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Johnny Vicious The Roxy And The Clubnyc Heads............

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Originally posted by msoprano13


everyywhere i walked i was bumping into a clubnyc head.....had a great time chilling with all of you....whenever i took a stroll around(which i like to do throughout the night numerous times) id make my way back the the clubnyc section where we dominated the dancefloor......vinly for new years and back to roxy for jv's bday bash....ohhhhhhhhh maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.....

pics will be up on thursday.......

tagteam champions.....hahahahaahahahaha

MUAH>>>kisses for u...:balloon: :balloon: :heart:

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sorry people it took me so damn long to give my meetup shouts. Quoth is kinda slow like that. But goddamn, never have i seen and/or met so many fucking clubplanet heads in one night. I'll try to make this short cause i basically have the same nice things to say about all of you as you have said about others. I knew when i got their and saw mugz in the i (heart) new york t-shirt that it was gonna be one hell of a night cause everyone seemed out in full force with unity and good vibes. I wandered over to the bar where i was thoroughly greeted by the best of clubplanet. it was especially funny meetin PFloyd and being a crazy ass like i am annoucing to the whole bar.."ALRIGHT EVERYONE LETS GIVE IT UP FOR THE PRESIDENT OF MAD HOES INC. HIMSELF, PFLOYD!!!" But Trancerxn and his..."OMG ITS WES BORLAND, can i take a picture with you" was funny as fuck.

:laugh: But of course, i had to "unfortunately" hug sexybabydee :tongue: although i played the "im squishing yer head" game with her like they usta do on kids in the hall show. But shit lemme go down the list here.....

Bigpoppa-welcome home cocksucker nice to fuckin meet u.

msoprano-bro, yer a fuckin class act and good mafia man to an irish bloke like myself. thanks again for being my beer bitch for the night. much appreciative.

ggfella-haha bro yer fuckin awesome, so sorry i kept gettin u and msoprano mixed up. ::damnquothyersuchadouche::

JennEfer-where the fuck were u dude?? i didnt even know u were there :mad:

*ugh i just sneezed on my keyboard by accident, so gross*

Fierydesire and ReginaP- yum

spragga-one coooooooool ass muthafucka!!!

quoth-"hey spragga, where is yer wheelchair and chrome rims?"

spragga-"coat check, eveything is at coatcheck":laugh: :laugh:

rdancer-nice to meet u man, fuckin-a you,trancerxn and msoprano allllllll need new haircut styles...u all look the fuckin same and i kept gettin ya's mixed up. shit like that bugs quoth out.

TrancerXn-hey good to see u again and this time i remembered u unlike exit where i fuckin asked who u were like a million times after i had already met u. haha

Xtcgspot-always good to see u, and always good to see vicious.

LinaFUCKINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBina-damn i have a way with making my entrances known such as huggin the shit outta you screaming to the top of my lungs.."LINAFUCKINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGBINA" but as always a 100% true pleasure always chillin with u and always enjoy our convos. ;)

crobra and mist-still as always my fav CP couple......couple of great people that is.

Sexxybabydee-"hey listen, if at any time during the night you happen to fall outta that shirt, lemme know and ill be right there to catch em with both of my hands" haha well, as much as u may think i hate you, wes loves everybody including u fawker. *muah*

clubkat and dj moonshine- meow and wow

roninmess-only took 10 minutes to get yer hair like that?

az-tec: yo andy nice to finally fuckin meet u man. very classy dude.

xtcgirlie(girly)- wow, what a fuckin cutie. ughhhhh and german too?? fuckin yum. remember babe, clubplanet is family.

saigray-hey cutey, nice seein u again, i was definitely impressed by the TECHNICS shirt cause i have a vast collection of TECHNICS tee's myself but it looks damn good on a girl.

glowdancer-ugh did u have to show up? j/k thanks for letting me squish yer head with my 2 fingers. hehe

cottoncandydream-damn if only i knew, i woulda voted u best boobs on the sex board.

and last but not least thanks to all who participated in the nipple game. Well, sorry to anyone i left out but i think i covered lots of who i met, so hopefully we can all do this again soon kids and thanks to everyone who helped me have a great fuckin time and enjoying life due to the good news that i quit my job finally. And to those who know me personally, know that me quitting was the best thing for me and my health and i appreciate all those who supported me by making me feel like family last night.

Love to you all and happy holidays from Quoth.


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Great Fawkin party!!! I missed the meet up :( cause i got in late and it took me forever to find parking and get the fuck in there. Because around 1:30 - 2 it was a fuckin zoo for about three blocks around Roxy. But it was well worth the wait. I got in Just as Amber went on. Nice meeting the peeps that i met. You all were chill as hell.And it was also nice to see all the SF HEADZ!! As for JV i thought he was sick(as always). Its so nice to have a new party for this new year. I think this is gonna be fun party for weeks to come.. See everyone next week..

