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Some crazy sh*t went down last night...


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Some crackhead (not one of you guys - surprisingly), broke down the door and ransacked our house last night around 2:30am. I woke up in time to see him busting down the door, so my roommate and I barricaded ourselves in my room and called the police. That didn't stop him from trying to get into my room, though! He stole some stuff out of my roomate's room and ran out the back door before the police could get there. Is that some f*ed up sh*t or what?

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Originally posted by malanee

Some crackhead (not one of you guys - surprisingly), broke down the door and ransacked our house last night around 2:30am. I woke up in time to see him busting down the door, so my roommate and I barricaded ourselves in my room and called the police. That didn't stop him from trying to get into my room, though! He stole some stuff out of my roomate's room and ran out the back door before the police could get there. Is that some f*ed up sh*t or what?

Did he harm your decks?

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Guest jroo

sounds like you could use a big ass dog or something. that really sucks, good thing you and your roommate was in your room, together, at 230 in the am. ;) that sucks, let me know if i can do anything for you.

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oh man malanee, that fucking sucks. i know what it feels like, the place i lived in on Capitol Hill got broken into and some stuff, like my lap top, got stolen back in May.

The good thing is that neither you nor your roomate got harmed physically, the material things can be replaced, but thankfully nothing major happened.

Let us know how we all in DC CP can help.

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Originally posted by malanee

The decks are safe - Thank GAWD! ;)

Yeah, make sure to cover them up at night to keep them warm. And if they're gonna go a long period of time without seeing any action, then make sure you turn them on and spin the platter for a minute or two, just so you keep all the gears in place.

Wait, were you talking about your turntables? ;)

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Originally posted by chynado11

well it could be but does jimi have dark makeup he wears??




That's so wrong, Chynado. Not every crook wears makeup. Some just wear a ski mask or stockings over their head. But not all of them wear makeup. You're just giving the general makeup wearing public a bad name by making that assumption. Let's not generalize here. Not all crooks wear makeup. Remember that.

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc


That's so wrong, Chynado. Not every crook wears makeup. Some just wear a ski mask or stockings over their head. But not all of them wear makeup. You're just giving the general makeup wearing public a bad name by making that assumption. Let's not generalize here. Not all crooks wear makeup. Remember that.

Shady - is there something you would like to tell us?

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

OK. I am a crook. But I don't wear makeup. That is all.

this is true but i dont make generalizations i just happen to know a few pointers..and im a step ahead of the game then u ;) but thats good we can eliminate you since you dont wear makeup



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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Well, that counts me and Zags (you mind if I call you Zags? All crooks need nicknames) out. But Jimi's still in the hunt, I believe.

No hay problema Señor Shady.

All fingers point to Jimi. We'll keep a look out :spin:

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Originally posted by jroo

you never said what you and your roommate were doing in your room at 230 in the morning???

:laugh: :laugh:

Well dumbass (and I use that term affectionately) - after I ran screaming up the stairs, Jenn ran to my room and started shoving the dresser in front of the door, while I called the police! So get yo filthy mind out the gutter!

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Originally posted by malanee

:laugh: :laugh:

Well dumbass (and I use that term affectionately) - after I ran screaming up the stairs, Jenn ran to my room and started shoving the dresser in front of the door, while I called the police! So get yo filthy mind out the gutter!

OK, so at what point did you two start taking off each other's clothes? And at what point did the pillow fight occur? I'm still trying to piece together the whole sequence of events... :confused:

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Well, that counts me and Zags (you mind if I call you Zags? All crooks need nicknames) out. But Jimi's still in the hunt, I believe.

shady and zag's?

yeah, that sounds scary...bonnie & clyde...billy the kid and shady & zags

:laugh: :laugh:

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