

In my opinion, (and I do not know if the story is accurate or not), yes - Junior sneaking drugs into the back door does have its benefits. I'm tired of the hysteria over club drugs. I'm tired of the overblown concern. When I said "Good for Junior", I meant good for him for being defiant. I find it rather satisfying to think that he's come up with a way to get his rolls in.

As far as the NY Post goes, I don't think my criticism needs much explaining. The paper is shamelessly biased in favor of the mayor's office, and editorializes all over the place, when it should be presenting unbiased journalism.

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Guys, this is on page 6. The gossip page.

That's bad enough in and of itself.

But...the fact that this "article" is written with statements written to "read true" with zero evidence backing them is downright dispicable.

I guess the Post didn't learn with its lack of basic journalistic integrity (fact checking...umm..hello?) with its articles on Twilo.

What's even worse here is that they are targetting a DJ and the culture that attends these events an implying ANYTHING but the truth. There is no MORE drug use at this party than at any regular "straight" event and the seperate entrance was in NO way an attempt to provide a route for easy smuggling in of illegal substances.

The accusations are ludicrous, unsupported and no better than an Enquirer article. The Post is NO MORE than a tabloid hidden under the mask of a true journal of news and information. And they do not seem to have any interest in journalistic integrity or the damage their print can cause on the masses or various institutions.

Had Osama not still been clearer declaired by their marketing team as the best cover story...I'd bet we'd see another "Club of blood and debauchery" on the cover as we did with Twilo.

I myself plan on writing a letter to the post as well as going in and trying to speak personally to the writer of this article through a personal contact. Allowing the press to bend and mould things to their personal/financial will with little to know interest in either 1) integrity of their words/findings or 2) impact on their readers is beyond negligent....its downright HARMFUL.

I'm tempted to ask the writers of page 6 who make their living fiending off the gossip monsters who've nothing better to do than find interest in whether or not Brad Pitt's dick is cut..."have you no decency?"

But I stress again...this is on the GOSSIP page. There is rarely any truth at all in gossip.

I'm very disgusted to see the post back at their old tactics again. Would also like to meet the writers who so enjoy attacking the clubs and have them sit across from a person who was VERY directly effected by what they did beyond just losing her playground. Wonder what they'd say have to say. Probably nothing more than "its freedom of the press, honey bunch." Funny, I thought that freedom came with the goal and intent of exposing truths/education and knowledge to the masses.

Guess for the Post....its more about freedom of the press to keep their advertisers and circulation on tactics no better than Jerry Springer. Perhaps worse, since Jerry has never denied what he and his show really is while this trash tries to sell itself as a quality newspaper.

My family ran a publishing company and a newspaper for years. I saw first hand the WORK it takes to fact check and mantain your integrity as a journalist. Clearly this isn't important to these writers or editors. Also, as a person who was and friend's were directly effected in some more profound ways by Twilo's closing (job loss etc. etc.)....I'm appauled that they've found their new target. And that that target is now not just the club culture, but the gay culture. Perfect "dirt" ain't it? Those drug popping queers at it again eh? Pathetic and downright disgusting use of the power of the printed word.

They should be ashamed.


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Originally posted by djvectrex

that's the difference between JOHNATHAN PETERS and the rest of the boys out there spinnin......JP is the most natural music dj out there!! it's all and only about the music for him.....JP FOREVA!!!!:cool:

WOW, do you work for the Post.....???

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that's the difference between JOHNATHAN PETERS and the rest of the boys out there spinnin......JP is the most natural music dj out there!! it's all and only about the music for him.....JP FOREVA!!!!


That's a Joke right???? Awwwwwww he believes JP doesn't do drugs how cute. I have a nice bridge I'm selling. How much money you got??

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ok...first off if i read the times and this article was in it i would have been a little more comfortable believing it...

now with the ongoing bullshit saga about JP and the drug use...listen, the only person that knows if JP does drugs while spinning is JP himself...everyone is so convinced that he spins long sets because of the drugs, yet no one has ever actually seen him take ANYTHING...and i have friends the work for the club that would know if he does and they've all told me no...so who the hell knows and at this point who the hell cares...the place itself is a crackden....

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Originally posted by highmay

...the place itself is a crackden....

LOL, it was funny when the lights on the 3rd floor came on and lit the main floor up a little and you saw all the baggies and jars. Then when the lights came on on the main floor... even funnier.:laugh:

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

they sure as hell got some facts way off

90,000 a night??? um..... no

and i havent heard of anyone checking testicles with a rubber glove.... :laugh:

no rubber gloves, but they rolled my babys like a pair of chinese ben-wah balls

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