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Many things to do @ Club SPACE on December 21st Cristmas Theme FRIDAY...


Ask Santa if you've been naughty...

Pet one of his many elves & u might receive a treat...

Meet the Santa Hoes...

DANCE, DANCE, DANCE!!! <<< Damn good music by our residents

DRINK, DRINK, DRINK!!! <<< Open Bar 10-12am

LADIES!!! Register to Win a New Year's/Valentine's Total Makeover (Hair, Wardrobe, Dinner)...


No snow Angels please...

No harrasing the hoes, find your own...

No Mocking the elves, they get pretty nasty...


Candy Canes...


Santa Hats...

Those latex made hats for your dumber half... <<< CONDOMS...

Comp. Admission & Drink Passes...

Contact Biz for Guest list Priveledges or Table Reservations at Biznation00@hotmail.com


WE :love: FRIDAYS @ SPACE!!!





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No offense but, If you guys are Edgar fans then I assume you've been to space on a consistent basis on his night >>> FRIDAY. Now if you've been to Space on a consistent basis, then you should know who spins the FRIDAYS along side of Edgar. That is of course if you do know your music/djs...

Everyone is upset about the whole Edgar incident. Edgar was the center piece of Space then & some of you are the reason why Space & Edgar are what they are today. Over the past few days I have noticed a growing support for Edgar along with a build up of anger for Space. If it takes an incident like this to ignite a Spark for Edgar then I feel the future of clubs/djs are in jeopardy. I think we need to focus on supporting our Music/Djs while they still have a home. It's easy to jump on a bad press bandwagon & rip a place like Space. However, u are only entitled to if you know the facts & not just the rumor & have been a regular in attendance for Edgar's Friday night Sets.

Everything is resolved through communication. I certainly hope that Edgar & SPACE can come to an agreement. Edgar was and is a key part of the Space family and lets not hope that we have to think back on the days when Edgar stood atop the booth cranking bass, drums & melodies...

Going back to the original question of who will be spinning?? Two DAMN GOOD residents by the names of OSCAR G & ROLAND!!!

Biz (Biznation00@hotmail.com)

Club Space


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soundgasm, you need to relax there and stop jocking me and stop hating me.......i call em as i see em......you have a lot of work to do at Liquid still .....even if u get Edgar V you need to work on Class first of all second your going to have to learn to tone down your arrogance when your club hasnt even been open for 3 months

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Originally posted by biznation00

In case you haven't heard... Space does have an afterhours for both Friday & Saturday. Oscar Spins the Fri. afterhours & Pulse isn't open all night. We learn something new everyday, don't we?? :woah:

About Padilla, well lets just say you are entitled to your opinion...

ok flyer boy .sorry:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by trickycat

who cares???

that place sucks anyway

commercial commercial commercial

sad sad sad

It's not totally commercial. If you would get beyond the crowd, you'd see a very talented resident in Oscar there. I've been finding that a lot lately, even though the crowds are mediocre, there's usually a DJ up in the booth trying his best to motivate them. Take Level for instance, the most commercial venue in Miami. Saturday night's opener, Ariel Baund, has to be one of the most underappreciated talents around. The highlights of his sets are that he will often take turns with a random, unnannounced guest DJ. This past weekend for example, Austin Leeds partnered up with him, as they both dropped some fresh white labels, and quite a few tracks they have teamed up on to produce for a forthcoming release. Did the crowd notice? Maybe, but there still were quite a few who were shocked to see the comparatively reclusive Austin at Level of all places.

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Dear Tricky Cat,

Commercial eh- you sure did your homework on that one buddy (sarcasm). Sure SPACE is commercial, I mean just take the highest quality local sound system, & lighting. Oh, and don't forget its location, very commercial. One last thing, the music & DJ's--one, if not the best in Miami & SoBe--totally commercial. Ooops, I almost forgot to mention the afterhours, NOW THATS COMMERCIAL, YEP U NAILED IT!!!

Don't Assume (Assume=make an ASS of U & ME) what you know nothing of bud. It seems to me you don't spend that much time at Space, so why talk? Figures, another iguana cantina, I hate space "club go-er". Oh, I remember know!! youre the kid standing outside the ropes, puppy-dogged wearing a tommy hilfiger polo tucked into some dockers slacks, held up by a braided belt. Wipe your mouth kid!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Come back see us in a few years, when you're all grownz up kiddo... Don't take it personal, Space spared you further embarassment. Guess you just expired...

Some one please, shoot this guy :blown:

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Originally posted by trickycat: who cares??? that place sucks anyway

commercial commercial commercial

sad sad sad ...

Sorry guyz I have to agree w/ Musica on this one...This guy must have been a victim of Space's door staff or something...Cuz I dont see him backing up his statement... Seems like a personal vendetta... What so commercial about it???

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hey musica Phrankadelic is right ...im the king of ripping things when they deserve to but first you have to give some credit to something before you dive in head first into that negativity ..

everyone praises things and ripps things...thats fine

and since your a newbie ill keep my eye on u especially and keep you in line ...even thoug we sometimes disagree...Shroomy, sobeton, pod , Phrank, and others are veterans and i give em thier say.

you smell like an undercover space promoter.

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The reason why I back space is because ive been there from day one, and I have shared positive memories with the place. Not to mention I have lots of Friends who are & have been a part of the staff.

sorry for backing my friends, i thought that was the appropriate thing to do? Thats cool that everyone has their own opinion, thats why i came on this board. Cuz I wanted to speak for myself, and like I said I grew tired of seeing some of my friends get ripped. wouldn't you do the same? whether im new on the board or not. Opinions count when the facts are behind to back them up. otherwise, they are just as good as S^*t.

Rip anyone you please, just make sure you can back up your statements with facts when it comes time to toss em around.

I'll speak when i think its time to. I try to keep neutral, but if i dont agree with a statement based on bogus facts, you will hear me. It's your choice to listen or not.

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