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Who wants to volunteer to kiss me on New Year's Eve....?


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Originally posted by sassa

Hahaha...I am sooo high right now so I will probably regret posting the topic this way..but honestly,who are you going to be with for New Year's....if not with anyone,then who would you want to kiss for the first time in the year 2002?:tongue:

You are high this early in the morning??? That is great!!!

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Originally posted by sassa

Hahaha...I am sooo high right now so I will probably regret posting the topic this way..but honestly,who are you going to be with for New Year's....if not with anyone,then who would you want to kiss for the first time in the year 2002?:tongue:

hrm, maybe if we like eachother ;)

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Originally posted by sassa

Hahaha...I am sooo high right now so I will probably regret posting the topic this way..but honestly,who are you going to be with for New Year's....if not with anyone,then who would you want to kiss for the first time in the year 2002?:tongue:

If not you, than in no particular order:

Selma Hayek

That model from the new Old Navy commercials

Uma Therman

Tasty T, Chula22, and Clubkat (all at the same time if possible)


But in all seriousness, the one I want to kiss the most is not just one, it is my sisters and nieces that live in Arizona - mi familia, mi corazon, mi vida - they are my everything...

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Originally posted by sassa

Hahaha...I am sooo high right now so I will probably regret posting the topic this way..but honestly,who are you going to be with for New Year's....if not with anyone,then who would you want to kiss for the first time in the year 2002?:tongue:

Girl, with those lips, I'm sure you won't have a problem finding someone to kiss. If I were anywhere near SoCal, I'd be knocking on your door giving you your first kiss of 2002.

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Originally posted by tastyt

Well Clubkat and I will probably be out together on NYE... talk about a coincidence... ;)

two quick tings:

1) looks like i will be bustin my cherry at the cp meetup at the Roxy tomorrow night...

2) i welcome and any all recommendations on what to do NYE - I have been designated to pick the "spot" for me, my cuz and his wife, my roommie, and another chickie friend...we're all into to the scene, but all a bit older (25-30)

Instead of takin up space on this thread for #2, PM me with suggestions....Tanks:D

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Originally posted by tastyt

Well Clubkat and I will probably be out together on NYE... talk about a coincidence... ;)

ooo ooo and although not on phatmans list....T, i think I actually convinced moonie to go too!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhHhhhHHHHHHHH

:eek: Id like my 3way kisses moist and sensual please! ;)

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Originally posted by clubkat

ooo ooo and although not on phatmans list....T, i think I actually convinced moonie to go too!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhHhhhHHHHHHHH

:eek: Id like my 3way kisses moist and sensual please! ;)

Hey what abt me. I get no love.:( I will be there too chicas...

I am going solo to Russian Tea Room and then Vinyl well that is a very very ....I dont' mind though, perhaps I will find domeone who want to kiss lil ole me...

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Originally posted by clubkat

ooo ooo and although not on phatmans list....T, i think I actually convinced moonie to go too!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhHhhhHHHHHHHH

:eek: Id like my 3way kisses moist and sensual please! ;)

Woo-Hoo! This will truly be a night of decadence and debauchery!!! Just the way I like it! :D :D :D

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Originally posted by trancend

:mad::( but i wanted to kiss fierydesire!!

::throws fit in the corner:::

aww..huney..u can have me all to urself;)

Hmm..it looks like the girls are gfoing to have a fun evening. Somebitch, the more the merrier. Sorry guys..you can watch the 5 way:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

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Originally posted by phatman

how bout i will be the one unifying set of lips for this... a love nucleus if you will...i gots plenty of shuga...

Well....us girls must decide on this unanimously....hmm..I think we can think of way that us 5 can do this...Well shall we let the boys in chicas?

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Originally posted by sassa

Hahaha...I am sooo high right now so I will probably regret posting the topic this way..but honestly,who are you going to be with for New Year's....if not with anyone,then who would you want to kiss for the first time in the year 2002?:tongue:

wassup baby...i thought you stopped smokin...its all good though...i wanna smoke but i haven't been buyin any...just rollin lately...this weekend that'll all change though...gonna do bofem

MUAH...why wait

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