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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

notes and asides...


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Firstly, it is appalling business practice to keep someone on the "customer service" side of things who consistitently insults and attacks the "customers." Moderators might sometimes need to play devil's advocate, but ought not choose sides between board members; if any sides must be chosen , it ought to be the side in the best interest of the company.

Second, I find it disturbing and disappointing that, after there were some incidents of CP "calling out" impostors a while ago, only to EVERY TIME walk away with egg on the collective CP face, this should be happening again. Public humiliation of board members invariably becomes public humilation of the board and those doing the "calling out." DaVe had said, way back when, that this was a poor means of dealing with issues, and would not be the policy of CNYC any longer. Apparently, plus ca change, c'est plus ca meme chose.

Lastly, CNYC does put a lot of effort into running the boards and lists, I'm sure. Just as their competitors do, I'm sure. With rare exception, however, those competitors do not seem to have the issues with their subscribers such as we see on CNYC anymore...

OK, so I might be a bitter, tired, old faggot for whinging about this, but in 97-98, when I FIRST joined, and then just over a year ago when I rejoined, people could give each other crap, and it wouldn't be a fight... it'd be forgotten. It's sad for an older clubber to see something that once was such an integral part of online nightlife go so utterly wrong. Perhaps the reason why so many boards have sprung from here can be seen in the posts of a very few right here in other threads... DaVe, you've got an alleycat on a leash which thinks it might be a tiger... please don't follow the same illusion until that tiger comes back around to bite you, too.


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Well Ichi, I hope that while this mess works itself out, or is worked out by outside means, that you will continue to at least lurk with us. As your post once again shows, you are one of the most eloquent posters CP has to offer and I'm sure I speak for many more in saying we enjoy your presence, bitter old faggot or not ;) :rainbow:

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Originally posted by spragga25

It's just a message board people!! Don't know what all the fuss is about! :confused: :confused:

It fails to be "just a messageboard" when seemingly angry messages turn into physical actions. "Just a messageboard" implies "just words" on "just a website." When those words leave the website into the instant message realm, or worse, off the boards and into the realm of fisticuffs and forcible physical behavior, CNYC and posters here begin to test dangerous waters in terms of moral rights and wrongs, as well as legal rights and wrongs. If a war of words is waged and left as words, with all parties willing to move beyond, then fine. It seems, however, that certain parties are not content to leave things on the boards; instead enforcing their own particular views on how the world ought to work in venues inappropriate for them to do so.

I am just trying to be a voice of reason among all of this, not picking sides and not picking fights.


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You are right to a extent. But when a person posts on our messageboards that MODERATORS are "assholes and bitches" and then hypocritically tells them not to curse and then tells us how to conduct themselves as if they wrote the rule book on MODERATING, well sorry that is a bit off. And when you get down to it if a member is Right we do take their side, and when a member has been wrong (in certain cases very wrong) and has bothered one of our members to the point of tears, well sorry that's not cool and if we can do something about it we will.

Respectively, this board and it's members have stuff going on beyond what you can see and red sometimes. Everything has been done for a reason. You can not please everyone.

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Im not being hypocritical since I said "moderators". I never said clubbers should not post with profanities.

We don't need to be foolish. We can do as we please, post what we chose and behave in any matter that we want. WE are not the ones representing Club Planet. YOU are and with that, you should try and have a proper disposition.

You continue to miss the point but then again, I figured that would happen anyway.


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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

Thank you Emiliy Post, We should make you our MARTHA STEWART. You can tell everyone how to act properly.

Marth Stewart is involved with house decoarating and such. Not proper behavior.

If you are going to try and attact me in some way with wit, get your facts straight before you launch your amo. It only blows back up in your own face. :)

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream


You are right to a extent. But when a person posts on our messageboards that MODERATORS are "assholes and bitches" and then hypocritically tells them not to curse and then tells us how to conduct themselves as if they wrote the rule book on MODERATING, well sorry that is a bit off. And when you get down to it if a member is Right we do take their side, and when a member has been wrong (in certain cases very wrong) and has bothered one of our members to the point of tears, well sorry that's not cool and if we can do something about it we will.

Respectively, this board and it's members have stuff going on beyond what you can see and red sometimes. Everything has been done for a reason. You can not please everyone.

In response:

In the wake of such insistence about specific titular roles on the board; a quick lesson in semantics, for all moderators and posters alike:

moderator n 1: any substance used to slow down neutrons in nuclear reactors 2: someone who presides over a forum or debate 3: someone who mediates disputes and attempts to avoid violence

Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

dictator \Dic*ta"tor\, n. [L.] 1. One who dictates; one who prescribes rules and maxims authoritatively for the direction of others. --Locke.

2. One invested with absolute authority; especially, a magistrate created in times of exigence and distress, and invested with unlimited power. Invested with the authority of a dictator, nay, of a pope, over our language. --Macaulay.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

dictator n 1: someone who rules unconstrained by law [syn: potentate] 2: behaves like a tyrant [syn: authoritarian]

Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

The whole idea of moderating, therefore, is to specifically NOT take sides, but to maintain some semblance of order. There is neither book to be written nor to be read, when a simple dictionary entry will suffice... A moderator is in a position whereby he or she is tasked with remaining between participants, but above the fray, stepping in when neccessary to control uncalled-for outbursts. A moderator should expect to be questioned, to be reviled, to be harangued simply by being in the middle of any dispute, but to remain as impartial as possible. And the posting populace has a right to expect such impartiality on the part of the moderators. As I said in my first post, when the need to step in arises, if a side must be chosen, that side ought to be the interest of the board.

I have been through too many arbitration boards and mediation hearings for various topics to sit idly by and watch such a simple and elemental concept become skewed and those living by it skewered.

My personal rule of thumb, worth to you exactly what you paid for it, is, 'if I find myself having to justify or explain my actions without being asked, then I obviously screwed up.'


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i can get really dirty too!!!

like..wanna *cum* over and play? ive got a big *rack* we can climb on!! ooo ooo or we could *suck* on some *straws* and try to get to the *creamy fillin* of a *long*....wait a minute....did you mean the f u part? ;):D

::back to the sexboard i go hehe:: :eek:

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Originally posted by clubkat

i can get really dirty too!!!

like..wanna *cum* over and play? ive got a big *rack* we can climb on!! ooo ooo or we could *suck* on some *straws* and try to get to the *creamy fillin* of a *long*....wait a minute....did you mean the f u part? ;):D

::back to the sexboard i go hehe:: :eek:

LOL funny girl u are LOL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Etienne! :D

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