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goin sober....


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Actually, I prefer to go to clubs "sober", which to me is a drink a little booze before hand, smoke some herb, and eat some ephedrine. I haven't rolled or gotten fucked up at a club or party in a long time...I prefer to do my drugs outside the club at my apartment or a friends place...I'd much rather not have to worry about bouncers and narcs. I prefer being comfortable and being able to do what I want, smoke what I want, drink what I want, whenever I want.

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I'm actually pretty close to what xtc said. when i go out, I just burn a little, and drink a little. I haven't done any 'drugs' in about a year now. when/if I do decide to do shrooms it'll probably be in a more friendly atmosphere than a club/bar. I'm considering them for that thing that's goin on 4/20 on randalls island. Other than those three things, I am sober, and loving it. My poison of choice was alcohol for a while, but that got way out of control, and poverty led me to give that up for a while, and now that i got some coin in my pocket again, I'm still taking it easy. Maybe like 3 beers on a friday or saturday night, where as before it was at least a dozen pints, plus shots and a ffew bottles of beer b4 i left the house. and that was on a slow night...damn...on a good, wild night, i would say i could've drank a case of bottles at least or 20 or more pints, plus 5 shots or so, before I was drunk...that's drunk mind you...not wasted, still quite coherent. Tonight, I will go out and probably have one beer and shoot some darts.

As for clubs, I'm comfortable enough with myself and my dancing that on the rare occasion that my old ass feels like dancing, i can go without drugs, adn just a minimum of weed and beer.

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Originally posted by trancend

actually i was completely sober this whole weekend, friday was alright but saturday was the best night out ive ever had

i may have to try it again cuz i met someone who actually makes me want to not do drugs

i met that someone too. being fucked up is nice, but being sober and "clear headed" for a while is nicer...

no drugs for me till WMC

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most of the time i just go sober. i do have a couple of drinks and some hydroxycuts or ripped fuel regardless just to get me going, but i leave all the other "stimulants" for special ocassions (i.e. baby showers, first communions, etc.) , or if everyone i'm going out with is getting totally FUBAR, that way i dont overload my system that much and keep my tolerance somewhat low

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Originally posted by trancend

actually i was completely sober this whole weekend, friday was alright but saturday was the best night out ive ever had

i may have to try it again cuz i met someone who actually makes me want to not do drugs

yup... same with me :) but i kinda got used to goin sober anyway... the past 2 times ive been sober....... and i kinda like the idea of not bein all cracked out the next day and bein able to have just as much fun if not more, bein conscious of wtf im doing all night. plus, being sober also seems to be much more of a turn on than being with someone when ur all fucked up...
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I actually like to go to big events or parties with big line ups mostly sober. I like to remember actually going out and seeing some phat dj. I regret a lot of times in the past that I'd go to a crazy ass party with huge names and shit and come home in the morning and not remember a damn thing. Drugs, especially pills, kill my memory for a night...sometimes memories besides "DAMN I WAS FUCKED UP!" are nice to have.

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Originally posted by blondymu

Sound Factory ... this past saturday/sunday .. JP's Bday... sober from 2am - 12pm .. it is do able...

I hear ya on that...:D...I have my best times @SF sober....Just some Red Bull before and a little energy drink action when I get in there....that's how I go....

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