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president to see anoter $48 billion in war spending...

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. . . It's called deficit spending . . . and for all their acumen at steal . . I mean making money . . The republicans shure don't know how to FUCKING MANAGE IT at the governmental level . . .

. . . It's gonna hurt us in the long run . . but this is the way of things . . and until we, as the people decide to get off our asses and change things . . we just gotta deal with it . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . It's called deficit spending . . . and for all their acumen at steal . . I mean making money . . The republicans shure don't know how to FUCKING MANAGE IT at the governmental level . . .

. . . It's gonna hurt us in the long run . . but this is the way of things . . and until we, as the people decide to get off our asses and change things . . we just gotta deal with it . .

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The war against terrorism will be for our kids and kids kids.

The funding will be provided by taxes. Our 3 trillion dollar economy can handle especially now that a recovery is in the works for mid-year. If that is not enough the gov't can start selling the 30 year bond again for additional funding.

To answer future phunk...

The republicans a probabally the best part to have right now they are better with finances then democrats just look at the clinton era..

The bottomline is this,

We have no choice.


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It's coming from us fine, hard working individuals in taxes...I don't understand...we should have a say in where our tax money is being spent...no fucking way I'd want it to go for war purposes...helping those in need would be much more better..like getting homeless people off the streets or putting it into medical research.

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Originally posted by msoprano13

opinions please....

where u think all this money is coming from.....and is it the right choice....

whatever it takes to take them out is fine with me i think...

as for the money it probably came from ENRON--->:D :D :D

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I dont know if its the right thing to do. It's deficit spending. Like phuturephunk said, it's gonna hurt us in the long run.......What I dont understand is why we keep spending money on this "war"on terrorism instead of addressing some issues that would actually make a big difference. For example, the Middle East Conflict and the presence of US forces in Saudia Arabia. These are 2 of the biggest factors that drive these terrorists to do what they do. What does everyone else think?

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Originally posted by sassa

It's coming from us fine, hard working individuals in taxes...I don't understand...we should have a say in where our tax money is being spent...no fucking way I'd want it to go for war purposes...helping those in need would be much more better..like getting homeless people off the streets or putting it into medical research.

Listen back on September 10th that would have been fine.

September 11th changed a lot of things especially your civil liberties that you enjoy every day are in danger. The evil bastards that did this to our country won't stop and it's our gov't duty to protect us.

Let me ask you do you think the CAMP X- RAY situation appropriate?

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

I dont know if its the right thing to do. It's deficit spending. Like phuturephunk said, it's gonna hurt us in the long run.......What I dont understand is why we keep spending money on this "war"on terrorism instead of addressing some issues that would actually make a big difference. For example, the Middle East Conflict and the presence of US forces in Saudia Arabia. These are 2 of the biggest factors that drive these terrorists to do what they do. What does everyone else think?

The middle east conflict is a conflict that has persisted since the beginning of time. I am sorry there has been to much blood shed for it to ever be resolved hopefully it will. The jewish influence in this country is to strong for us to ever leave Isreal side even if some of the things they do is unfair. These terrorists hit us at home we have to do everything I mean everything wether it racial profiling to knocking on doors to prevent another tragedy like the one in New York from happening again. These evil people are like a cancer they have to be uprooted and killed....

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Originally posted by bigmahs

The middle east conflict is a conflict that has persisted since the beginning of time. I am sorry there has been to much blood shed for it to ever be resolved hopefully it will. The jewish influence in this country is to strong for us to ever leave Isreal side even if some of the things they do is unfair. These terrorists hit us at home we have to do everything I mean everything wether it racial profiling to knocking on doors to prevent another tragedy like the one in New York from happening again. These evil people are like a cancer they have to be uprooted and killed....

Well if were going to try and fix the problem thats within the country we should go get everyone. All the Neo Nazi and anti-abortion groups are also terrorists in my opinion. They are strongly opposed to the government and dont care about killing innocent people to prove their point. I wouldnt be surprised if they were behind the anthrax. Just going after one group of people isnt going to solve anything.

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Originally posted by bigmahs


The war against terrorism will be for our kids and kids kids.

The funding will be provided by taxes. Our 3 trillion dollar economy can handle especially now that a recovery is in the works for mid-year. If that is not enough the gov't can start selling the 30 year bond again for additional funding.

To answer future phunk...

The republicans a probabally the best part to have right now they are better with finances then democrats just look at the clinton era..

The bottomline is this,

We have no choice.


