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Subwoffer Enclosure HELP!!!

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I got a Rockford DVC punch 10"..... I got it cheap and im building a box for it. Sealed or ported whatever will sound better. Can anyone give me dimentions for a box w/ proper air space for this speaker. I already got the MDF for it. Any help is appreciated.

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whoa... thats the same set up i just got about a week ago... same exact thing... uh i dont know what the inner dimensions are but if you wish ill measure up the outside of the box and you can take it from there... (btw my box is made specifically for those speakers)

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well for starters they say you need an 800 watt amp to run these bad boys, however im using a 600 watt and it sounds great. Its a pioneer (stop laughing!) and so far knock on wood i havent had one prob, but ive had thousands of compliments... as for the construcition of the box definatly sealed. no ports no holes no nothing... itll give a nice deep hard hittin bass as opposed to that long drawn out droning bass ported boxes have... ( you ever been in one of your friends cars and as soon as they put on that shit box of radio they call a system it sounds like ass and the bass is just one long brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! then beeeeeeeeeeeem! then boom! thats cause of the ports. a non ported sealed box is gonna give you a more boop! boop! boop! <say that with your mouth closed thats kind of what itll sound like> which is better if youre listening to house music anyway...) any hoo... i ll go measure the box right now... let me put on my slippers and head out to the garage... (see what i do for you bro.. sheesh oh well brb)

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base & top : 36" X 9.25"

Height : 12"

and btw for the first couple days actually the week you have it blast the balls of them with songs that have lots of bass, to break them in.. to stretch out the speakers... and bbbbttttwww $50 bucks for those spkrs is a great price... you can turn around and sell them and make a profit if you dont like the sound... also what type of car you putting them in? the trunk makes up a big part of the good sound equation as well...

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Originally posted by calmdwn

Its 800 peak i think 600 RMS

you maybe right... not sure... but the guy at the shop said that i should get a more powerful amp... i told him to go fuck himself and sucker the next idiot that walked in. Commission hungry bastid.

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first things first... after the box... promise me youll chip the car and get an exhaust that an instant 50HP, and 100 Lbs/Torque... and exhaust will get you about 15 HP on that car if you get the borla one... then youll be loving the car... trust me... btw if you need help or parts for that car i have tons of friends over on VWvortex.com and a couple buddies who own some shops so if you need parts or gizmos let me know.. if youre in the NYC area.

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He blew his engine, so he needs a new one, hhe will settle for the GSR but really wants a Type-R, cause his borther just got a 98 Type-R Championship white (1 of only 2000 made that year.

Sibiling Rivalry.... all my friends are into the rice burners

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Ok, first off ported boxes CAN sound just as good as sealed boxes if designed properly. They will give you better low bass response and are much more efficient (meaning they will give you higher volume with the same amount of power....they can easily give you 3 dB more than a sealed box which is a significant amount.) However, ported boxes are more difficult to design than sealed boxes and they take up more space. Also, you have to decide what you want to tune the box to if you port it. The tuning frequency will determine what's the lowest frequency that the sub will be able to play. If you go ported I would tune it at about 25-30 hertz. However, it is easier to blow your sub with a ported box. I run my 2 A/D/S 12's in a sealed box, so I'm not knocking sealed boxes at all. I'm just dispelleing the myth that ported boxes don't sound good. It is just harder to make them sound good than it is a sealed box. As for the power and box size...what is the exact model of those subs? If it is the regular punch series than it is definitely not rated to handle 600 watts RMS. If it is the HX2 or power DVC model then it probably is. You do not have to match that power rating to get good results. At least 300-400 watts will push it pretty well. ALthough more power wouldn't hurt. And you will not hear the difference between 600 watts and 800 watts. It takes a doubling of power to gain 3 dB of sound....which is the smallest amount that the human ear is said to be able to detect. Ok enough of my ranting. (sorry...car stereos are my true hobby...i have 1600 posts on the car stereo board)

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