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Guys and their Ego problems!


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Originally posted by chynado11

keep trying to figure them out..this is my theory take it or leave it ..men are from mars and women are from venus , i think thats a true statement, what us women think and feel is correct but its very different from what a man thinks and feels obviously, no offense men but they dont "think" as much as we do, women are more emotional, you ask them um hunnie how do i look today, o fine, is the response that they usually give, if you ask them what are u thinking right now, umm uhh i dont know, would be the usual response for that as well, ladies they dont really think as much as we do..also, men get scared of wondering if something they do or say will make us mad, so they say something completely dishonest to avoid conflicts, they dont like to get into deep convos , so thats why they shy away when the questions of "are we together" or "what are we" get asked or referred to, they freak out because they basically like it unsaid then said, then they feel trapped and run away and act shady, also it depends on the girl, if she is NO LONGER A CHALLENGE AND IS STALKING AND CALLING constantly then the guy is going to peace out, this is all general, but sometimes girls move in TOOO FAST and dont keep it as the guy earning and working for you..so both points are at hand, keep the spark there, the interests and dont give up all your details and business up at the beginning

haha as for where are the real men?? hmmmmmm now thats a good question

..when u find one..be sure to let me know which stranded island they live on...:)

honestly there are some great MEN out there, i think the ones that act like that are still BOYS



i absolutely agree with you;)
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Originally posted by misk

i must say...there is a lot of truth to the original post!! at least with a large percentage of the guys i have dealt with! ....now i don't want to be confused with being a "maN-hAtEr"...but with some guys this is true! ....it's almost like they want to have their cake and eat it too... but these boys are simply immature and really don't know what they want! it is hard for a lot of guys to commit...and even if they do commit...they still want some side action.....i am gettin lost in my own thoughts now and well...i need to find a real man! LOL.....fiery...don't worry about it...i agree with u!!;)

Thanx hun, I didnt want to sound like I was generalizing either. cause there are really sweet and warm and caring guys out there. Yet I think many guys I come across with who are my age are just a bit immature and don't know what they want. Thus, the reason for my original post...

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Originally posted by chynado11

keep trying to figure them out..this is my theory take it or leave it ..men are from mars and women are from venus , i think thats a true statement, what us women think and feel is correct but its very different from what a man thinks and feels obviously, no offense men but they dont "think" as much as we do, women are more emotional, you ask them um hunnie how do i look today, o fine, is the response that they usually give, if you ask them what are u thinking right now, umm uhh i dont know, would be the usual response for that as well, ladies they dont really think as much as we do..also, men get scared of wondering if something they do or say will make us mad, so they say something completely dishonest to avoid conflicts, they dont like to get into deep convos , so thats why they shy away when the questions of "are we together" or "what are we" get asked or referred to, they freak out because they basically like it unsaid then said, then they feel trapped and run away and act shady, also it depends on the girl, if she is NO LONGER A CHALLENGE AND IS STALKING AND CALLING constantly then the guy is going to peace out, this is all general, but sometimes girls move in TOOO FAST and dont keep it as the guy earning and working for you..so both points are at hand, keep the spark there, the interests and dont give up all your details and business up at the beginning

haha as for where are the real men?? hmmmmmm now thats a good question

..when u find one..be sure to let me know which stranded island they live on...:)

honestly there are some great MEN out there, i think the ones that act like that are still BOYS



very well put hun..I definietly agree with this part...

so thats why they shy away when the questions of "are we together" or "what are we" get asked or referred to, they freak out because they basically like it unsaid then said, then they feel trapped and run away and act shady
... ;)
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Originally posted by fierydesire

I don't fucken understand men. I mean you think everything is all good. You try to be straightforward with them and then they shy away. For example, when you sense there are feelings there, but things change when you vocalize them, as if it's too real for men when it's said aloud. I mean they say they dig you, want you etc. Then when you start feeling them, shit changes. Then they start acting all weird. What now you want us to be on your shit? WTF?

The best is when they try to turn shit around and make it like you want them. Cause they don't want their poor egos to get crushed. Give me a break, what can't guys be real? :confused: They need to stop playing games, and be true to their feelings.

They make you like them, and then the second you to they seem to shy away....if you also back off, they they come running again. It's like they always want to comfort of knowing they have you up on a shelf just in case they want to take you down and play with you like insurance.

Well, all the REAL men need to show their true selves....

I so fucking agree with this...it really saddens me sometimes when I realize that this has happened in most guys I've met...the ones that were brave enough to come out and admit their feelings were the ones I didn't even want to be with in the first place..lol....

I don't know...guess life is weird that way. Why men are the way they are and why women are the way they are is something that I think will never be quite understood...c'est la vie.

