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I always support Joeys BUT.......

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Originally posted by pipdaddy

now now little laurie...be nice:

1. Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength.

2. For every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you can never get back.

3.Harsh words break no bones but they do break hearts.


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for all those people that were treated with disrespect last night,Iapoligize on behalf of the entire Joeys staff.we appreciate your business and I will talk to Joey presonally to resolve this problem.thanks for the support and we will come up with something to make it up to you!

Mike Rizzo

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I must agree, last night was probably the most crowded I've ever seen that place and that one bouncer at the door definitely thought he was God or something. I understand that it was extremely crowded and all, but for him to be throwing attitude at absolutely everyone for no reason...where the hell does he get off??? Howver, I must say, somehow I managed to have a great time even with the insane amount of people in there....may have something to do with the fact that R.J. was with us, right Car??:) :)

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OK, First I know to expect a line on a holiday or special event, but holy shit! That was unreal. Do I blame the bouncers for wantingto make an extra dollar NO but, the place was to pack, owner or management should have stopped leting people in it was just to pack.

For the guys at the door, Listen You are for the most part good guys and take care of who your suppose to.

I would just hope, that you relax and get things in order, next time. I think moving the register was a bad idea it just keeps people outside to long.

Not to mention, whoever the guy taking the money was couldn't have been slower and his comments aren't needed.

Hey, we all know Joey's is a good time and I'll go back, because I like it, thursdays can't be beat, their friday is getting better and sunday, its the only thing going on anyway.

So, lets all take a deep breath, and relax when I was inside it was good just way to cramped for me.

Maybe the guy with the glasses will eat to many ring dings with the money he made and stay home.

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I went there tongiht and it was a great time but i was treated like shit by the so-called guy sergio that told me to ask for him and metion CP. HE acted like he never herd of CLUBPLANTET.COM or me.

YO JOEYS ! I have said nothing but good things about your club and yet when i go you treated me shit so fuck you and wait and see ooooh just wait and see............. CLUBPLANTET.COM

I thought there was one good last jersey club damn i was wrong

Dude--You are so wrong!!!

Sergio goes out of his way to take care of everyone he can... and if there is a situation where he cant you just have to understand and deal with it. . .Thats the bar business

As for the crowds and line--tough--thats what you get for going out on a Holiday Weekend--And if you didnt want to wait you should have shelled out some cash or actually been friends with someone who has some pull

All I know is that, when it comes down to it, I've never had a problem either getting in or getting a drink.

Everyone at Joeys is top-notch, from management and staff(Dean, Carlos, Andy) to the bartenders (Lynn, Felecia, Joey Vac, Mike and Elle) .

There is no need to bash

PS.--Serg--had fun on NYE--Mike would let me buy you that last shot--Said he didnt want you puking on the bar

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Originally posted by Dreamweaver25

On a different note, George Calle, were you spinning last night? I remember you from our MSU days. Is it you I have to thank for "La La Land" at the end of the night?...still love that song.

Calle opened up for Mike Rizzo I believe.

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Originally posted by notallthere

by the so-called guy sergio that told me to ask for him and metion CP. HE acted like he never herd of CLUBPLANTET.COM or me.

The people that own and work for this website spend time promtoting it and getting traffic to it. The members like me and you that post shit everyday helped it become the site that it is. Yet theres still ass hole moron promoters that just think they can spread lies on this site and lie to the members so that they can promote there club!!!!!

I do not promote or work for anyone associated with Joey's so my opinion is stricly unbiased. you HAD to catch Sergio at the wrong time or something. I have met many people in this industry, have several very good friends that run very successful places and nobody, and I mean NOBODY takes care of there people the way Sergio does. We come to Joey's in the winter all the way from Ocean county and are treated like royalty by Sergio and the rest of the crew, tommy, dean, carlos, etc. With the crowds this past weekend, I can atest that it was a complete rare occurence to be treated like that by Sergio.....And for the record, he's in the management end of the business, no a so-called lying promoter.

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I understand where your coming from. But I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. I asked if you where there and they told me yes so i went by the vip lounge and all i said to you was "Hi im Anthony the guy from clubplanet" And you where like "I dont know you" And i was like well have you ever herd of clubplanet .com??? and you said No,.. I have no idea what your talking about. " And i dident complain about the line. I dident even go to the front and drop any names so i could cut like all the other assholes. I had a sin card but i dont know where i put it. I understand the crowd and actually liked it, i was happy to see my favorite place was doing so well. I came to the club bymyself and i dident want a handout out all i wanted to do was say hi.

Originally posted by stigeleiro

First to NOTALLTHERE, I apologize greatly for what happened last night. When I PMed you you were going to come in Friday to come see me so we can talk about the possibility of u getting a job there. It is great how everyone, I mean everyone, knows my name and expects something from me on a night like this. About not knowing what the board is. I helped build traffic on this board with the first ever CP party in NJ so that statement is totally incorrect. As everyone on this board who knows me can attest I am a straight shooter not a promoter talking shit I am management which gives me a lot more pull. Ask jarmenio, johnnyblackrock, laurie, emmitt and tempkid and the rest of the board how well they are treated with me. I never told u to come by sunday to talk to me. I dont even work sundays. I was there like everyone else because I was off on Monday too. You saw the mayhem what did u expect. My friends waited to get in as long as u did and I couldnt do nothing for them.


