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Your Kitten is sick.....and

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she wont be making it to any shindigs or chaotic parties tonight.....::she doesnt think at least::

So before you all go run off and drink, smoke, sniff, pop, suck, lick, prick, and shhhtick.....I wanted to wish yall a HAPPY NEW YEAR! with funfun and all that mumbojumbo cause now im getting all sappy and such. 1luvu.gif


And if ya get too wrecked, just sit down in a dark corner somewhere and ponder your existence....

That's a sure fire way to get you into the PUURRRFECT HOLIDAY MOOD ::which everyone knows is depression Disappointed_anim.gif:: Then hopefully youll throw up baicon6.gif, say something New Yearish like eatme.gif and youll feel like a million bucks once again....hehe im j/k!!

Ikiss.gifU CP!!!!! and you know you love me too.....SHARE THE WEALTH! :*

shits -n- giggles.....and yaddayaddayadda


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Guest tilly

OMG...you are way too funny. I haven't even had my coffee yet and I'm falling over laughing.

Feel better and Happy New Year to everyone!

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Awww, Feel better, Clubkitty:)

i will take your advice about the ponderance on our existance in case i find myself alone. That usually ends up happening anyway, until the base rattles all rational thought out of my brain ;)


And if you do feel better, come out to Pseudo later on this week;)

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Oh nooooooooo!!!!!! I was so looking forward to riding your...paw!!! I'm sorry you're not feeling puuurrrrfect hon...I wish you all the best and hope you feel better soon. I'ma miss your tail this NYE and I'll be sure to shake it for you on the dance floor. Love ya girl & I hope to see ya soon :heart:

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::gina, dont tell fiery im not cummin hehe she'll spank me:: <~ a lil sex board humor 4 ya :tongue:

i wanted you to ride my tail and paw too!!!

shits....this sux nutballs.....sick.gifazcrying.gif

y me?!?! y today??! ::actually this whole week but hey...its nye:: ;)


Officially pissed off...and pissed on by the god of health


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Originally posted by clubkat

::gina, dont tell fiery im not cummin hehe she'll spank me:: <~ a lil sex board humor 4 ya :tongue:

i wanted you to ride my tail and paw too!!!

shits....this sux nutballs.....sick.gifazcrying.gif

y me?!?! y today??! ::actually this whole week but hey...its nye:: ;)


Officially pissed off...and pissed on by the god of health


looks like i'll be missin ya again.. first roxy and now this.. sorry to hear your a sick little kitty :( i hope you feel better.. hopefully by friday you'll be better and make it out to roxy.. i'll be back again this week :)

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SexyAccentMan ;): im pretty sure this will be me next Friday dancer-12.gif

and to the SexyMugwumpianManorthingorMugwumpthatyouare: date? yeah...er...i remember....hmmm...of course i do!!! eek13.giflookaround.gifsh1a.gifwscared.gif


but, it seems that you have a date with all the pussies....growl!


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Originally posted by clubkat

::gina, dont tell fiery im not cummin hehe she'll spank me:: <~ a lil sex board humor 4 ya :tongue:

i wanted you to ride my tail and paw too!!!

shits....this sux nutballs.....sick.gifazcrying.gif

y me?!?! y today??! ::actually this whole week but hey...its nye:: ;)


Officially pissed off...and pissed on by the god of health


What on earth is a "nutball" ?? :confused:

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Originally posted by clubkat


but, it seems that you have a date with all the pussies....growl!


What can I say..

I´m an equal Pussy opportunist..

But come to think of it..

perhaps it was another Kitty that

kept purrrring to me about a date..


In any case..


se ya next year!

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Did u do this to me Cat?

I'm pretty sure i'm gonna pull through 2nite and go out though. I figure if i suffer a lot and quietly all day my Karma will come through for me.

Get better quick hon so we can see u'r purrfect smile again. :)

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