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Its official...I'm gonna need some new friends today after I get done killing all the one's that cancelled on me last night and forced me to miss this.........FUCKIN BASTARDS.....:blown:

LOL YEAH ME TOO! WTF?! I even saw Capello in Exit during payouts, and he was saying how slammin' Roxy was and how Johnny Vicious was tearin' it up, but NOOOOOO, I was stuck @ Exit.. ERR.. PEOPLE MAKE ME MAD... DAMMIT:blown:

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Originally posted by quoth

JennEfer-where the fuck were u dude?? i didnt even know u were there

SERIOUSLY!! And your tall lankyness should have been easy to spot. Funny thing is I was playing the "i think i know that person" game the whole night. I saw this other kid that looked like you... but he was too short... and I figured that you would have gone to Scot Project over JV (guess I was wrong).

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i had a GREAT time friday night... i was there with xtcgspot and holy shit. it was a fawkin kick ass party... sooo many shout outs:

xtcgspot:: the night turned out just as we planned *hehe* mwahz

Dee:: never forget our *sentimental* bathroom convo lol.. "HES GOT HUGE BALLS!!!!"

xtcgirlie:: u r SUCH a sweetheart.. it was so great meeting u

fierydesire:: always a pleasure... especially when u spank me lol

glowdancer:: same goes for u as well... i got spanked by everyone lol...

quoth:: ::kisses:: u know im always here for ya babe... *ur welcome, btw*;)

spragga:: can u teach me how to play "find the shmuck?!?!" LOL... :mwah:

trancerxn:: so uhh... hows that wall taste? lol

cotoncandydream::gotta love those male dancers :rolleyes:hehehehe

bigpoppanills:: great to see u home... pleasure dancin with u ;)

msoprano, ggfella:: always great to see u guys! <thanks for buyin us those drinks mike...:D

Roninmess: u r just a big tease... thats all i have to say... lol :tongue:

reginaP:: great to see u bebe!

clubkat & moonie:: WONNNNDERFUL to finally meet u girls ::meow:: hey kat- whos the best at the nipple game huh?! hehe...

everyone else i chilled with... it was so much fun... until next time... ::MMMMWAHZ:: :D :D :D

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Originally posted by quoth

Quoth.Hey Baybee. Where u been? I was waiting to hear from you..;) It was sooo nice meeting you the other night and talking to you..You are the biggest sweetheart.And thank u so much for the compliments....muah <3... See u soon...:)

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Originally posted by linabina

i had a GREAT time friday night... i was there with xtcgspot and holy shit. it was a fawkin kick ass party... sooo many shout outs:

xtcgirlie:: u r SUCH a sweetheart.. it was so great meeting u

:: :D :D :D

Lina-- Thank you so much you are the best..you are the biggest sweetie in the world...:D :D

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i dont think taht there is anything left to post...you guys said it all....all i know is that the night was fuckin off the hook and CP peeps are fuckin awesome!!!!!!! i would love to type out a little thing about everyone but ill be here all day and i have to go to work soon so ill let u guy think about that....but it was definatly a kickass time and i cant wait in two weeks to go back!!!!


peace out


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Originally posted by linabina

i had a GREAT time friday night... i was there with xtcgspot and holy shit. it was a fawkin kick ass party... sooo many shout outs:

Roninmess: u r just a big tease... thats all i have to say... lol :tongue:


I am not a tease....

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First off, can we please get some of those pictures up, so I have half a clue which of you ppl I met....way to many faces with names, and screennames, and nicknames.... But to all who I did meet, it was a pleasure....

I had such a great time doing CP promotions, thanks so much Cottoncandy for taking a chance on a young kid, hope I made ya proud and I LOVE MY TECHNIC shirt- Technics chicks in the house (that goes to u too, SBD, great meeting u)!!

And quoth, anytime you want to see your technics shirts on a girl, you're welcome to lend them to me ;-)

Anyway, funny little story for y'all (Crobra and Mist, you'll love this) so I decide, despite my overworked, underrested state, to drop around 1, so I can fully appreciate the soundsystem (which btw, I thought was pretty good). But after the meet-up, and that Amber performance, and some dancin, I was just dragging, nothing going on chemically, and I said "fuck it, I'm tired, I'm going home"

Take a taxi up town, brush my teeth, wash my face, silently applaud myself for doing the right thing and think happily about how well rested I'll be tomorrow...lay down......


Oh well.......................

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Originally posted by msoprano13

who picked me up off of the stairs right at the end of the night and told me i had to dance with her...lol.......im gonna take a wild shot in the dark and say jennifer......and you said youre gonna be at vinyl for new years.....

um that was me, like you don't remember:rolleyes:

Do you remember what you told me about my hair?;) And I was the fucked up one:laugh:

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