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I would appreciate suggestions on this!!!!!!!!

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Finally, I have figured the whole moderator thing and now have the ability to move, delete posts. What posts should be moved and what shouldn't???

I know what drama ones need to be moved to the drama board, but not right away. Some drama is good but when it gets redundant or juvenile than it goes.

I want your suggestions on the promotional posts:

Who is able to promote on this board?

When should a promoter's post be moved?

What is the difference between a promoter and a bartender posting promo posts?

Is it ok for people to continuously ***bump*** up posts to the top?




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Any post that goes into great detail about a specific party. You know what Im talking about. Theres nothign wrong with...hey...check out such and such party...details on the promoters forum.

I know this is gonna piss all the promotors off and I do appreciate what you are trying to do. But we all know there is a promotions forum, so if we are looking for something to, guestlists, blah blah blah we can go there and look.

This board has become totally over run by promotional threads. Nothing interesting to read or reply to.

Hope that helps.

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Originally posted by cmb1975

Any post that goes into great detail about a specific party. You know what Im talking about. Theres nothign wrong with...hey...check out such and such party...details on the promoters forum.

I know this is gonna piss all the promotors off and I do appreciate what you are trying to do. But we all know there is a promotions forum, so if we are looking for something to, guestlists, blah blah blah we can go there and look.

This board has become totally over run by promotional threads. Nothing interesting to read or reply to.

Hope that helps.

I second that emotion! ;)

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Originally posted by cmb1975

Any post that goes into great detail about a specific party. You know what Im talking about. Theres nothign wrong with...hey...check out such and such party...details on the promoters forum.

I know this is gonna piss all the promotors off and I do appreciate what you are trying to do. But we all know there is a promotions forum, so if we are looking for something to, guestlists, blah blah blah we can go there and look.

This board has become totally over run by promotional threads. Nothing interesting to read or reply to.

Hope that helps.


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Guest saleen351

Mr. Saleen solutions to this epidemic

1. Promoters only can post about parties on Mondays and Fridays

2. PPl who work or associated with or contineuly bump up the posts are grounds for being moved, < check out the HB posts

3. Promoters can only post under their promo post only if their is question such as how much cover, directions, see #4

4. But promotions posts should be complete, and if someone has a question that a promoter chooses to answer that question that promoter has to edit his FIRST post, therefore no bumping....

5. Anyone can promote.

6. All promoters can link their promotioins board posts in their sigs....

7. NO reviews posts, only reviews in their new promo post on a monday or friday.

8. Say someone asks, whats going on tonight, you may post under it with only your link to your promo board post.....

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Hey bro we've talked in the past and I wish you luck at your new job. But a little common sense is really all you need to exzert. If someone is being obnoxious with their promos than that's a problem, but it's also a problem that some out of work promoters wait until a post for a specific club is up to start the bashing. Also if the same three guys are causing all the drama and it is becoming as tedious as it has in the past, then that needs to be removed. I'll admit that without the drama this board would be incredibly boring, but some people are just annoying.

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Originally posted by saleen351

1. Promoters only can post about parties on Mondays and Fridays

This isn't going to work because not everyone is on everyday. Weekday postings are fine.

2. PPl who work or associated with or contineuly bump up the posts are grounds for being moved.

Senseless bumping I agree with

3. Promoters can only post under their promo post only if their is question such as how much cover, directions

I agree

4. But promotions posts should be complete, and if someone has a question that a promoter chooses to answer that question that promoter has to edit his FIRST post, therefore no bumping....


5. Anyone can promote.

under what rules though

6. All promoters can link their promotioins board posts in their sigs....

Good idea

7. NO reviews posts, only reviews in their new promo post on a monday or friday.

disagree.....reviews are fine as long as they aren't a firstimer which will be reviewed by the moderators

8. Say someone asks, whats going on tonight, you may post under it with only your link to your promo board post.....

another good idea except I would also agree with something to the effect of a mentioning of the party and then the link

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I dont think you can have set rules on this. Guidelines yes, but rules, no. We all know what the annoying posts are and who the annoying posters are. I would say deal with it on a post by post basis.

I mean if some ass is gonna post 6 times about the same fuckin party, then delete 5 and move one of them to the correct forum.

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Originally posted by cmb1975

I dont think you can have set rules on this. Guidelines yes, but rules, no. We all know what the annoying posts are and who the annoying posters are. I would say deal with it on a post by post basis.

I mean if some ass is gonna post 6 times about the same fuckin party, then delete 5 and move one of them to the correct forum.

as far as I know, I can only move posts....I tried to delete one and it said I was unauthorized

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

as far as I know, I can only move posts....I tried to delete one and it said I was unauthorized

Really? Strange. The sex board mod, clubkat and gabo, can delete threads, Im sure of it. Ill have to check with em.

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

only if we start charging a cover

Half price if you fall asleep B4 4 am!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

real funny jbr..........it was 4:30am when i dozed off on the 1st couch and 4:45am on the 2nd couch....hahaha:laugh:

where's spygirl???

