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Love Is A False Human Emotion

Guest tilly

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Originally posted by blowflyii

Why did you waiste 2 years of my life then....i know the hairplay was that good, hehe. I miss you, I do not know waht to say other than I refuse for you not to be friendly to me. Like you said you only love yourself. I was in florida too. If you would just be friendly to me and understand that I refuse to never talk to you again. How does it help if I love you I won't talk to you ever again. I do not get it. I do not believe that you hate me. But u know me well why did u have to cost me so much. I won't ever approach you at pseudo. But it is necessary another time to talk. Why did you tell me you loved me so many times, do i have to post the cards on here? Come on. I am selfish too, but you mean a lot to me and I wish you would let me release what is inside, so i dont have to say things i regret to get your attention.



Get over it...ass-clown! :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by blowflyii

Why did you waiste 2 years of my life then....i know the hairplay was that good, hehe. I miss you, I do not know waht to say other than I refuse for you not to be friendly to me. Like you said you only love yourself. I was in florida too. If you would just be friendly to me and understand that I refuse to never talk to you again. How does it help if I love you I won't talk to you ever again. I do not get it. I do not believe that you hate me. But u know me well why did u have to cost me so much. I won't ever approach you at pseudo. But it is necessary another time to talk. Why did you tell me you loved me so many times, do i have to post the cards on here? Come on. I am selfish too, but you mean a lot to me and I wish you would let me release what is inside, so i dont have to say things i regret to get your attention.

dude, that's called ssssssssssssssstalking.


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Originally posted by blowflyii

Why did you waiste 2 years of my life then....i know the hairplay was that good, hehe. I miss you, I do not know waht to say other than I refuse for you not to be friendly to me. Like you said you only love yourself. I was in florida too. If you would just be friendly to me and understand that I refuse to never talk to you again. How does it help if I love you I won't talk to you ever again. I do not get it. I do not believe that you hate me. But u know me well why did u have to cost me so much. I won't ever approach you at pseudo. But it is necessary another time to talk. Why did you tell me you loved me so many times, do i have to post the cards on here? Come on. I am selfish too, but you mean a lot to me and I wish you would let me release what is inside, so i dont have to say things i regret to get your attention.

. . . . . Oh my . . . . you just aren't gonna get it are you ? . . .

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Originally posted by tilly

honestly beatz, I don't want to go anywhere with this. I want it to be over. It's like a storm or volcano that just keeps erupting. I am drained and tired of it.

Girl, I am sooooooo sorry you have to deal with this. I imagine this must be absolutely exhausting for you. (Beatz - I'm not sure you fully appreciate the situation here, but Tilly is certainly not the one who needs therapy.)

My suggestion - my sincere request (and bear in mind that I have had an infortunately high number of run-ins with characters such as blowflyii) is a unilateral CP agreement to IGNORE BLOWFLYII.

Though it might not get rid of him altogether, it would at least put an end to these verbal tennis matches that only serve to encourage him. I've been reading his posts for quite a while now, and it is absolutely infuriating. It makes me crazy, the way he incessantly bothers Tilly and disrespects her requests. But yelling at blowflyii (or responding to him in any way) WILL ONLY ENCOURAGE HIM. From what I've observed, Blowflyii has some serious issues - issues that are not funny and are far more grave than mere "drama board" Springer-esque silliness. Though I'm no psychologist, I'd still venture to say that Blowflyii is probably psychotic and therefore incapable of rational behavior or discussion. Hence, the best way to handle him is with silence. Eventually, when he stops receiving attention, he will get bored and go away. I hope that eventually, he will seek treatment.

For the integrity of the board, as an exercise in self-restraint, and most importantly, in defense of Tilly, please IGNORE BLOWFLYII. This is not a funny situation. It is uncomfortable for Tilly, and uncomfortable for those of us who know her. Not to mention the fact that it ruins wonderful threads like this one.

Time to step up, folks. Please - stop responding to him. Please.

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I couldn't agree more with you...I think that after a certain time people just feel that they have to say it bc its like the standard or something. Personally, I don't believe in love although I will admit that I have said it. However, for the most part I think ppl say it because they feel some strong connection/bond/feeling, but whatever it is and however long it lasts....its only temporary. And after the break up (and there will be always a break up) u realize that it was a mere dellusion and u realize that there were too many imperfections and flaws and realize ur own stupidity as well as indecisiveness... And u go back and start from scratch...

