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having someone tell you they love you


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i started seeing this guy about a month ago and things are going so well. it's like magic. then this past weekend he tells me he loves me, but i don't feel the same way. not yet at least. things were fabulous, now i'm not sure what to think.


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Originally posted by dakota21

i started seeing this guy about a month ago and things are going so well. it's like magic. then this past weekend he tells me he loves me, but i don't feel the same way. not yet at least. things were fabulous, now i'm not sure what to think.


he prob scared you off with the whole "I love you" thing babe...immediately you start thinking about relationships and commitment and all the baggage......its normal to feel that way ;)

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pay no mind to that ass.....

I've been in the same situation before...just because he tells u he loves u, DO NOT feel obligated to say it back if it's not in your heart, that WILL only make it worse. My suggestion to you is to just be honest and tell him exactly what your feelings are for him. Don't feel badly and be afraid to hurt him, let him know how great of a time u have with him, and how "fabulous" things are, but as of now...ur just not ready to tell him "I love you". If he's a keeper, he will understand. I may just be rambling, but I hope it helps. Good luck girlie ;)

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Originally posted by klohe

pay no mind to that ass.....

I've been in the same situation before...just because he tells u he loves u, DO NOT feel obligated to say it back if it's not in your heart, that WILL only make it worse. My suggestion to you is to just be honest and tell him exactly what your feelings are for him. Don't feel badly and be afraid to hurt him, let him know how great of a time u have with him, and how "fabulous" things are, but as of now...ur just not ready to tell him "I love you". If he's a keeper, he will understand. I may just be rambling, but I hope it helps. Good luck girlie ;)

Agreed...a month really is too soon, so I can understand why you feel pressured. He might have just said it in the moment w/o thinking it through himself...tell him that you are enjoying the time you spend with him and can't wait to see where it goes...hope it continues to be magic :)
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Ya I agree! Just wait till you love him then say it, if you don't then don't say it. This guy obviously didnt read the maxim article on how to spring the phrase I love you on a girl. Yuck , get him a subscription for Christmas, it will be like your giving something back to yourself trust me. :)

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he definitely gave me a little shock esp since i'm usually the one pouring my heart out.

i did tell him i wasn't going to where he is any time soon. i can't let those 'i love you's' slip out if i don't mean it. it's just that he's so damn amazing. haven't had this for a long time. i just didn't want things to come to this point so fast.

and maybe i'll slip him that maxim issue for christmas ;)

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i dont think theres really any time factor in telling someone u love them... it may have only been a month until he told u but if u love someone, u know it. but anyway... dont say it unless u feel it. thats really all there is to it u know? say it when u know u love someone... whether its over a month's time or a year... good luck

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Wow, this is scary...I'm going through a similar thing right now. I met this guy around a month ago, and....well, he's amazing. Good looking, ambitious, great to talk to, and very willing to please...but for some reason, I just don't feel any sparks with him....and he can have any girl he wants, but instead he tells me he loves and wants to be with me...and here I am, not believing it for a second and wishing that either he or I felt differently about things....and he wants to spend the weekend with me. Honestly, I would never say I love you to someone unless a certain amount of time had passed and I felt sure that our relationship was heading in that direction...but come on...after a month? You barely know a person after a month...well, in most cases ;) I think maybe he should have waited...and you definitely shouldn't feel bad or weird that you don't feel the same way...maybe it is too early for you..or maybe he isn't the One.

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