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you'll never guess what I saw at JOEY's on sunday night?

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well after my friends and I greased the bouncers so not to wait on an hour line -- got in , got drinks , etc., met up with our other NY friends (sf sat. crew back together again)---

ANYWAy, these guys were dropping bombs and doing mad bumps--they said because the didnt hit up factory SAT. Do jersey people do that stuff in a place like JOEY's? Mad people came up wanting bumps too, mostly girls though!

Fucking weird. however when ever i'm out with those guys they party mad hard--whether at metro, bunkas, abyss, factory, now joeys sundays as an after party for factory?!!!


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I totally saw what you saw....and yes I agree many many people do that kind of stuff at Joeys and other clubs in NJ. I was hanging out with people and friends both guys and girls (that I guess are pretty much SF regulars) that were doing bumps left and right. Doing bumps isn't my thing but to each is own I guess!


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Im certainly not preaching, I dabble into some things here and there, but it is definitely not smart to do that shit out in the open. I've seen the way bouncers handle people (both guys and girls) they catch doing drugs in Jersey clubs and it CERTAINLY is not pretty. I've seen guys get wrestled to the ground and carried out by 4 bouncers as well as two girls literally getting tossed out of a shore club with the bouncers screaming "Dont you ever bring that shit in here agian"....I always kind of figured they would take it easy on girls but I guess not. Not only would that be EXTREMELY embarrassing, you could probably also say goodbye to ever seeing the inside of that club again. So its better to be smart and stick to a bathroom stall.;)

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Originally posted by misk

droppin pills in joey's??? that's the dumbest thing i have ever heard....bumps,well i don't really have a comment...cause usually people will get k'd up anywhere....but pills in joey's~~WHY!?!?

I'm with you on that.......seems like people will look for any excuse to drop a pill these days.......in big clubs, everyone is in their own world anyhow so it's not such a big deal but in small places that really aren't even clubs, like Joey's, it bring down the party to have people cracked out all over the place......worst part is, most of the people who do this don't even know how to do drugs responsibly..........G in Surf Club is a perfect example of that......how many ODs are there opening weekend each year?

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Originally posted by pipdaddy

doing bumps out in the open? are you crazy..i wouldnt try that anywhere.....just run into the bathroom for a little while...much easier. just don't let your friends see you come outta the stalll...

I LOVE your quote... that movie had A LOT of great lines!!!

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