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I know I haven't really posted here in a while and a lot has surely changed, but


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Originally posted by cmb1975

You might wanna check yourself before you start the name calling there hon.

Pardon my stupidity, but I dont see where gravity quoted you. But then I guess I am just really dumb.

so people are allowed to call her an idiot, but she isn't allowed to say people in general are dumb?? :confused:


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Originally posted by glowdancer

wow u really are dumb

it wasnt even gravity

go back and read the thread carefully

maybe thats what u should do next time

before quoting me and making no sense

Perhaps you should go back and read my original post, you know the one you quoted and came to the conclusion that I was an idiot. Here let me help you...

This is what i said...

"How do you know who gravity is talkin about? "

Feeling better yet?

And Moonshine...I never called her an idiot. I dont believe I called anyone anything. And I dont believe she was calling people dumb in general, im pretty sure it was directed at me.

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Originally posted by misskittie

Really....talk about takin a shit...


that dont look like keepin to urself .... just looks like removing the drama from here and bringing it ova to VIP. Sit back down and let us school you..... We know what we're doing...

no one is getting schooled...god you really are just a fuckin.... I'll refrain from saying anything further..:rolleyes: As for me bringing it to VIP it was already brought by you dear, please I was commenting on the fact you talk shit about this board and come posting back. Obviously that put your panties in to a bunch, b/c you resorted to the childish name calling.

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Originally posted by glowdancer

u are really funny i must say

what makes u think i'm over here crying

i could care less about anyone calling me anything from a messageboard

go call me an idiot

i know i'm not

i dont get insulted easily at all

it takes a lot to hurt me

no one is a square ass over here dont u get that

people just dont care to hear ur ridiculous posts

and that is why they are replying

no shut up bend over and take it up the ass

hey are u going to shagfest

id sure like to spank u, ha

shagfest? I don't even wanna know......but if we ever met, I'd let you spank me for sure.......:cool:

I don't think you're right in what you say here though...........if nobody cared to hear my "ridiculous" posts then there probablly wouldn't be over 50 replies on them......nevermind that though, point is, I'm not trying to insult you.......see that's just the thing you can't swallow right now........

I'm glad you are not hurt because I'm not intending to hurt anyone......this is all in fun.......you must not spend too much time on the drama board because that's all it is.......before today, the worst drama on this board was probably a semi-heated debate about the mayoral election in NYC.......since we know you're not hurt, I hope you're enjoying yourself because you should be.........thus far, it seemed to me that your tone has been completely defensive........all this may not make sense to you now but I'm sure in time, it will and you will realize what is really going on with all this drama today........if you did know, you'd be laughing.......so I'll take it back, you're not an idiot, I apologize.:D

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Originally posted by cmb1975

Perhaps you should go back and read my original post, you know the one you quoted and came to the conclusion that I was an idiot. Here let me help you...

This is what i said...

"How do you know who gravity is talkin about? "

Feeling better yet?

And Moonshine...I never called her an idiot. I dont believe I called anyone anything. And I dont believe she was calling people dumb in general, im pretty sure it was directed at me.

please go read page one once again

obviously u are not following it

tyco made a remark and quoted me

i then quoted him

u quoted me

because u THOUGHT i was calling gravity an idiot

that is why i'm saying u were butting in without knowing anything

ps, i hope u really didnt get insulted

i am kidding

but maybe u should take ur own advice u gave me on page one

and not take everything so seriously



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Originally posted by glowdancer

please go read page one once again

obviously u are not following it

tyco made a remark and quoted me

i then quoted him

u quoted me

because u THOUGHT i was calling gravity an idiot

that is why i'm saying u were butting in without knowing anything

ps, i hope u really didnt get insulted

i am kidding

but maybe u should take ur own advice u gave me on page one

and not take everything so seriously



Hon I dont get upset or mad or things posted on a message board. It is however quite annoying when two people are obviously not talking about the same thing! Oh well, live and learn right.


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