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Originally posted by chynado11

if u dont know..id keep that private...shhhhhh:D



well, well, well...look who it is...if it isn't Chynado eleven...I see you've jumped boat from the DC thread...well, I must say...you always have something to say...grrr...:mad:

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Originally posted by dcsglow

well, well, well...look who it is...if it isn't Chynado eleven...I see you've jumped boat from the DC thread...well, I must say...you always have something to say...grrr...:mad:

hahaha of course... im all over sweetie watch ur back...;)



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but are men the only culprits?? i think not...i've had plenty of women lead me on only to find out when i opened myself up to them they screwed me over...(no not screwed me unfortunately) but i think both sexes don't want push-overs. i mean everyone wants to be chased, and once the chase is over maybe you realize that it isn't what you wanted in the first place. i got messed around w/ a month back at school. some random girl in one of my classes came up to me at a bar, asked me to dance, told me how she's had such a crush on me since the beginning of the semester, slept over...done deal. it felt kinda different than just a random hu, cuz i felt special w/ her cuz she desired me. she was cute too, so i called her up afterwards figuring it wasn't a one night stand...i was completely flattered and at the same time impressed by her courage just to tell me straight-up how she felt. after a week of unreturned phone calls i said...what a bitch...she tells me she has had a crush on me, and i want to get to know her better, and she just wanted sum ass... so back to the same old bar, diff girl, diff weekend...no fun after a while. i think all of us are afraid when people open up to you. some people use it as a protective mechanism to keep others from getting intimate. sometimes people just like to boost their ego's like fiery said, to see how many girls they can lead on and get only to leave them hanging. its just one of those facts of life...the opposite sex will always play games, and your always going to get burnt. one day things will change and thats the person for you. but don't take things so personal cuz down the line you prob have done the same to someone else.

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Speaking for and about myself...

I want what i cant have, then when I get it, I dont want it anymore... I know it sounds childish and stupid... but so is dating.

(Keep in mind, I have a jaded view on dating, and have given up on the entire activity...)

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you know what though... ok wait... see there are fucked up men out there... and we can post and rant and be pissed about it and hell, ive been victim to it too, but you know what... women are like that too... :idea: girls play games too... its just that you deal with men, not women so you dont see how vindictive they can be... not trying to fight or anything... just opening a new view in this whole debate...


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Originally posted by dgmodel

Generally Speaking though... Most guys are just assholes...

what are you going to do. its in the blood, they cant change it...

Fuck them then! I'm really over this boys will be boys shit. Just a peddly excuse for their weak fucking personalities!!!!!


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by djmoonshine

you know what though... ok wait... see there are fucked up men out there... and we can post and rant and be pissed about it and hell, ive been victim to it too, but you know what... women are like that too... :idea: girls play games too... its just that you deal with men, not women so you dont see how vindictive they can be... not trying to fight or anything... just opening a new view in this whole debate...

:D:);):tongue: [/quote

i only have to say ..its usually like this..every bad woman is usually made by a bad man..

women get to the point of if they are gonna play games why shouldnt i, this way we never get hurt and we beat the men to the chase, did i say it was right or healthy, no, but hey thats life, and this being a generation full of divorce and non commitment instead of till death do us part, its more like who will kill who first and take their money and bounce, it goes BOTH ways, but usually with males, sorry guys...:D



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Damn, I've been seeing this guy for about 6 weeks and really think he's into me and I was going to tell him how much I just want to be with him but after reading this, I may not do it. I'm almost 26 and dont have time for games but at the same time, I dont want to scare him away. Ahh, fuck it, if that's the case and I do scare him, I would much rather know now! I'm not getting any younger!

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Originally posted by clubgodraver

but are men the only culprits?? i think not...i've had plenty of women lead me on only to find out when i opened myself up to them they screwed me over...(no not screwed me unfortunately) but i think both sexes don't want push-overs. i mean everyone wants to be chased, and once the chase is over maybe you realize that it isn't what you wanted in the first place. i got messed around w/ a month back at school. some random girl in one of my classes came up to me at a bar, asked me to dance, told me how she's had such a crush on me since the beginning of the semester, slept over...done deal. it felt kinda different than just a random hu, cuz i felt special w/ her cuz she desire

d me. she was cute too, so i called her up afterwards figuring it wasn't a one night stand...i was completely flattered and at the same time impressed by her courage just to tell me straight-up how she felt. after a week of unreturned phone calls i said...what a bitch...she tells me she has had a crush on me, and i want to get to know her better, and she just wanted sum ass... so back to the same old bar, diff girl, diff weekend...no fun after a while. i think all of us are afraid when people open up to you. some people use it as a protective mechanism to keep others from getting intimate. sometimes people just like to boost their ego's like fiery said, to see how many girls they can lead on and get only to leave them hanging. its just one of those facts of life...the opposite sex will always play games, and your always going to get burnt. one day things will change and thats the person for you. but don't take things so personal cuz down the line you prob have done the same to someone else.

I agree with you here. I mean yeah that bar scenario wouldn't have happened to be me by any chance...:tongue: BUt anyway I knwo what you are saying and girls are just as fucked up, but I feel that guys play way more games. Maybe its me b/c I am so god damn straight up that I like the chase, but I need to know what the deal is w/o all the b/s..

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Originally posted by fierydesire

I don't fucken understand men. I mean you think everything is all good. You try to be straightforward with them and then they shy away. For example, when you sense there are feelings there, but things change when you vocalize them, as if it's too real for men when it's said aloud. I mean they say they dig you, want you etc. Then when you start feeling them, shit changes. Then they start acting all weird. What now you want us to be on your shit? WTF?

The best is when they try to turn shit around and make it like you want them. Cause they don't want their poor egos to get crushed. Give me a break, what can't guys be real? :confused: They need to stop playing games, and be true to their feelings.

They make you like them, and then the second you to they seem to shy away....if you also back off, they they come running again. It's like they always want to comfort of knowing they have you up on a shelf just in case they want to take you down and play with you like insurance.

Well, all the REAL men need to show their true selves....

also happens with women....:( :(

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