. . . . Ok . . . let me give you this little business scenario . . . and lets see if you know what I'm screamin . . k? . . .

Here goes :

I want to open up a lemonade stand to make some extra money . . .So I go out and buy the materials to build the stand, the lemons, cups, sugar, ice (for those warm summer days), and a juicer . . .

Now. . . I calculate my costs, subtracting for the one time cost of building the stand and I figure the total cost of aquiring lemons, sugar and ice for each batch of lemonade that I make . . .

the total cost to me the manufacturer is 15 cents a cup . . .

. . . I turn around and sell it for a DIME . . . .

. . normally I would walk away at this point and leave it to you to figure it out . . but since you're a republican I will explain :

Bush has just cut taxes drastically . . . Taxes to the Government are like revenues to a company . . . Companies must take in revenues to cover operating expenses, and HOPEFULLY make a little extra to reinvest and expand. . . The government is no different . . . Taxes are levied and then the government turns around and invests in various public works and the like . . . The government cutting taxes is like a company purposely curtailing it's sales . .. When done, the business entity makes less money . . . and in the government's case, there's less money to operate public infrastructure . . .

In the business world, if you constantly make less money than you expend (we're not talking about Amazon here . . that's a different convo entirely . . ) eventually you WILL GO OUT OF BUSINESS . . .

The government, however has the ability TO SPEND WHAT IT DOES NOT HAVE IN THE BANK . . hence the term DEFICIT SPENDING . . .

. . Where's that 40 billion gonna come from? . . . Who the fuck cares!! . . We're the government, we'll print more!! . . . or just red ink it all the way . . . either way, what George bush and the republican cronies have done is, in effect taken that 15 cent glass of lemonade and given it away for FREE . . .

. . . I find it amusing that the government of the ONLY country that was built from the ground up under the utilization of capitalism can be so UTTERLY STUPID when it comes to money management . . . Any student of finance should be insulted . . .

. . . clear enough? . . . .

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I swear to god, this whole Bush in office thing has been fucking de ja vous. War in the middle east, recession, deficit spending, corporate bailouts, Cheney...

I just keep repeating to myself, "Three more years and it will be all over; after that, we get another 8 GOOD years with a Democrat."

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . . Ok . . . let me give you this little business scenario . . . and lets see if you know what I'm screamin . . k? . . .

Here goes :

I want to open up a lemonade stand to make some extra money . . .So I go out and buy the materials to build the stand, the lemons, cups, sugar, ice (for those warm summer days), and a juicer . . .

Now. . . I calculate my costs, subtracting for the one time cost of building the stand and I figure the total cost of aquiring lemons, sugar and ice for each batch of lemonade that I make . . .

the total cost to me the manufacturer is 15 cents a cup . . .

. . . I turn around and sell it for a DIME . . . .

. . normally I would walk away at this point and leave it to you to figure it out . . but since you're a republican I will explain :

Bush has just cut taxes drastically . . . Taxes to the Government are like revenues to a company . . . Companies must take in revenues to cover operating expenses, and HOPEFULLY make a little extra to reinvest and expand. . . The government is no different . . . Taxes are levied and then the government turns around and invests in various public works and the like . . . The government cutting taxes is like a company purposely curtailing it's sales . .. When done, the business entity makes less money . . . and in the government's case, there's less money to operate public infrastructure . . .

In the business world, if you constantly make less money than you expend (we're not talking about Amazon here . . that's a different convo entirely . . ) eventually you WILL GO OUT OF BUSINESS . . .

The government, however has the ability TO SPEND WHAT IT DOES NOT HAVE IN THE BANK . . hence the term DEFICIT SPENDING . . .

. . Where's that 40 billion gonna come from? . . . Who the fuck cares!! . . We're the government, we'll print more!! . . . or just red ink it all the way . . . either way, what George bush and the republican cronies have done is, in effect taken that 15 cent glass of lemonade and given it away for FREE . . .

. . . I find it amusing that the government of the ONLY country that was built from the ground up under the utilization of capitalism can be so UTTERLY STUPID when it comes to money management . . . Any student of finance should be insulted . . .

. . . clear enough? . . . .

The record bullish run the american economy had experienced in the last ten years has enabled the gov't to have a budget surplus. The cutting of corporate taxes by the gov't will do same as cutting taxes for an individual, they will spend more.

The cutting of corporate taxes will do the following.

A)Increase corporate capitol spending which is 1 of the main reasons we are in a recession, stemming from a weak EURO increased energy prices and raising of interest rates by the Federal Reseve to fight of inflation which usually arrives at the end of a the expansion cycle.

