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What constitutes a "strong" e pill


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i gave a friend who didn't roll all that often a pill that was too strong for him. Is a strong pill just the amount of MDMA in the pill or does it encorporate other substances as well.

I guess the basic question is .. a strong pill vs a weak one. Does the weak one just have more "filler" stuff other than MDMA?

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yes, all that really matters is the amount of E in the pill.

Usually that means MDMA but sometimes MDA, MDE or some combination.

A resonable dose of MDMA would be about 80-90mg. Thats a pretty small mass, less than a tic tac.

Everything else is filler to hold it together and make you think you got your monies worth.

Of course occasionally there is K, speed or some other active drug mixed with the E. But they are rare beyond belief. After all who wants to have to make another drug and break another law and have the penalties multiply by adding more drugs to a single pill. Especially when good old MDMA will sell just fine.

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yes the dose can make you roll longer, but often the synthesis for MDMA can often result in a mix of MDMA and MDA. MDA lasts much longer than MDMA, so it could be just a higher concentration of MDA that makes you roll longer.

BTW there is no cross tolerance between MDMA and MDA so if you roll all the time and take a couple pills of MDA... look the fuck out!!! found this out the hard way :(

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