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Okay JBR but here is one thing...

if you are going to go ahead and start moving threads to their right homes, then you are going to have to be consistent. For example, I see the Dave Ralph thread was moved (which in my opinion was a good thread and I think should have stayed) to the promoters forum, but the abyss thread February 6th is still on the Jersey board. What is that all about? :confused:

* we had issues like this with cottoncandydream the other day about moving the Platinum threads... if anyone attaches their guest list shit at the bottom or if they attach a flyer, then that DEFINITELY needs to be moved to the promoters forum. BUT... if it's just all of us talking about an event that we're all excited for, and joking around back and forth with eachother (i.e. DAVE RALPH), then why can't it stay in Jersey? :(

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Originally posted by StArBrYte

Okay JBR but here is one thing...

if you are going to go ahead and start moving threads to their right homes, then you are going to have to be consistent. :(

If it's one thing I am going to be, it is consistent. I know some of the promoters on this board personally, but don't know many. Therefore all will be treated the same. IMO, I thought the DAVE RALPH post was getting old and long, what like 3 pages, and most everyone has stated that they wanted promotional posts/threads removed. As for the ABYSS thread, go re-read it. It is brief, concise and is not full of details about the venue.

As for the other topics of concern, DAVE and LAINIE both have given the OK for signatures to contain venue names but not e-mails. That is why there is a guestlist page/promo page. All promoters are going to be asked to BRIEFLY list their party and then reference it on the promotors page.

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

IMO, I thought the DAVE RALPH post was getting old and long, what like 3 pages, and most everyone has stated that they wanted promotional posts/threads removed. As for the ABYSS thread, go re-read it. It is brief, concise and is not full of details about the venue.

I know for me and a few other people on this board that were actually getting a laugh out of the Dave Ralph thread. No disrespect JBR but seriously you either have promoters on this board or you don't. You can't judge it on whether or not you know the people promoting that's not fair. Again no disrespect to the Abyss promoters because I happen to be friends with a few but that thread about Feb. 6th is just like the one about Dave Ralph and Hunka Bunka. The reason why some of the posts on the Dave Ralph thread were so long is because Bon and who ever were giving us information about the DJ himself to let us know what he has accomplished. You know I love Bunkas but in all seriousness this is about all promoters. CP moderators need to be fair to each club and it's promoters. To make it easier why don't you just move it all over to the promoters forum just so there is no more drama.....LOL. :)

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Originally posted by teresadf

Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

No disrespect JBR but seriously you either have promoters on this board or you don't. You can't judge it on whether or not you know the people promoting that's not fair.

Sweetie, re-read my last post and that is exactly what I said. I am treating everyone the same regardless. I know one of the promoters on here real well and his post was the first I moved. I am waiting on a response from DAVE as for GUIDELINES not rules governing what should be moved and what shouldn't. :D

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

Sweetie, re-read my last post and that is exactly what I said. I am treating everyone the same regardless. I know one of the promoters on here real well and his post was the first I moved. I am waiting on a response from DAVE as for GUIDELINES not rules governing what should be moved and what shouldn't. :D

I agree guidelines are better then rules!!!!! :)

It's even silly that this is an issue..... :D

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by teresadf

Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

IMO, I thought the DAVE RALPH post was getting old and long, what like 3 pages, and most everyone has stated that they wanted promotional posts/threads removed. As for the ABYSS thread, go re-read it. It is brief, concise and is not full of details about the venue.

I know for me and a few other people on this board that were actually getting a laugh out of the Dave Ralph thread. No disrespect JBR but seriously you either have promoters on this board or you don't. You can't judge it on whether or not you know the people promoting that's not fair. Again no disrespect to the Abyss promoters because I happen to be friends with a few but that thread about Feb. 6th is just like the one about Dave Ralph and Hunka Bunka. The reason why some of the posts on the Dave Ralph thread were so long is because Bon and who ever were giving us information about the DJ himself to let us know what he has accomplished. You know I love Bunkas but in all seriousness this is about all promoters. CP moderators need to be fair to each club and it's promoters. To make it easier why don't you just move it all over to the promoters forum just so there is no more drama.....LOL. :)







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Who is able to promote on this board?

When should a promoter's post be moved?

What is the difference between a promoter and a bartender posting promo posts?

Is it ok for people to continuously ***bump*** up posts to the top?

tough assignment you got yourself here brother. let me try to give u my prospective from a manager of a night club that uses the board for a good laugh and to get some work done.

this section on the board seems to be the best place to promote on because everyone comes right here first. who knows that maybe the reason 99% of the people come to this section first is because they want to see what is going on at the clubs. could happen that the promo board might be hit more often if everything is generated there first. plus, all the good drama usually starts from a promoters post (see all the promoters that promote how great last night was when it really was a ghost town). that starts controversy which is what the board is all about. Now in defense of promoters they are the ones that get everyone comped or get u a first drink. so thank god they are using the board and the member are getting a chance to interact with them.

With me its different, I through probably the first true CP party in NJ this summer at the Surf. It went great I met a lot of the members and have been treating them great since. Dave the Moderator and I have also become very close friends through this party. I have included him in many different money making ventures since. With you, we met due to mutual friends but at the same point our first contact came via the board. So its tough, I would have never met people like tempskid, emmitt, laurie, etc if it wasnt for the fact that i posted on the board and they wanted to check the party out.

Now for what I think needs to be done, I totally agree that if additional posts are put up regarding the same event they should be moved to the promoter board. I think one should be kept for general info. About posting again to move ur message up, thats part of the game some posts are meant just to be viewed and not replied too. Maybe allow the message to be moved to the top as they are seen and not replied too. I have this problem this week, I am not looking for a reply.

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