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Hunka Bunka promoters and supporters you listening?

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Originally posted by saleen351

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM another first post for someone that works for hunka bunka...How shocking is that...max gram is not worth the money......No way in hell.....

Dont' belive me, go to his site and look where he has played at....Chapel Hill NC!!!!!!!!!!! WTF, trust me I've been to chapel hill plenty of times in college....They like who let the dogs out and big booty hoes...............HE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good no one booked him in NYC once last month...But chicago and clevland and oh course the clubbing capital of the world DENER were much more important...guys a joke, his shit is played, hes trying to be a DT and can't get the job done..........

Salteen - What gives? Why are you sooooo, anti-HB and sooooo anti-Max?

Are you happy with the status quo in NJ?

Do you enjoy the steady diet of sameness the ten or twelve DJ's that get all the work in NJ feed you every week?

Do you not see that if successful this could inject some needed diversity, into the otherwise stale NJ scene?

They did not book Carl Cox, Doc Martin, Tony Humphries, or half a dozen other world class DJ's last month in NY either. Does that mean they are not up to par also?

National and International authorities (MIXER, URB, MIXMAG, DJ, etc.) on the scene rank Max Graham as one of the world's best DJ's.

If you don't get or connect with his style, that's fine. In fact that is your right. But stop knocking HB for trying to bring something different to NJ. It's getting tired. Do you have some personal vendetta with that venue? It is starting to look that way.

As for your dismissal of the choice of booking Max Graham, You obviously have your NJ head so far up your NJ ass that you are delirious from lack of oxygen.

Who would you have booked? Please share with us your short list of DJ's who you feel could have been a better choice.

Remember - When a club books a DJ, they pay not only his fee for DJing, but also his air and ground transportation, hotel,and meals also.

So if a club in Cleveland or Chicago or Denver is willing to fly this guy in from (I believe from Toronto, Canada) some other country, he has to bring something more to the table than the local talent.

Anyway let me end on a positive note by saying again that it certainly is a bold and in many ways courageous step for HB and the BonSolidd crew to have stepped up to the plate and booked somebody NJ clubgoers would not normally be exposed to unless they went to NY.

PS - I in no way work for, promote for, or derive any compensation from HB or Bon Solidd promotions.

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Originally posted by luvdaclubs22

So basically what it comes down to is this...if you dont like the way the club runs...DONT GO! Why waste your time bashing it...let the people who do enjoy it...ENJOY IT!! Everyone has there own right to there opinion but come on...enough is enough.


I tried to say this once before on another post but it seems like you will only waste your typing... they don't care they will still bash whatever they want anyway. So just let them do it, who cares anymore... in fact it is getting annoying...

...oh and byt the way njdionysis or whatever your name is... I KNEW that meant Denver, I guess you couldn't pick up on my sarcasm... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by luvdaclubs22

So basically what it comes down to is this...if you dont like the way the club runs...DONT GO! Why waste your time bashing it...let the people who do enjoy it...ENJOY IT!! Everyone has there own right to there opinion but come on...enough is enough.


I tried to say this once before on another post but it seems like you will only waste your typing... they don't care they will still bash whatever they want anyway. So just let them do it, who cares anymore... in fact it is getting annoying...

...oh and by the way njdionysis or whatever your name is... I KNEW that meant Denver, I guess you couldn't pick up on my sarcasm... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Its really funny how much time people will spend talking about a club thats only open 'til 2am. Hurry up, you better leave now so you can get there by 10 to make sure you have a good time!

Saleen, dont waste your breathe.

Shut up already! :blown:

You must take spelling lessons from Saleen.....breathe????? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Its really funny how much time people will spend talking about a club thats only open 'til 2am. Hurry up, you better leave now so you can get there by 10 to make sure you have a good time!

Saleen, dont waste your breathe.

As a DJ that has experienced scenes in Chicago, LA, NY, Miami, Montreal, Phoenix, Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Diego, and Las Vegas and others, I can say that I certainly prefer the late night vibe.

That said, I will say that some of the best parties and nights I experienced were in LA (hence LA Raver). LA is a city that has a 2am closing time. So it just goes to show you that closing time has no relation to the fun quotient a party will have.

It basically boils down to what attitude you bring with you. If you are determined to get down and have a good time, you will.

If on the other hand you choose to be a wet blanket, then there is no way you will enjoy yourself, whatever the vibe around you.

Your choice, just don't spoil it for the rest of us, ok?

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by mikeynine999

saleen u dont know shit u piss me off wait buddy i know who u are

Attention idiot, everyone knows who I am, I don't hide, EVER!!!!!

Who would i book? Good question....

Well I'll say this the 2am closing is handcuffing you guys, but lets say for arguement sake that the bunka stayed open till 4 am....

First off for my tastes God himself can't compete with xs and temps in the summer, or even surf,,,Well everyone knows this, so let say this is for the winter season only....

So who would I bring in....Well I would say talented Dj's but as a econ major and seeing things as a business, 99% of the ppl that go the bunka have NO idea who these big time DJS are...PPl want a fun night that they feell like they got their monies worth...So who would I bring it that would draw and change the scene???? Hmmmmmmmm let me think.............

I would have to say: I would bring in some of the DJ's from the other rooms from Exit...They are underrated and turn out some sick beats...Plus they are local talent, and everyone , well not everyone , but most that party in the city knows these guys or know of them..... Tons of ppl just go to Exit to hear them....Plus playing in these rooms they can play almost anything they want, being NYC at 7am....So bringing their style to NJ is a logical move, business wise and music wise.....Easy to promote, cheep to book them......But certainly don't give them their own night till they prove themselves....This is where I would START. I'm not saying that max and dave ain't "good" choices but you guys are hanging them out to dry...What if it flops???? Big TIME?