B) The cutting of taxes will only help the bottom line that will spill over into the stock market. The increase in the stock market prices will add to a wealth factor for companies and individual investors.

The wealth factor will keep the consumer strong which makes up 2/3rds of our economy.

Deficit spending in our current situation is vital for the existence of our country, call it an oppurtunity cost.




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Originally posted by bigmahs

The record bullish run the american economy had experienced in the last ten years has enabled the gov't to have a budget surplus. The cutting of corporate taxes by the gov't will do same as cutting taxes for an individual, they will spend more.

The cutting of corporate taxes will do the following.

A)Increase corporate capitol spending which is 1 of the main reasons we are in a recession, stemming from a weak EURO increased energy prices and raising of interest rates by the Federal Reseve to fight of inflation which usually arrives at the end of a the expansion cycle.

B) The cutting of taxes will only help the bottom line that will spill over into the stock market. The increase in the stock market prices will add to a wealth factor for companies and individual investors.

The wealth factor will keep the consumer strong which makes up 2/3rds of our economy.

Deficit spending in our current situation is vital for the existence of our country, call it an oppurtunity cost.




. . . I have to disagree with you . . . In this business climate, no matter what kind of cutting the government does, there simply isn't enough money flow on the consumer side to support the kind of earnings that will pull us out of recession . . . Yeah, the products will be there, and if corporate taxes are cut inventories will rise . . but the consumer will not follow suit . . at least for the time being . . . and buy what's in inventory . . .

. . . How do you make money if no ones buyin? . . . Now I understand that eventually this will turn around, but the most prudent thing for the government to do at this point is to NOT cut corporate taxes, but rather cut down on the amount that they're taking out of each person's check for federal and soc security . . . that would have the greatest effect, because skittish consumers will take that extra money that would have been racketed out by taxes and put it into the bank . . A higher savings rate will allow banks to fund more ventures on the business side, which will, in turn help the economy . . . All without the govt having to go deep into the red . . . A higher savings rate will also do alot more to boost consumerism in the long run, because the working consumers in this country will have more of a money base to play around with, which will in turn boost their confidence in buying large ticket, high margin durables and the like . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . I have to disagree with you . . . In this business climate, no matter what kind of cutting the government does, there simply isn't enough money flow on the consumer side to support the kind of earnings that will pull us out of recession . . . Yeah, the products will be there, and if corporate taxes are cut inventories will rise . . but the consumer will not follow suit . . at least for the time being . . . and buy what's in inventory . . .

. . . How do you make money if no ones buyin? . . . Now I understand that eventually this will turn around, but the most prudent thing for the government to do at this point is to NOT cut corporate taxes, but rather cut down on the amount that they're taking out of each person's check for federal and soc security . . . that would have the greatest effect, because skittish consumers will take that extra money that would have been racketed out by taxes and put it into the bank . . A higher savings rate will allow banks to fund more ventures on the business side, which will, in turn help the economy . . . All without the govt having to go deep into the red . . . A higher savings rate will also do alot more to boost consumerism in the long run, because the working consumers in this country will have more of a money base to play around with, which will in turn boost their confidence in buying large ticket, high margin durables and the like . . .


Reviewing the economic events that happened over the last year it tells us that the housing market and the consumer has kept us out of a deep recession.

Economics 101 teaches us that an increase in income=increase in demand and a decrease in the AVERAGE and individual saves.

The promblem is capitol spending that is hurting us co's are cutting back hence major lay offs. The Federal Reseve board is trying to spark the manufacturing side of our economy which until recent reports have experienced serious contractions.

The monatarists school of economic thought teaches us that an increase in the money supply increases demand. The cutting of intersest rates and taxes entices co's to expand because that loan is cheaper now then it was 2 years ago. The increase in capitol spending will trickel down to other areas. My freind in the words of Walshenese lol (private joke) it's all about linkage.

ie. Company takes loan to expand it's fleet of services vehicles.

Contracts ford to build this mighty fleet and what happens next little mom and pop in indiana that were laid off are put back to work and can start contributing to our ecoonomy by buying services and goods. It gets deeper lets say the jimmy in wisconsin that was laid off becausethe demand for his co's pruduct of sheet metal has decreased now can go back to work.

These are just illustrations of linkage and are working with ball park scenariors but I hope it make sense.

See it's all linked every dollar you spend takes us one step closer to recovery and considering the latest consumer sentiment from Michigan we are doing just fine...

I love this country

:) :) :)

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