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Tips for all you swingin' singles!


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Check out this article: "Tips on Clubbing." Are they Serious? Well now you know, and knowing is half the battle! :laugh:

You're no longer in high school, so forget about that time you felt like a loser because you went to the prom alone. Having fun at a nightclub has less to do with the company you keep, and more to do with attitude.

So whether you're a new man in town, an independent dude or a guy who's meeting friends later, here are four ways you can enjoy nightclub success without your posse:

1. Dress up

Put on your most stylish going-out gear and get ready for a crazy night out. At least half of looking good is feeling good. If your clothes inspire self-confidence, then you'll exude confidence. And don't get duded up in something so outrageous that it makes you more self-conscious about what you're wearing than what you're doing. You wear the clothes; the clothes do not wear the man.

2. Become friends with the club staff

First, you have to get into the club, no easy feat in some cases. The bouncer might be the most intimidating person in the whole establishment, but as long as you play it cool and avoid trying too hard, you'll get on his good side.

While you're waiting in line, chat with the bouncer if you can, and ask him things like, "Are you guys busy tonight?" Don't pretend to be his best friend and don't smother him - just be yourself and make casual small talk.

Once you're inside, try to make yourself known at the bar and DJ booth. Be friendly to the staff and remain personable. Treat them with respect. Don't try picking up the servers - you want to focus on earning their trust and respect. Once you become a regular, you'll be treated like one, and you'll be able to impress your friends or date when you come back the next time.

3. Make the bar your base

Make the bar your base, unless it's a super busy night, in which case you should never crowd the bar. But if there is room, chat with the bartenders when they have a moment and make conversation with other customers.

4. Join a game

If there are pool tables at the nightclub, jump right in. A friendly game of pool or darts and a cold beer will help you make friends.

What not to do

The worst thing you can do is go with the attitude that you must meet others -- male buddies or hot women. Here are some things you should avoid:

- Joining a group of women on the dance floor

- Rubbing up against a woman on the dance floor

- Dancing to your own beat all over the club

- Interrupting a group of guys while they're joking around

- Interrupting a group of women while they're talking

- Trying too hard

Just remember, no one in the nightclub has to know you're flying solo. Most people end up separating from their friends once there, anyway. Your attitude is the key: Sometimes it's not who you're with, but where you are and what you plan to do about it.

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Some of it makes sense. I disagree with 'hanging' at the bar. Get on the floor, or if you are gonna chill, do it by the DJ booth. At Space, the area near the DJ booth is 'Industry Central' both inside and outside.

crobar, best of both worlds, bar right near DJ booth.

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Dress up– dress comfortably; while maintaining a sense of fashion. better yet, look in the mirror before you leave. if you don’t like what you see change it…

Become Friends with the club staff– I agree. Always helpful.

Make the bar your base – are they crazy :laugh: make the dance floor your base, and tear shit up..

Join a game- please. :laugh: just make sure you’ve got "game"..

What not to do

Joining a group of women on the dance floor - hmm.

- Rubbing up against a woman on the dance floor - tacky

- Dancing to your own beat all over the club – and this is a problem ?

- Interrupting a group of guys while they're joking around – I won't interrupt them; as long as they're not on the dancefloor taking up room.

- Interrupting a group of women while they're talking - tacky

- Trying too hard – I agree. be yourself

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"- Interrupting a group of guys while they're joking around"

My tunnel vision won't allow to see these guys anyway. To me, they are just a bunch of weeds in the pond.

On another note...here is how you gauge a sausage fest.

I am 5'11"

If the room is shorter than you, it isn't.

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