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car problems

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ahh..... I had all these problems with my car leading up to a year ago. When all that shit happens to your car..... you know it's time for a new one. I don't even wanna think about allt he money spend on repairs of my old car.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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What kind of car is it?

Mine does stuff like this: Leave from dancing at Cheetah, 3:30 am, in a ridiculous outfit, and the car will run in neutral. I live way the fawk out in Huntington on LI, and I have no way of getting there.. :mad: That sucked (it was the gear selector, I found out the next morning that if I had tried looking for first gear where reverse usually is, and second where first should have been, then I could have skipped third [entirely missing] and gotten home in 4th) :rolleyes: Ahhhhhhh yes the joy of owning a practically-antique VW

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I've been driving a 1988 Nissan Maxima for the past few years now, and the old beauty has lasted through some rough times (Thank God). I won't be getting a new car for a while, since I am broke as fuck.

I don't even know how much money I've spent fixing various things on my car. I just recently found out that there is a leak in the fuel injection. What is a ghetto ass like me going to do? Well, luckily I just found out that there was a recall by Nissan for that piece on that year, so I scheduled to take it in and get fixed.

If you saw the body of my car you would wonder why the hell I am still driving it; my car is filthy, banged-the-fuck-up, and overall, shot to shit. But I still drive it everywhere.

I do need to get a new car, badly. But until I get my life together (financially speaking), I will be pushing this gem.

God, I need some fucking money.

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

What kind of car is it?

Mine does stuff like this: Leave from dancing at Cheetah, 3:30 am, in a ridiculous outfit, and the car will run in neutral. I live way the fawk out in Huntington on LI, and I have no way of getting there.. :mad: That sucked (it was the gear selector, I found out the next morning that if I had tried looking for first gear where reverse usually is, and second where first should have been, then I could have skipped third [entirely missing] and gotten home in 4th) :rolleyes: Ahhhhhhh yes the joy of owning a practically-antique VW

. . . but look at it this way . . at least shifting would have been an adventure again . . . :laugh:

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . but look at it this way . . at least shifting would have been an adventure again . . . :laugh:

LMAO true true, ahhh the thrill of stalling out in the middle of a busy intersection :laugh: Nothing quite like learning to drive stick!

Rudeboyyouth ~ representing the ghetto po people like us, with the cars from 1988!!! :bounce:

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

OK here :D See Axel I did it without ya!


. . lol . . . :laugh: . . rawk rawk rawk . . .

. . seriously though . . you could do alot with that car . . with a couple of grand ( . . I don't got it either . . :() you could turn that thing into a nice grand-touring monster . .

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OK for those of you who don't get (I thought this one was easy)...

That's my Volkswagen trying to be like the cars in the snoop dogg video, he can't help it if he can't get off the ground... he tried hard :)

Actually Phuturephunk, in my town, we have a lot of very rich white kids whose parents get their sorry underacheiving asses lexuses and tahoes that they don't deserve at all, and then they go and outfit them with all the homey gear - rims, neon road lights, special head and tail lights... so I was gonna use my VW for a parody and put rims and road lights and special lights on it and tint the windows to kind of poke fun at the trend (someone did this in Providence with a minivan and even went to far as have "Jigga What?" painted on the sides) but my sister said if I do that it will probably get stolen. To which I say... do you *really* want that car? :laugh2:

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