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Is It For The Music??


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I know the party scene is full of drugs and will probably be forever..but is there anybody that still can dance to the music and not be fawked up?? im from the old skool party scene and it used to be much less like you had to take drugs to listen and enjoy..now i cant even talk to ppl normal and i see cracked out ppl stuck in corners most of the nite..what a waste of time and money if you asked me...anyone else feel my pain?



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To tell you the truth I can listen to Trance/house anything without needing to be f*$k-up. :eek: Personally, I believe it is a personal choice everyone has to make but no u don't have to be out of your mind to enjoy the music and dance to it all night. If you love the music you can listen to it however way you are. :spin::bounce:

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I go for the music.... sometimes I drink or get focked up, sometimes I don't.... I've gone to clubs and sat in a corner and just let the music take me; other nights my friends have to litterally pick my ass up and carry me OFF the dance floor...

Just depends... for me, it's all about the music..


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I "work" the scene, so I have a blast whenever I go out, cause I'm doing something I love.

As for the fucked-uppedness, I'll indulge on a rare occasion, but for the most part I'm stone cold sober when I'm out...

Except for tonight where I'm gonna be doped up on cold medicine...damn diseases.

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I depends. As with anything it's all in moderation. You can really tell who is there b/c they enjoy the music and those who are there just to get high. I know from my personal experience I'm sober 85% of the time. If the music is great you really don't need anything, but then again it's fun to have that slight tingle and the trademark ear to ear grin! :D

These people youre talking about they have a name: Doormats! (i.e. people who go to clubs for the drugs and end up spending the entire night grinding their teeth and humping a speaker. )

When I went to see Sasha & Diggers in Orlando, it was so sad to see the hallways littered w/ raver kids- fawked up out of there minds.........they missed the entire set. In my opinion if that's what youre into you might as well stay home!

*Vicman- come Conference two words "rare form"

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It's really a personal thing. sometimes I feel like getting a little mangled, sometimes a few cocktails and I'm good, and sometimes the music, takes me were I want to be. I believe in moderation, and maintaining some type of control. I do feel you about cracked out people, and what a waste it is. Imo if your only purpose, in going to a club is to get high; you should give some consideration to reassessing.

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definitely with the majority of you on this one....you do not have to go out and get fucked up every time you party! the occasional true PARTY days happen from time to time....but besides that..i usually have a few drinks and enjoy myself even more so by dancing the night away.....if your truly in it for the music then the beats are going to catch your entire body nomatter what! there have been plenty of nights/mornings where i've been at space sober as a doormat..(.ok ok...except for the drinks...and maybe a red bull...or 2...lol) until 9, 10 in the morning and still dancing away! it is totally possible is you've thought it wasnt b4 :o) the only thing that i must admit is that you really notice how much your feet hurt 100 x's more =o/

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Originally posted by sunnyhost

definitely with the majority of you on this one....you do not have to go out and get fucked up every time you party! the occasional true PARTY days happen from time to time....but besides that..i usually have a few drinks and enjoy myself even more so by dancing the night away.....if your truly in it for the music then the beats are going to catch your entire body nomatter what! there have been plenty of nights/mornings where i've been at space sober as a doormat..(.ok ok...except for the drinks...and maybe a red bull...or 2...lol) until 9, 10 in the morning and still dancing away! it is totally possible is you've thought it wasnt b4 :o) the only thing that i must admit is that you really notice how much your feet hurt 100 x's more =o/

You are so right about the feeling you r feet hurt. :laugh: But definitely if you really love the music you can dance the whole night away,,,, :bounce:

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Oddly enough when I use to club in NYC....I never touched anything but maybe a drink or two nothing to the point I would get trashed. Now these day's I do Get a little trashed once in a while..

To answer your Question yes I do feel your pain. Saddly enough I know people that can not go out w/o Doing something to enhanced there nite. =/ ......Wich I find very distrubing. Im no saint but ,,,,Like my good friend Sobs told me one day " Everything needs to be done in moderations "


I like going to clubs for the musqik and to be honest Meet new people ...Im not talking about getting Digitz or hooking up ...but just meet new people in General.

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I usually drink when I go out to clubs with my friends, but I stay sober if I have to perform with either my band or spinning......I don't know how some DJ's get mad drunk and could still beat match and mix with no problem....gotta be a master like Sasha who could fall over and still get up and throw it down proper....

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its basicaly about the music, although as mentioned, a slight tingle or buzz always hightens the experience a bit more and makes everything more enjoyable, but you have to be responsible on what your doing, 'cos if at the end your dropping or gettiong drunk each and everytine you go out, then its time to step back and realize that there is something wrong going on

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hey naomi! glad u understand ab the feet hurting thing! it's definitely a girl thing :( guys never have to deal with that....lucky ducks! i wish we could put them in heels just for an hour and have them dance so that they see we're not exagerating....lolol...that would be a sight to see!

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hey sunny, i'm bringin my heels out w/me tonight if u really want to see!

you don't say?!?!?!?!.....lolol....ok...now since i don't know what you look like, but i know u'll b wearing heels...i'm sure i'll b able to spot u much easier! lolol....it's not every day/night you see a guy in heels u know.....lets see if u can handle it ;-) lol j/k

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