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I found out that there is a law against internet STALKING

Guest tilly

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Guest tilly

and I'm looking into it. I can not let this continue...but I don't want to draw attention to the site. ANyone have any information on this???? I really need to get this to stop.


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Originally posted by blowflyii

Deb stop drawing attention to yourself. I am not trying to hurt you. You are hurting me by banding people against me. GO back to work on Immunology and stop obsessing yourself with my destruction.

. . . well . . . why don't you destroy yourself quietly then? . . . . preferably far away from all of us . . . mmm. . k?. . . .

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But i decided to destroy myself by putting it in tilly's hands to see if she has the anger and evil in her to do so. The next time I see her I will give her a big hug and talk to her. IN turn she will have the power to do anything to me. THis is how we do it youalllll smooooothh....I feel future funky.....

I am a nightmare walking..

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Originally posted by blowflyii

I am a nightmare walking..

Nahhh kid. Your just a sad little man. and you've got to eliminate the giant stupid fuckin sig of yours homie. It's too big. I hope this Tilly chick gets to slap you with every stalkin law they got so I don't have to keep reading your ass.

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Originally posted by blowflyii

I am a nightmare walking..

. . . And that's another thing Chucklehead . . QUIT QUOTING THOSE FUCKING SONGS . . . you have NO idea what that scene was about, nor will you ever . . . :mad: . . . and you DEFILE my memory of it with your fucking insanity . . . .

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I am a nightmare walking......

baby baby I love you so much when you touch me with that lovin touch.......baby baby you got me so bad but my girl hasn't been so nice....she used to touch me, she used to kiss me, she used to love me, she used to feel me, she used to hold me.....

Feel the funk..........


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Sorry I dont mean to get involved in this but mark:STOP TAUNTING THIS POOR GIRL ALREADY

It is so sickening to see what you do to yourself and to her!!!!

I mean it has been so long already leave her alone and i cant believe you involved the poor dog in this when this cute little innocent doggie had nothing to do with it!!!

You constantly post on her threads and now take her sigs!!

Will it end?????????????????????????????

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Cyberstalking laws, prohibiting harassing contact through the use of e-mail and/or electronic contact, are in effect in several states. At last count, 39 states have laws on their books expressly criminalizing this conduct. Those states are:

Alabama Iowa North Carolina

Alaska Kansas North Dakota

Arizona Louisiana Oklahoma

Arkansas Maine Oregon

California Maryland Pennsylvania

Colorado Massachusetts South Dakota

Connecticut Michigan Tennessee

Delaware Minnesota Texas

Florida Montana Vermont

Georgia Nevada Virginia

Hawaii New Hampshire Washington

Illinois New Jersey Wisconsin

Indiana New York Wyoming

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Why don't you leave the poor girl alone. The relationship is over and it's time to move on. There are plenty of other girls out there!! You might feel hurt or rejected still, but it's time to move on. If you give yourself some distance I am sure you will start feeling a lot better. She doesn't want to have any type of relationship with and I think you are really scaring her!! The whole dog in the sig thing is just wrong - Just go out and find someone else already!!! If you truly want to have any sort of future relationship or friendship with her, you would respect her wish to be left alone in the present!!

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Originally posted by blowflyii

when she solves the puzzle.....meaning when she is nothing but nice to me...it will happen I will wait it out.

There is no need for her to be nice to you!!!

Look how you badger her!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think if my ex put me through this I would have went mentally fucking insane already!!

Oh god Deb how the fuck do u do it????

Fucking twisted shit!!!!!

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Ok, I really didn't want to throw my 2 cents in... but whatever...

Mark, I've met you in real life a few times, your a good guy with a lot to offer... So my question is... Why are you wasting it on someone who doesn't reciprocate the feelings you have?

Even in my short lifespan, i've learned a thing or 2 here & there... one of which, is that nomatter what you feel for certain people, things just aren't meant to be and your better off coming to terms with that and trying to find someone who loves you as much as you love them.

Its not fun to be in a situation where the person you love doesn't love you back, but your not going to find the person who does if you don't step back and open your eyes. Sometimes the answer isn't right in front of your eyes.

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Originally posted by blowflyii

I know you guys do not mean to threaten me but there were things said and done to me abusivley, and that is one reason I am here.

Mark,,, let me just say i think i know where you're coming from. In fact, after breaking off w/ my ex (which i NEVER thought would happen) I called her a lot more than i should have.

Now you haven't taken the big important step of acceptance yet, and that's an important one. You seem to be VERY persistent, this is working against you. If you want ANY possible chance with her in the future, just let her go and do her thing.

She knows who you are i'm sure, and if she wants you, she;ll call you. But all this constant nagging and obsession doesn't make you the least bit appealing.

Just take this advice Please, it's my new years resolution:


good things will happen, and you CAN find love again :cool:

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I don't think this guy knows how to "LET GO" anything yo. He's like gum on this chick's shoe and shit! He's working all the "look at me" stops but it's turning everyone against him. How we supose to take anyone like this seriously when he talks about music? If I where you Mark I'd chill the fuck out and try to gain whatever little bit of respect you still can from this here good board. Peace~


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Originally posted by beatz

I don't think this guy knows how to "LET GO" anything yo. He's like gum on this chick's shoe and shit! He's working all the "look at me" stops but it's turning everyone against him. How we supose to take anyone like this seriously when he talks about music? If I where you Mark I'd chill the fuck out and try to gain whatever little bit of respect you still can from this here good board. Peace~


I agree w/ beatz, Blow... you gotta look at this in an entirely new way, try to unstick yourself, cause your stickyness is startin' to rub us here on CP the wrong way.

Look, if i were you, i'd take a trip somewhere. I did, and just getting away for a while, seeing beautiful other women and things just shows that there's so much in this world to think about and experience besides just ONE GIRL.

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