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Not to sound like an asshole or anything or to step on anyones toes but this thread is full of jaded people who honestly sound like they just stop trying because it got too hard...

What is love? Love it truth, love is the light, truth is the light, What is truth now thats what I dont know but I know love is real its there.

Just because you cant put it in a box and label it and sell it to every poor sap on the corner to make them happy for 9.95 doesn't make it false. Just because all of us in our infinate wisdom got played for a rube the first time we thought we had it or the second time or the third, does not make it false..

Phuturephunk remember our conversation about the spiral? at the center of the spiral is love, truth, light.

when you love someone it doesn't go away that doesn't mean you fall all over your self but you still love them.. I cant explain it its something that you just know and when you get a glimpse of it you wont be able to explain it either...

love is an entity on to it self to fully know it take time and patience not a time frame or a dollar amount.. you cant measure it you cant define it you cant change it.. Love is unchangeable it is the Rock and perfectly tru all you can do is accept it and live with it. How you let it affect you is up to you.

Emotion is fleeting and its what you show other people.. Love Acts Exogenously from the out side.

If any thing I said doesn't hit a nerve I hope this will

you go ask your parents why they stuck by you after you disrespected them why they sacraficed for you why they have done all they have done for your ass that you know your self has been down right cruel and worthless to them... and When they say I love you I dare you to look them in the face and Say Love is false, love doesn't exist Mom, love doesn't exist Dad its all just made up..

Could you do that? and your heart of hearts belive that?

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Originally posted by unbrekable

I couldn't agree more with you...I think that after a certain time people just feel that they have to say it bc its like the standard or something. Personally, I don't believe in love although I will admit that I have said it. However, for the most part I think ppl say it because they feel some strong connection/bond/feeling, but whatever it is and however long it lasts....its only temporary. And after the break up (and there will be always a break up) u realize that it was a mere dellusion and u realize that there were too many imperfections and flaws and realize ur own stupidity as well as indecisiveness... And u go back and start from scratch...

Well I totally agree with this.. I almost always wind up saying "I love you" when i am with someone. Its like your supposed to. I finally thought i meant it and realize i didnt.... so i agree with your whole theory. Love is too damn confusing!! and painful!! sometimes, i will never understand it.. so therefore i dont believe in it.... Not saying i NEVER will, but as of now Im letting Love RIP till later on iin my life. Why bother while Im young. Once I broke off the engagement I've been out every night chillin with all my friends and making up for lost time and Im having so much fun doing it. You gotta enjoy life people or you'll regret it later on...

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Originally posted by siceone

Not to sound like an asshole or anything or to step on anyones toes but this thread is full of jaded people who honestly sound like they just stop trying because it got too hard...

dude, I don't think you can say that about EVERYONE who posted here.....

What is love? Love it truth, love is the light, truth is the light, What is truth now thats what I dont know but I know love is real its there.

Just because you cant put it in a box and label it and sell it to every poor sap on the corner to make them happy for 9.95 doesn't make it false. Just because all of us in our infinate wisdom got played for a rube the first time we thought we had it or the second time or the third, does not make it false..

Phuturephunk remember our conversation about the spiral? at the center of the spiral is love, truth, light.

when you love someone it doesn't go away that doesn't mean you fall all over your self but you still love them.. I cant explain it its something that you just know and when you get a glimpse of it you wont be able to explain it either...

love is an entity on to it self to fully know it take time and patience not a time frame or a dollar amount.. you cant measure it you cant define it you cant change it.. Love is unchangeable it is the Rock and perfectly tru all you can do is accept it and live with it. How you let it affect you is up to you.

Emotion is fleeting and its what you show other people.. Love Acts Exogenously from the out side.

If any thing I said doesn't hit a nerve I hope this will

you go ask your parents why they stuck by you after you disrespected them why they sacraficed for you why they have done all they have done for your ass that you know your self has been down right cruel and worthless to them... and When they say I love you I dare you to look them in the face and Say Love is false, love doesn't exist Mom, love doesn't exist Dad its all just made up..

Could you do that? and your heart of hearts belive that?

But here the thing C....I do agree with you in some points, but I have to ask you. What's this concrete thing call love that you claim is the rock but can't explain what it is?