But lets say I just wanted a big time guy to come in that would actually pay off, I would have to say.........J. Vicious......<no one can argue with that.....But you missed the boat, hes at Roxy now...You snooze you loose.....Maybee Tiesto, but remeber . "deeper" you go musically the worse the turn out and the worse the name reconition is....Money talks, if this max and dave ralph thing don't work out the promoters will not be allowed to try this shit again...Its a big risk to everyone, and a risk I would not take...

Yes there is contrarian view that lets start off with a bang, but makes no sense....Cheep talent that is localy known is where I would start....Lets face it the bunka is not exactly making the money they use to...Thats a fact.....I don't think their is enough ppl in NJ willing to go see these "big" time guys till 2am, when they can be in the city. Just my 2 cents......

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bunka has had vicious plenty of times he is big time but come on its nice to see some out of town djs not the same old crap and anyways i give bon a lot of respect for booking these djs and taking a chance cause no other promoters would even have balls to book djs like this so i think its time you shut your mouth saleen and get off your bunka trip

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Holy shit, who cares already... Hunka Bunka will exist no matter what dj they bring in and no matter how many minutes the mc's take up. Period, end of story.

All this arguing is well off the point of my original post anyway. The beautiful thing about it is, if you dont like it, you dont have to go. Thats the best part about music too, there is so much diversity that there is a little something for everyone.

So relax and get your drink on or get your smoke on or whatever it is that thrills you and just chill.

The music is for the people.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by mikeynine999

no other promoters would even have balls to book djs like this so i think its time you shut your mouth saleen and get off your bunka trip

its not about balls, its about money......And I thought you were not gonna " even bother with me"? Just admit you work for the bunka...You say you live in S.I.? Why would anyone go all the way to the bunka if they live in SI....I just don't get it?

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WRONG Saleen...it seems you are making blind assumptions about Max Graham, whom you have no real knowledge about. I'm not defending HB, but I am defending the DJ. In fact, MG just spun at Centro-Fly last week on the 21st for a Hope Recordings party, and I'm sure you know about his Transport 4 CD. He's also recently spun at SF. This guy has nothing to prove anymore. He's an established DJ, and he's spun all over the world. The reason why he decides to spin at small venues in smaller cities is so that he can expose more people to the music. People outside major cities don't have the same exposure to electronic music, so it's important, if the music is to spread, that a DJ spins literally everywhere. He's not only a DJ, but also a producer and remixer. He's got his own style and that's what sets him apart from others.

I actually have to give more credit to this guy for spinning in a Jersey club and not a NYC club. It shows he's all about spreading the good music (it's about the music, remember?), and that he's not just gonna go for the big NYC clubs to make more money.

So watch what you say before you end up making a fool out of yourself. Sure, I don't like the reputation the HB has. I hate the cheesey commercial shit. But I give bonsolidd and the other promoters a lot of respect for trying to change that reputation by bringing someone who is as credible as Max Graham and Dave Ralph.


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It seems as If HB and Bon Might be on to something here!!!!! And I love this thread It shows those people who have knowledge and those who lack it! I mean it is so obvious don't ya think! And those who lack it please stay home! Or better yet show up to see Max and learn...hee hee

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Originally posted by gianna01

It seems as If HB and Bon Might be on to something here!!!!! And I love this thread It shows those people who have knowledge and those who lack it! I mean it is so obvious don't ya think! And those who lack it please stay home! Or better yet show up to see Max and learn...hee hee

This is true........

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I know Saleen may be wrong when it comes to things like music and having a good time, but he DOES have taste when it comes to one thing...did anyone else on here see the picture that accompanies his posts? WOW that woman is amazing. I'm sorry I had to go off-topic there, but I just wanted to point that out and voice my appreciation. Thanks. Much luv

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*yawn*.... oh, no more threads??? i was just enjoying the bitching and whining you all just profoundly displayed... shows your maturity thru electronic macho-ism... shut up and dance. if you dont like it, say you dont like it and SHUT UP... i've been around long enough to enjoy all aspects of what bars and clubs have to offer, loungy, dance, raves, western/country (if you've never been to one, GO, ALOT of fun, don't think countyr, i.e., music box) go-go bars (which i would like to say offers very diverse, foot tapping, good music with great visual stimulation to boot! except for the part where i am obligated to shell out my george washington every time i see a boooty is shaken in front of me)... anyhow! hehehe, different strokes for different folks ~ happy raving!:D

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by undies78

I know Saleen may be wrong when it comes to things like music and having a good time, but he DOES have taste when it comes to one thing...did anyone else on here see the picture that accompanies his posts? WOW that woman is amazing. I'm sorry I had to go off-topic there, but I just wanted to point that out and voice my appreciation. Thanks. Much luv

well I would have to argue on music pt. but the chick in my sig is my fav tv chic. Shes the braod from Jag...

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I dont know what all the drama is about. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. I happen to agree with this thread. When Im dancing and havin a great time, I get really annoyed when the music stops. I dont care whos fuckin birthday it is, or who is getting married next week. Dont stop the music please!!!!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by njdionysus

In the least, Saleen definately knows his women. Is that Catherine Bell from Jag?

Yup, shes the best. When I go see my grandmother see watches the show, its her fav so now I watch it....Partly becuae Catherine Bell is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo sexy!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by njdionysus

Holy shit bro, I wasnt very familiar with Catherine Bell until I just looked for her in a search on Yahoo. Oh my god her face is ANGELIC and her body is SICK. Saleen knows music and women.

Yo, whats the deal with Boris, he hasn't responed to my thread again. I even put up a clip for him.....:mad:

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