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As you get older....


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I feel the same way, but thats practically with eveyrthing in life. Sex when your young seems so precious because u barely had it. Ofcourse ur gonna treausure something new. Compare it to a car, lets say u get a brand new car, and ur loving it. In a matter of a few months it's just another car. U can have the best sex, but if u have it all the time, specially with one person, it's going to get boring mighty quick.

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Originally posted by nychunk

Compare it to a car, lets say u get a brand new car, and ur loving it. In a matter of a few months it's just another car.

I dunno about you but i'm in love with my car everyday with just the same amount of wonder and passion that i had when i first drove her out of her previous home in Westchester...



a.) My car IS my girlfriend

b.) My car is an awesome lay whenever I want to hump the gas cap

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I feel the opposite, when your younger sex really doesn't seem to be as important, As I'm getting older I'm realizing, that it's not cool to have sex just for the fun of it anymore, I'd much rahter have it to mean something to me and the other person, the njust do it to get off.

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Originally posted by nrgy112

I feel the opposite, when your younger sex really doesn't seem to be as important, As I'm getting older I'm realizing, that it's not cool to have sex just for the fun of it anymore, I'd much rahter have it to mean something to me and the other person, the njust do it to get off.

yeah i totally value sex more now especially when its with someone i care about...:D

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pretty much what Nyc said... however i think in a edition to that, its that you have more things on your mind, and more things to do or accomplish that sex just seem to be a priority or even a need anymore... (plus maybe because the less you have it, the more you learn to live with out it... right spragga???)

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Originally posted by dgmodel

pretty much what Nyc said... however i think in a edition to that, its that you have more things on your mind, and more things to do or accomplish that sex just seem to be a priority or even a need anymore... (plus maybe because the less you have it, the more you learn to live with out it... right spragga???)

:laugh: :laugh:

When I actually get some in the next 15 years, I'll answer that question for you all!!

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