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X-Box Vs. Ps2

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Originally posted by thehacker

super smash brothers melee is too busy and colorful... a friend of mine brought his gamecube over one night and several of us were playing it and i straight up had to leave the room and do something else - watching it like HURT me.

ill hurt you....

::katgetsoffendedwhensomeonetalksabouthermelee:: :D

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Originally posted by trancend

Production of the chip, at last report, was slated to begin in 2004.

...and to add to that, no company in their right mind would release a game system in the beginning of the year. I believe the last who did that was Sega with the Saturn back in '95 (to be the PS1 to the punch). They released it in May. The failed (though for many other reasons).

I wouldn't expect to see anything before Fall '04, hell, maybe even Fall '05...

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Originally posted by notallthere

PS2 has some great games no doubt. BUT specs to specs xbox will be the future and it kills ps2 and game cube.

come on...we just went through a thread like this a month ago.

Could we please give the whole "System X kills Systems Y and Z" thing a rest once and for all??

*On paper* X-Box does look better than Cube and PS2. PS2 is older...of course it won't be as good (but it has tons of quality games). Having played a lot of Xbox and Cube lately, I've found that the X-box IN NO OBVIOUS WAY outperforms Cube, period.

Aside from XBox's extra features like hard drive, etc, it really doesn't outdo the Cube graphics-wise.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: don't be fanboys/fangirls. Love all systems equally.

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xbox being a better system or not...

you have to admit "it's how you USE it..."

devil may cry on ps2 is fawkin' incredible; especially whenever you're outside the castle; the sunlight beamin' down; the ivy on the walls... damn i get chills just thinkin' about it.

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I would def go with PS2. Take a look at first gen games on PS1 vs second and third gen. Look at Wipeout or Gran Turismo vs wipeout 3 or GT2 for an example of the power of the developer ot work with the system architecture. Expect great things for future ps2 games. Later ps1 games were looking as good as Dreamcast games by the time DC came out.

Add to that, Sony really does shoot for genuine quality and a back-compatible library of ps1 titles to pick up for the ps2 and you just cant go wrong (and the controller is the best I've ever tried).

It sounds like if you wait a bit you'll be able to pick up the PS2 with the HDD and Network connection for the good ol' $299.

In the end, its all about the gameplay and PS2 has loads of games, even more if you tack on the hundreds of ps1 games, most for around $20. (gt2 & MGS included)

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Originally posted by magilicuti

technically the xbox is so much more powerful. for 300 its more for your buck. i'm sure the games will come.

only reason i bought the ps2 is because i can play copied games on it. i only play tekken tag on that thing anyway. i hate ps2

gotta love software pirates...:rolleyes:

TTT on PS2 is decent...

DOA3 on XBOX blows the doors off it though (right joeg?). Soul Caliber 2 is going to be AMAZING on the Cube. Even Soul Caliber and DOA2 on the Dreamcast blow away TTT...Curious to see Tekken 4 when it comes out on PS2 though...

Speaking of Dreamcast, if you don't have one yet (they don't make em anymore) run don't walk to buy one for $50. Shit, buy two: one to play and one to keep sealed in the box for a collector's item.

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