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my lungs are on fire

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Originally posted by gothzane

Well you can....hmm..nope..that would hurt.

Or you could....naa thatd probably kill ya...

hmmm.....your kinda fooked.


Yeah... umm. Thanks so much. lol

I finally noticed the "click the pic" underneath the flames in your sig. You should be a professional web designer. :laugh:

But seriously, I want my five minutes back.

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Give me a break ive gone 5 days with less then 5 hours of

quality down time...that damn 180 i had yesterday is still buggen me out.

I fooken love the first pic in which i have a christmas tree growing out of my head

Estimated time it took me to throw that crao togeather

2 minutes and 37 seconds

Estimated time of me laughing my ass off at that pic

Hours upon hours...

Yes I know...im stuck on this estimation kick...

I think sleep deprivation is making me like...smarter or something

maybe just plain screwy eh? heh heh heh


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heretic, if you're talking about cigarettes, i really recommend you cut down (it's the worst bang for your buck). i don't mean to lecture you, and you probably won't listen to me because you've heard the shit before

i started smoking at about 13. when i was 17, my lungs started to hurt. when i was 18, i started to cough up blood and have chronic bronchitis and trachea infections. i cut down a lot, but even staying in clubs until the early hours when it got really smokey would suddenly make my chest tighten up and i wouldn't be able to draw in a breath. then i'd spend the next week in bed with throat infections, coughing up reems of phlegm and blood, and subsequent fevers and puking up more blood. breathing was difficult unless the air was in a very comfortable range of temperature and humidity

i now haven't smoked cigarettes in almost 13 months, and i only cough up blood when i've been in a smokey bar or club all night. i'm probably a bit hypersensitive to smoke because of my previous health problems. if you get to my stage, i would recommend at least yearly chest x-rays for cancer

your lungs hurting are just the beginning. it only gets much worse

btw, i'm 20 now

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oh, and for your lungs hurting, if you're not coughing up blood, i recommend aspirin and a hot shower or bath. the humidity can help you coagulate the debris in your lungs and cough it up, and the hot water will raise your body temperate and catalyze metabolic functions. for temporary relief, Vick's inhalers and that menthol chest rub are nice. avoid extreme cold air (wrap a scarf around your nose and mouth if you go out on a cold day); it'll make your chest contract and breathing may be difficult. however, cool air can be soothing

if you are coughing up blood, take ibuprofen instead of aspirin

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Originally posted by heretic909

Does anyone have any remedies for smoking too much the previous night? Kinda like a hangover remedy, only for the lungs instead.

And those who would say "quit smoking" can refrain from posting their little commentary.

. . here's what you do. . first you gotta get some of the heat up vicks you can buy in the store . . it's like vicks, except you actually put it in water and heat it up so that it fumes. .

. . Heat the stuff up, take a towel, drape it around your head and inhale a few times. . .the menthol will melt just about anything that's clinging to the inside of your lungs . . also, make sure that if you're doing this over the stove, turn off the burner before you put your head down over the vicks . . terry cloth aint flame retardant . .

. . now, take a second pot of water and heat it up (boiling will do, but let it COOL before you inhale, or nastiness will ensue . .). . take the towel and put it over your head again, breath in the light steam that's coming off the water (AGAIN, MAKE SURE IT's NOT TOOO HOT. . . I always have to reiterate myself, cause you never know what kinda crackheads are gonna read this . . ) . . as you inhale the warm air, the moisture will help your lungs . . be warned though : yoou will start to cough, especially if you're a heavy smoker . . no problems though, just spit everything out that comes up . . keep inhaling the water vapor until you stop coughing . . then go lay down . . you'll feel better in no time . .

. . I hate the dry air up here during the winter . . ick . .

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