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is it me or are girls judgemental of eachother?


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no its definitely not just you. girls are totally judgemental of oneanother and can often be really caddy bitches. a great example of this is when you talk about an ex, or even just a girl your friends with to a current g'f or girl your seeing, the worst is if they meet.

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that is the exact reason i mostly have guy friends

a lot of women are jealous of other women

for example the other nite at a club these girls were talking about some other girl

the girl they were talking about was absolutely gorgeous

so i told them to stop talking shit and they all know she looks good

men can probably be just as bad

i think its more of an issue of insecurity then gender

cause the few female friends that i have that arent like that are very confident

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Originally posted by tastyt

Yes it's true, women are catty, it's because we know exactly what other females are capable of. I, and many other women, find it easier to form friendships with men.

However, I have noticed the same trend in men as well...

Mmm hmmm...however I think those catty women just haven't grown up and will NEVER grow up...it all stems from jealousy, insecurity and low self esteem. I have tons of guy friends and perhaps those friendships are more low maintenance...but I would never give up the friendships I've formed with women throughout the years--that's women, not bitchy little girls ;)

dyanna, are ya going to that happy hour? :)

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I have more guy friends than girls,and as long as you set the rules that nothing else is going to happen, they make the most best friends. Girls...well, it takes an exceptional woman to be a friend of mine. Most girls are bitches. No offense, ladies...I agree with your posts.

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I totally agree with glowdancer and i must say I HATE girls! ( no offense ) but they are always out to get each other and can be really immature sometimes and it makes me sick! I have a total of 4 girlfriends, who i know i can trust with anything and to not turn on me and will be there through anything! WE have so much fun when we go out b/c we hook each other up and back up when we have our eye on a hottie! Thank god we all have b/fs now cause if they were different they would encourage me to hook up with hotties at clubs and cheat on my b/f! I love guys they make the best friends and i they are just so awesome and its cool cause they always come to me for advice and i am just so cool with them maybe thats why I have so many! I <3 YOU GUYS :)

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i have very few girlfriends... ONE true best girl friend ::randall16::........ and thats all i need... i cant stand girls who constantly feel they r in competition or constantly feel the need to diss on other girls, like glowdancer said, when they KNOW she looks good... i think some girls are like me, confident and not fake or a poser.. i hate that shit... i love being friends with guys... i get along with them better and theres never any drama cuz theyre all like my brothers.

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