I say, it's not the case that love is unchanging and affects everyone in different ways, but rather it's a subjective set of emotions, feelings, etc.....and the word love thus means something different to everybody, because it is different for everybody....

That last bit you said was certainly striking, but let me offer a counter-scenario...

A girl crawls up to her boyfriend, asks her why he threw her into a wall. After all those years that she stuck by him, helping him through his career, he spends every moment by her side and watches her like a hawk. Any guys that comes near her, he chases away. And after she's lonely and has no friends because he wouldn't let her have any, she decides that she wants to end this relationship. He, in turns, beats her till she's bleeds.

His reply: "Baby, I love you too much to let you go"

Do you agree with him, C?

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Nathan I Understnad where you are coming from The word love has a definate power hence this thread.. you also have to remember that not every one is searching for the truth but they are searching for the power associated with it and they will use that power for thier selfish ends..

also not every can tell what love is but want it so bad they will take anything...

of course I dont agree he doesn't love her he may love what she does for him or what she does for him but he doesn't love her hes not looking out for her thats lust...

keep in mind lust is not only applicable to sex Its stretches in to every thing....

I haven't been able to sustain pure love but I have felt it touch me once and a while and its amazing

its touches every one diferently like I said its an entity on to its self but how you react to it like I said its up to you..

if some one hurts you intentionally and says they love you they are lying

its all about being able to tell the difference which is another topic in it self

man I could go on forever about this but Ill stop here

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I dig your posts, Siceone... Too bad Pseudo's closed this week :mad::(

I'd offer some more insight to this thread, but i'm onna pass out~

All i'll say is that that guy nathan was talking about wasn't really in love...true love is acceptance of another's faults and understands the other's needs and will give more than receive.

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I dig your thoughts, siceone ;)

I just want to say about the guy xpand was talking about...

That was not true love. Yeah, it is subjective and everyone does have a different concept of "love" , but there is a universal standard to it (i believe)

Love is acceptance of the other wrongs, of being content in their absence, of trusting them when they go out to clubs and you're at home playin Xbox or whatever. Love is also giving without the need to receive.

Love can live, it is strong, but can become warped and manipulated if used or abused by selfishness and cruelty. That's why it's so hard to keep love going...it's gotta be nurtured and tended by both parties, not too much, not too little, but aiming at the center of that spiral and knowing it's for each other's benefit.

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Originally posted by gmccookny

I dig your posts, Siceone... Too bad Pseudo's closed this week :mad::(

I'd offer some more insight to this thread, but i'm onna pass out~

All i'll say is that that guy nathan was talking about wasn't really in love...true love is acceptance of another's faults and understands the other's needs and will give more than receive.

by who's definition, G?

C, i gotta respond to that......gimme a sec, playing name game with nurse glow..........:laugh:

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Guest tilly

I love that fact that this thread has a strong male population...written by a jaded male, backed my mostly jaded woman (that participated) and counteracted by optimistic males.

I see most of your points and agree with a great deal of them, however, I do not subscribe to this romantic love. Call me jaded, hell I'll call myself jaded. I am comfortable in this knowledge. What we really found here is the root of MY PROBLEM and anyone who reads this can see why I am the way that I am.

I see love around me, I feel love towards my family and friends...but romantic love, nah!

It's time for this thread to come to an end. We had our discussion, made our points...now let's talk about music..something that I truly LOVE heart and soul, inside and out.:D

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Many people are unhealthily on here for too many hours a day, whethere you are 29,25,19 whatever. I am seeing more of waht the large scope of people are saying. Love in the family, love with friends, call me jaded and selfish but I am a guy not looking for sex or anything of the like, I wish I had not dated Tilly and had been just a friend. Oh well maybe when when are old and grey.

MY last piece of advice....MUsic--- do not fall victim to the only genre's of music in your area. THink globally. TO the young people out there is you see something out there that could be something give it a shot. A large part of music is expanding your horizons, making that of which you dislike and be able to see what others who do like it see.

Just a thought.

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Originally posted by blowflyii

haha you know waht you are right

Thank you. I like this thread.. I feel ignored on all the other ones.. lol.. You guys are great..

smash247 Love isnt a human emotion, its a gift from God.

That i have to disagree with.. sorry

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