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What is the deal with guys who...


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...hang out of car windows and shout at you? I mean do guys realy think that this is a turn on? Like we are going to come over to the car:rolleyes: So guys why the hell do you do this. You just look like a bunch of dogs, who are dying for thirst with your tongues sticking out of the window...haha`

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What do you tell your kids? "Mommy how did you meet daddy?"

"Hon, I was on my way to work and your daddy was standing on the corner with his pants sagging and yelling out 'hey mami, psst, sit on my face' and I just ran over to him..."


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I'm not exactly sure, cuz I've never done it, but my theory is that these guys see it as a way, albeit a pathetic one, to "talk" to a woman that would otherwise be unapproachable. It's "safe" for the guy since it doesn't give the woman a chance to formally reject him. Just my $.02

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Aside from the simple innocent and pleasant "hello" as a girl walks by, I've never understood that shit either. It's definetly a thug thing. TO be honest though some girls like that shit... then again those are the girls that usually with like 3 different baby fathers. If anyone is familar with Jersey..... All I can say.... Bergen Line in West New york, Central ave in Jersey City, Main ave in Paterson/Passaic etc.... All shitty areas that are full of @ucking thugs.....

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Originally posted by xxlea

What do you tell your kids? "Mommy how did you meet daddy?"

"Hon, I was on my way to work and your daddy was standing on the corner with his pants sagging and yelling out 'hey mami, psst, sit on my face' and I just ran over to him..."


LMAO :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by nycdee

Aside from the simple innocent and pleasant "hello" as a girl walks by, I've never understood that shit either. It's definetly a thug thing. TO be honest though some girls like that shit... then again those are the girls that usually with like 3 different baby fathers. If anyone is familar with Jersey..... All I can say.... Bergen Line in West New york, Central ave in Jersey City, Main ave in Paterson/Passaic etc.... All shitty areas that are full of @ucking thugs.....

i wouldn't call it only thug thing..i see guidos doin it too along with strait up white boys..i would call it a drunk and stupid thing or just strait up stupid n childish

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Originally posted by vision

i wouldn't call it only thug thing..i see guidos doin it too along with strait up white boys..i would call it a drunk and stupid thing or just strait up stupid n childish

Yup I have to agree...had plenty of white guys do the cat calls just as the ghetto guys do. I think it is simply a sign of low class!

Sometimes guys do it joking around with their friends...I don't really care as long as nothing offensive is said.

I've even jokingly with a car full of girls yelled out to other girls...haha...funniest shit ever!

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Originally posted by xxlea

What do you tell your kids? "Mommy how did you meet daddy?"

"Hon, I was on my way to work and your daddy was standing on the corner with his pants sagging and yelling out 'hey mami, psst, sit on my face' and I just ran over to him..."


:laugh: :laugh:

I just love Dave Price in your sig...Are you makin fun of him, or do you like him? He is a funny mofo IMO

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Originally posted by nycdee

Aside from the simple innocent and pleasant "hello" as a girl walks by, I've never understood that shit either. It's definetly a thug thing. TO be honest though some girls like that shit... then again those are the girls that usually with like 3 different baby fathers. If anyone is familar with Jersey..... All I can say.... Bergen Line in West New york, Central ave in Jersey City, Main ave in Paterson/Passaic etc.... All shitty areas that are full of @ucking thugs.....

Thug thing? 3 different baby fathers?

Fuckin racist asshole!:mad:

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Ahhhh man, i knew racism was going to be an issue here.... I never made any specific remarks to any race, gender, or color.. Just pointed out areas where I see it the most and from whom I see it from...Then again other people have examples of white people doing the same thing..... I apologize for accusing just thugs, but from my experience that's where the majority of the cat calls and other nonsense comes from. I do apologize though if i've offended anyone...

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Originally posted by spragga25

Sorry "hun"...but that is bullshit.

I know its bullshit, but he clarified it up. I mean we see that it is minorities with the different baby fathers. But then you go to say those trailer park areas..aka white trailer trash areas..and you can find the same thing..But we mainly hear abt minorities, cause that is what the media presents. Anyway..Ragga, its good to see you poppin your sweet fine, sexy ass around these parts...:tongue: Do you still have the little ragga candy striped?:o
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Originally posted by fierydesire

I know its bullshit, but he clarified it up. I mean we see that it is minorities with the different baby fathers. But then you go to say those trailer park areas..aka white trailer trash areas..and you can find the same thing..But we mainly hear abt minorities, cause that is what the media presents. Anyway..Ragga, its good to see you poppin your sweet fine, sexy ass around these parts...:tongue: Do you still have the little ragga candy striped?:o

Don't bet on it - The only reason I posted is because I can't let dickwads like him in this thread and the cop-bashing thread go...Fuck this place :blown:

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Originally posted by nycdee

, Central ave in Jersey City,

What's so bad about Central Ave.I live 2 blocks from there and I could tell you that there isn't a very big thug population.Im not saying there aren't some but most are just confused lil kids.I just found it funny that you said Central Ave is a shitty area because I could take you on a nature walk down Ocean Ave if you really want to see shitty.Don't make fun of my beloved neighborhood:mad:

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by fierydesire

...hang out of car windows and shout at you? I mean do guys realy think that this is a turn on? Like we are going to come over to the car:rolleyes: So guys why the hell do you do this. You just look like a bunch of dogs, who are dying for thirst with your tongues sticking out of the window...haha`

This is not an insult, but what do you think your boyfriends does when hes out with the boys??????? And no one give me that I know my man doesn't do that. Fact is all guys cheat, and all guys do this shit when in groups of other men................Just my 2 cents.

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Originally posted by saleen351

This is not an insult, but what do you think your boyfriends does when hes out with the boys??????? And no one give me that I know my man doesn't do that. Fact is all guys cheat, and all guys do this shit when in groups of other men................Just my 2 cents.

What an ass:blown:

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Spragga what's your problem.. Number one I clearly did not point anyone out when in my first reply..... Number two, I gave my sincerest apology to anyone I may have offended (which included yourself) ... and three.... What cop bashing thread? I never even read that cop bashing thread... Before you get all hyped up.... make sure what your talking about it is actually factual.. I still don't understand why -YOU- singled me out by saying my statements in my first reply were RACIST?

Tunnelbandit.. Im not going to argue.. you live there so you definetly see what goes on over there more than I. (i live right next to North Bergen.) Central isn't that bad, you're right.. but a friend of mine used to live there for a while (right across the street from persian field) and on top of that we used to have break dancing sessions every sunday for a little over year (about a year or so ago)I've seen my fair share of the cat calls as well.. "confused kids" is probably a better description anyway . as for Ocean ave I never really ventured through very much....once again... my bad....

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