Now Starbryte, there is nothing more then I can say then sorry. I now know there is an issue that needs to be addressed. I wish u did not choose last night as the first night to come there. Joeys is a very good club from Thursday to Sunday every week and never has lines like it did last night. Last night is similar to Presidents Day Sunday so dont bother coming in that night either. Same shit different holiday. One day I will meet you outside of Joeys and we can shoot the breeze about ur complaints. I do hope u can send me an email specifically listing ur problems so they may be addressed. I am not joking about this so dont look at it as a waste of time. As most people know I run one of the best parties in NJ and the reason is is that I care what people think. My email address is sergiot@brm.com.

PS> If u think I am pulling ur leg speak to someone like jarmenio and let him tell u how straight of a shooter I am. thanks

For everyone else, you guys should have expected that craziness last night. SORRY.


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Originally posted by notallthere

I understand where your coming from. But I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. I asked if you where there and they told me yes so i went by the vip lounge and all i said to you was "Hi im Anthony the guy from clubplanet" And you where like "I dont know you" And i was like well have you ever herd of clubplanet .com??? and you said No,.. I have no idea what your talking about. "

I really think there is some confusion. I honestly feel that u did not meet me. First of all I have nothing to do with the VIP room. Also, I would never say I do not know clubplanet. Read all the other posts and realize that being part of this board goes a long way with me. You need to come in one day even it is early and lets sit down and talk. I am there on Friday I usually get there around 9, let me know if u plan on coming in and we will clear things up. Sorry again.

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Well you really don't seem like the type to snub someone. I guese it wasent even you i spoke with then. I definally let you know next time i am going.



Originally posted by stigeleiro

Originally posted by notallthere

I understand where your coming from. But I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. I asked if you where there and they told me yes so i went by the vip lounge and all i said to you was "Hi im Anthony the guy from clubplanet" And you where like "I dont know you" And i was like well have you ever herd of clubplanet .com??? and you said No,.. I have no idea what your talking about. "

I really think there is some confusion. I honestly feel that u did not meet me. First of all I have nothing to do with the VIP room. Also, I would never say I do not know clubplanet. Read all the other posts and realize that being part of this board goes a long way with me. You need to come in one day even it is early and lets sit down and talk. I am there on Friday I usually get there around 9, let me know if u plan on coming in and we will clear things up. Sorry again.

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  • 1 year later...
Originally posted by notallthere

Ill tell you all................. Ive been going to the surf club and joeys night club for a while now. I have always told eveyone i have run into to go there.

BUT not anymore.

I went there tongiht and it was a great time but i was treated like shit by the so-called guy sergio that told me to ask for him and metion CP. HE acted like he never herd of CLUBPLANTET.COM or me.

The people that own and work for this website spend time promtoting it and getting traffic to it. The members like me and you that post shit everyday helped it become the site that it is. Yet theres still ass hole moron promoters that just think they can spread lies on this site and lie to the members so that they can promote there club!!!!!

YO JOEYS ! I have said nothing but good things about your club and yet when i go you treated me shit so fuck you and wait and see ooooh just wait and see............. CLUBPLANTET.COM

I thought there was one good last jersey club damn i was wrong

hahahhahah memooorysss how funny is this serge?

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Originally posted by notallthere666

hahahhahah memooorysss how funny is this serge?

i first saw it and thought it was a new post then I read your first post and it brought back those memories. That was a real long time ago. I definitely made up for it 100 fold. BTW, for everyone that is wondering it wasnt me that he came up to anyway

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Originally posted by stigeleiro

i first saw it and thought it was a new post then I read your first post and it brought back those memories. That was a real long time ago. I definitely made up for it 100 fold. BTW, for everyone that is wondering it wasnt me that he came up to anyway


i dont even rember to honest with you.

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Originally posted by clubangel

Luckily I went early so I didn't have to wait in line but I have some friends that waited for an hour..screw that! Lines for everything though...for drinks, the bathroom was a nightmare, coat check, to get my car!

I guess that is expected though b/c of the holiday weekend but it was unbearably comfortable inside and people were just plain out rude!

I was with a bunch of friends so of course I still managed to have a good time.


Holy Cow!!! You're Alive!!!!


and club kitty to!!!!


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Mike rizzo ........................... NIce

I miss those days, with 700-800 people there on a Sun nite and Mike rizzo on the wheels. It was one of the best nites lots and lots of hotties and great music. Tamia's "tell me who", abagail " u set me free" Damn I'm depressed now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh the Memories

MR Rizzo when r u at Joey's again????????????

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This shit is so funny. First off people waited in line for over an hour to get in to Joeys, Joeys :laugh: Then to top it off people were paying the bouncers to cut the line.

:eek: I really cant believe it, Never in a millon years would I ever think I would see this. Thats to funny I would never go thru that to get into Joeys, neverless anywhere else.

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Originally posted by housedog

This shit is so funny. First off people waited in line for over an hour to get in to Joeys, Joeys :laugh: Then to top it off people were paying the bouncers to cut the line.

:eek: I really cant believe it, Never in a millon years would I ever think I would see this. Thats to funny I would never go thru that to get into Joeys, neverless anywhere else.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I agree!!!

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Originally posted by jarmenio

Sergio happens to be one of the most honest guys in the industry. He has always taken care of me at all the venues he has done. It was a Sunday Night with everyone off on Monday, I am sure he had no choice. There is not much someone can do when a club is at overcapacity and the police and fire masrshall are outside watching. I am sure Sergio did not ignore you intentionally.

i agree with you he is a stand up guy

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