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the broken hearted thread to end all broken hearted threads


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Well the Ugly side of human nature has reared its ugly head once again and I have to say that I am Impressed. Yesterday she tells me she has been lying to me its a big one and I get pissed off and said some things. I come back today promptly apologize because I dont usually get that mad actually I have never gotten that mad she says fuck off its over.. then her best friend says that she would have never let us be together because she had another man on the side. so I just spent 2 whole mins crying which is 2 mins more than I have spent in the last 5 years crying.. but really I dont have time for that shit all the blubbering and non-sense right so whatever... at the end of the day you have to ask your self, what have I learned. I have learned that I am worth alot and I'm taking certain things forgranted but thats really not the important thing. The important thing I learned are that

-people are fucked up especially girls.

-If someone says they have never been in love Run for the hills.

-If the best friend doesn't like you you're fucked.

-Its ok if they speak their mind but once you speak your mind it over.

-when you say sorry a girl doesn't hear sorry she hears " Im really glad I fucked your sister". so sorry doesn't work because Im always lying.

- complete strangers are more sympathetic than your lover

- the best way to hurt somone is indifference, works like a charm.

and one more thing girls How do you rip a mans heart out and rip his balls of at the same time turning him in a blubbering pile of mush huh ? just asking cause if theres a hand book or a pamphlet I can get that would be great.

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Guest gabo

I had sex with sisters once! not at the same time though! kinda cool ... although this little story isnt helping your situation...sorry.

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Ouch. I'm sorry about what happened to you... :( Nevertheless, it sounds like you're protecting yourself and knowing that there's more to you than this relationship.

Taking care of yourself and being proud of who you are is one thing. Doing it at the expense of the entire female population is another. Yes, a lot of people are fucked up, but I certainly wouldn't say it belongs more to one gender or the other.

Also, if you say "I'm sorry" and you really mean it, a lot of people will will take you at that... it's just a question of whether they're in a mood to accept your apology. Sounds like your girlfriend wasn't in that kind of a mood, but it certainly doesn't go for all women at all times.

Again, I'm sorry you're going through this siceone, but get some space (or else talk to this girl and figure out what's really going on, instead of hearing it through her antagonizing best friend)... hopefully you're talking out of your hurt here, and will realize that one miserable breakup/relationship doesn't spell disaster for all future relationships... there will be others.

Best wishes,

~kitten >^.^<

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WOW! Sorry to hear that sweety.I could never begin to try to understand or explain to you why people do these things. I have never purposefully hurt anyone, But i can sympathize with you on being hurt.

How long were you with her? How serious was the relationship?

As for the best friend not liking you. Sometimes this happenes because some people like to hate what they cannot have. But you have to just wakeup everyday and say FUCK IT! Wether you beleive it or not now doesnt matter. Eventually your heart and mind will just obey your mouth and they will forget all about the situation enough for you to fell better and move on.

I'm not saying do it today,because although I've never been in your situation,I know these things take time. But just remember that Its her lose, and your gain. Now you have the chance once again to find the RIGHT one. Not everyone gets a second chance.

MUAHZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Best of Luck and take care sweety

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werd up chula... people (best friends esp.) have a tendency to hate on people... come on baby, you know that old saying, misery loves company... she was just dragging other people down...

as far as girls being fucked up... im gonna disagree with you hard core there... my ex-bf of two years broke up with me and had a new girlfriend 2 weeks later... and me, heartbroken and oblivious, crying and trying to get him back.... werd up... people in general can heartless and cruel to other peoples hearts... :mad:

but anywho, baby, i am so sorry for what youre going through... but you're strong and youll get through this and we're here for you and we love you... and thats it....


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  • 2 weeks later...

Like I said, I am not like that. I am not going to defend all womenkind but I will say the truth about me. If what you say is true I guess I'm not a girl.

My heart's been ripped out, thrown down on dirty newspapers, stepped on and had cold water poured on. I never did that to anyone.

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Well... there is no law that ever said life had to be fair...

damn man... im sorry to hear all this shit. Of all the friends i have, i think you of all are the most deserving of having someone to care about. I've been in your shoes plenty of times before and believe me i know what you're going through. I know EXACTLY what you're going through. It happens to us all from time to time and each time out heart breaks, there's always a piece missing when you finally manage to get it back together.

it's hard to figure out what to say that will make you feel better. words don't really do much right about now, I know. All i can say is i'm there for you man. Anytime, Anyplace. Give me a ring or shoot me a message and we'll head out to clear our heads someplace. Sometimes life throws you a curveball like this, but hell you're right. You ARE worth more than this girl seems to take you for. If she's going to be that shallow, then let it go. As hard as it hurts, consider it a pleasant revelation that you're finding this stuff out NOW instead of later on if you two had ever gotten together. Then you really would've been crushed.

But like i always believe, there are plenty of non-fucked-up women out there. More than you believe. My lil trip to Puerto Rico proved that there ARE places in this world where men have to fight beautiful women off with a stick. don't despair.

I'm there for you, man.

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